Walter E. Williams: Will automation in time be death of workplace?

Walter E. Williams: Will automation in time be death of workplace?

A recent article in The Guardian dons the foreboding title “Robots will destroy our jobs — and we’re not ready for it.” The article claims, “For every job created by robotic automation, several more will be eliminated entirely . . . This disruption will have a devastating impact on our workforce.”

According to an article in MIT Technology Review, business researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee believe that rapid technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them, contributing to the stagnation of median income and the growth of inequality in the United States.

If technology is destroying […]

Billionaire Richard Branson: A.I. is going to eliminate jobs and free cash handouts will be necessary

Billionaire Richard Branson: A.I. is going to eliminate jobs and free cash handouts will be necessary

Billionaire serial entrepreneur Richard Branson says cash handouts will eventually be required to keep people from becoming homeless in the US.

"I think with the coming on of AI and other things there is certainly a danger of income inequality," Branson tells CNN’s Christine Romans in a piece published Thursday.

The inequality will be caused by "the amount of jobs [AI] is going to take away and so on," Branson says. "There is no question" technology will eliminate jobs, he says. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates echoed this sentiment recently . "AI is just the latest in technologies that allow us to […]

Richard Branson: A.I. is going to eliminate jobs and free cash handouts will be necessary

Richard Branson: A.I. is going to eliminate jobs and free cash handouts will be necessary

Billionaire serial entrepreneur Richard Branson says cash handouts will eventually be required to keep people from becoming homeless in the US.

"I think with the coming on of AI and other things there is certainly a danger of income inequality," Branson tells CNN’s Christine Romans in a piece published Thursday.

The inequality will be caused by "the amount of jobs [AI] is going to take away and so on," Branson says. "There is no question" technology will eliminate jobs, he says.Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates echoed this sentiment recently . "AI is just the latest in technologies that allow us to produce […]

Walter E. Williams: Will automation really kill our jobs? (Daily Mail Opinion)

Walter E. Williams: Will automation really kill our jobs? (Daily Mail Opinion)

A recent article in The Guardian dons the foreboding title, “Robots will destroy our jobs — and we’re not ready for it.”

The article claims, “For every job created by robotic automation, several more will be eliminated entirely. … This disruption will have a devastating impact on our workforce.”

According to an article in MIT Technology Review, business researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee believe rapid technological change has been destroying jobs faster than it is creating them, contributing to the stagnation of median income and the growth of inequality in the United States.If technology is destroying jobs faster than it’s […]

Automation is Destroying the Jobs of Garment Workers

Automation is Destroying the Jobs of Garment Workers

Automation is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it is making more garments faster and more precisely. It is even making it possible to one day have personal, single garments made to order by placing an online request with individual measurements. On the other hand, it is putting millions of garment workers out of jobs and livelihoods.

Automation of garment production has a long history, going back to steam-powered weaving mills in the early nineteenth century, pioneered by a Frenchman named Jacquard. The newest machines can make garments from start to finish, including delicate, complex work such as sewing […]

No, artificial intelligence won’t steal your children’s jobs—it will make them more creative and productive

No, artificial intelligence won't steal your children's jobs—it will make them more creative and productive

Searches for the term ‘artificial intelligence’ on Google Books’ Ngram viewer. "Whatever your job is the chances are that one of these machines can do it faster or better than you can."

No, this is not a 2018 headline about self-driving cars or one of IBM’s new supercomputers. Instead, it was published by the Daily Mirror in 1955 , when a computer took as much space as a large kitchen and had less power than a pocket calculator. They were called "electronic brains" back then, and evoked both hope and fear. And more than 20 years later, little had changed: […]

No, artificial intelligence won’t steal your children’s jobs it will make them more creative and productive

(MENAFN – The Conversation) ‘Whatever your job is the chances are that one of these machines can do it faster or better than you can’.

This is not a headline about self-driving cars or one of IBM’s supercomputers of the 21st century. Instead, it was published by the , when a computer took as much space as a large kitchen and had less power than a modern pocket calculator. They were called ‘electronic brains’ back then. In a about silicon chips, one commentator argued that ‘They are the reason why Japan is abandoning its shipbuilding and why our children will […]

Automation can set us free – but if mismanaged it will leave our democracy in peril

Automation can set us free – but if mismanaged it will leave our democracy in peril

Image, ‘robot dance’, Steve Jurvetson, some rights reserved. According to the think-tank IPPR , a third of the UK’s annual pay and 44% of jobs are under threat from automation. This translates to £290 billion and 13.7 million jobs, with low paid jobs most at risk.

The impact of automation will also be unevenly spread geographically. The Centre for Cities estimates that workers in the north of England and the Midlands are most at risk, while northern towns including Sunderland, Stoke and Mansfield could see nearly 30% of jobs automated in the next 12 years. In contrast, cities such as […]

Should Millennials Fear Automation?

Should Millennials Fear Automation?

In the wake of Amazon opening its first cashier-less store , you may be wondering what other jobs could be soon on their way out. Don’t quit your job in despair and start busking just yet – automation is still a long way from replacing many workers. However, it’s a good idea to future-proof your skills in the case of a real robot takeover. That takeover is a long way out, but here’s what we know so far. Who’s at risk?

According to a study done by the Institute For Spatial Economic Analysis , the automation of jobs […]

The End Of Work?

The End Of Work?

Inequality seems set to intensify between the minority who own the capital … and the many

Photo Credit : ShutterStock, Attendance this year at the Jaipur Literary Festival, the world’s largest book mela, crossed half a million. While the crowds surged to listen to 300 speakers including Shashi Tharoor, Anthony Horowitz, Amy Chan and Helen Fielding, my panel debated the more practical question of the future of work. What will be the impact of digitalisation and automation on employment, society and politics?

Globalisation, especially the rise of China, has been the most profound development of the past thirty years. Digitalisation, […]