Why is Gartner spewing such irresponsible and unsubstantiated data about “robobosses”?

Why is Gartner spewing such irresponsible and unsubstantiated data about “robobosses”?

Clients are being subjected to such a load of nonsense about the impending impact of robotics and cognitive computing on enterprise jobs, many are literally terrified. Conversing with the “head of automation” for a F500 organization today, is akin to meeting a Secret Service agent in a clandestine alleyway. These people do actually exist, but most have to conduct their work under a veil of secrecy, due to the level of discomfort and panic our robo-commentators are making in the presses.

Remember the panic about jobs getting shipped offshore? Well, that is child’s play compared to the emerging tumult of […]

Silicon Collar excerpt The Sum of All Fears

Silicon Collar excerpt The Sum of All Fears

My new book, Silicon Collar , which will be released in Kindle format on Friday, is on balance a positive book about the impact of automation on jobs, but as I write “While the practitioners I interviewed were positive about the new technologies and their impact on work, a number of academicians, analysts, and economists are worried sick about the new machine age and envision a jobless future. Their pessimism, amplified by politicians, is leading to widespread gloom on the street. Internationally, it is even leading to referenda about whether citizens should be guaranteed minimum incomes, irrespective of work […]

Work Automation and What it Means for Employees

Work Automation and What it Means for Employees

The workplace today is not the same as it was 10, 20, or even 30 years ago. As we entered the 21st century, the world was a very different place. Technological advances have allowed us to use automation to do many of the jobs that once required a personal touch. Modern technology has already caused many jobs to be phased out. One cannot help but wonder if the job they are doing right now will still be around in the upcoming years.

Robots Are Replacing Humans World-Wide

In some areas of the world, companies are using robots to do […]

Who Took My Job: 7 Potential Job Killers You Should Look Out For

Who Took My Job: 7 Potential Job Killers You Should Look Out For

As technology becomes more and more advanced, it displaces more and more people from their jobs.

People can’t afford to merely hang on to their jobs anymore. What’s required is preparation for newer jobs and constant upgrading of skills.

Jobless growth is not just a concept limited to the column inches of the newspapers anymore. It is now a reality. Growth itself is not coming easy. Countries across the globe are trying every trick in the book to boost growth, from zero interest rates to quantitative easing to helicopter money, but such antics have yielded a mouse.Not just growth but job […]

Here’s the best argument that computers could replace doctors, teachers, and even nannies

Here’s the best argument that computers could replace doctors, teachers, and even nannies

Javier Zarracina/Vox

Artificial intelligence is improving rapidly, and a lot of people are worried that it will lead to massive job losses. In the past, technology mostly displaced workers doing routine tasks or manual labor. But as software becomes more sophisticated, there’s a growing prospect that truck drivers, teachers, and perhaps even doctors could see their jobs replaced by a robot or a computer program.

Ryan Avent is an economics correspondent for the Economist who has been thinking about the economics of automation for several years. He’s a technology optimist — he thinks software and robots really will massively boost economic […]

Man vs. Machine: Is Automation Stealing Jobs?

Man vs. Machine: Is Automation Stealing Jobs?

Although it has accelerated of late, the fear of automation stealing jobs is centuries old. Recall the legendary 19th century folktale of John Henry, the strongest steel-driving man who ever wielded a hammer. One day the railroad turned to automation, using a steam-powered drill that outworked any man. Although John Henry tried to outwork the machine, he famously died trying.

In a more contemporary "man v. machine" story, chess master Garry Kasparaov defeated IBM’s Deep Blue in a 1996 chess match, only to lose against the "thinking machine" the following year. Notice that in both stories, the machines ultimately came […]

Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Jobs – A Catalyst for Loss or Growth?

Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Jobs – A Catalyst for Loss or Growth?

The unknown is scary; change is often met with resistance, and people may ask themselves how such innovations will affect their livelihoods and lifestyles. By definition, disruptive technologies are innovations that create a new market and value network, ultimately displacing established market leaders, alliances, and the status quo. Historically, however, it’s been seen that as society becomes more educated, informed, and familiar with innovations such as e-mail, smartphones, and social networking, the acceptance and proven benefits begin to emerge as a result.

Similar to other industry shake-ups, the increasing introduction of robotics into the workplace has led to a common […]

The future of work

The dog days of summer are waning, pools are closing, and parents are taking a deep breath as they get to send their kids back to school. It’s Labor Day. But Labor Day is about more than a last hurrah before getting back to work after a summer of fun. Established by the labor movement, it is an annual national tribute to the contributions workers have made throughout history to the well-being and economic strength of the United States.

As we mark the achievements of the past, Labor Day also represents an opportune time to pause and take a look […]

Flipkart, Infosys, AskMe: Why recent spate of job cuts should worry us

Flipkart, Infosys, AskMe: Why recent spate of job cuts should worry us

New Delhi – In the last few days, newspapers have had screaming headlines of loss of thousands of jobs across the services sector.

On Monday , The Indian Express reported Infosys, the country’s second largest software exporter, has cut 500 jobs after the company recorded poor quarterly results were and lost a contract from RBS.

Over the weekend, reports said about 4,000 people were about to lose their jobs due to a suspension of operations at e-commerce website AskMe. Earlier Flipkart had asked about 700 underperformers to leave. Meanwhile, Snapdeal is shutting down a luxury fashion portal which could lead to […]

Workers of the Future, Unite

Workers of the Future, Unite

A utomation will undoubtedly transform the workforce, the economy, and society as a whole. Robotics, sophisticated “AI” software, and other technologies will cause lasting and profound changes in the future. But that’s no reason to ignore the problems we’re facing right now.

In fact, the best way to ensure that we have a more equitable economy tomorrow is by fighting for one today. “Reality Check”

Two recent commentaries addressed the “robot question.” One, by Don Lee, ran in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “ Reality check: Manufacturers returning to U.S. may mean jobs for robots, not people […]