Opinion: A growing population no longer has any economic benefit

Opinion: A growing population no longer has any economic benefit

The world’s population is expected to level off around 11 billion around the end of the century, but population growth will remain quite rapid in Africa. LONDON ( Project Syndicate ) — Every two years, the United Nations issues its latest estimate of future population trends. Its 2019 projection reveals a stark divide. Across all of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, population stability has already been achieved or soon will be, with the median projection suggesting an increase from 6.4 billion today to 6.5 billion in 2100, a rise of just 2%.

By contrast, the U.N. projects that Africa’s population […]

No Robots Won’t Take Our Jobs But We Need New Skills

No Robots Won't Take Our Jobs But We Need New Skills

Robot and human getting along Technology may get a bum rap when it comes to the impact on future jobs, but a new survey from ManpowerGroup, the employment company, found technological advances will create jobs in new areas.

According to the survey, which polled 18,000 employers located in 43 countries and covering six industries, it found that while technology brings more automation, boosting productivity along the way and lowering the headcount in some areas, it also creates jobs in new areas. It’s up to workers around the globe to pick up the skills needed for these new jobs.

"We are seeing […]

A different dystopia: July 2030

A different dystopia: July 2030

IT IS HARD to believe now, but a little more than a decade ago people were seriously worried about robots taking all the jobs. Back in 2018 the chief economist of the Bank of England, Andy Haldane, gave a warning that “large swathes” of the population would become “technologically unemployed”. He argued that the “fourth industrial revolution” of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) would create even more disruption to people’s working lives than the previous three. Robots would do everything. There would be universal leisure but mass unemployment. Similar warnings were a fixture at the World Economic Forum’s annual […]

4IR: The good, the bad and the inequality gap

4IR: The good, the bad and the inequality gap

On the brighter side, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will create many new jobs that do not exist today, says the writer. (Image: Franck V. / Unsplash) The Fourth Industrial Revolution is an unstoppable force that will have a profound impact on the world. While it will undoubtedly bring many benefits, we must beware it does not increase the already huge gulf between South Africa’s haves and have-nots.

Whether for good or bad, we are on the path of a technological revolution that is radically shaping the way in which we relate to the world and to one another. […]

Gary Horton | Fatal Attack of the Job Disrupters

Gary Horton | Fatal Attack of the Job Disrupters

Remember the Imperial Walkers from Star Wars? Those giant terrifying mechanical nightmares that looked a whole lot like those giant cargo cranes at the Port of Los Angeles – but killed humanity with laser-zaps instead of Chinese toys and tech?

Well, reality imitates art, and those giant cargo carriers are turning on their masters and are killing their jobs. Here’s the thing: There’s no stopping them. There’s nowhere to hide when automation attacks. Not for the cargo handler operators currently in the line of fire, and not for the rest of us toiling in jobs vulnerable to “disruption.”

Hidden behind the […]

Robots would occupy 20 million jobs by 2030

Robots would occupy 20 million jobs by 2030

Robots are expected to occupy 20 million jobs by 2030. The study conducted by Oxford Economics and published by the BBC , which details that the job displacement caused by the increase of the robots will not distribute itself uniformly throughout the world. It is predicted that this occupation of robots will aggravate social and geographical inequalities, but will give a boost to general economic production, according to the same study.

The British private research and consulting firm says robots have absorbed millions of industrial jobs and are now gaining ground in services, helped by advances in areas such as […]

In Praise of Demographic Decline

In Praise of Demographic Decline

Getty Images Our expanding ability to automate human work across all sectors – agriculture, industry, and services – makes an ever-growing workforce increasingly irrelevant to improvements in human welfare. That’s good news for most of the world, but not for Africa.

LONDON – Every two years, the United Nations issues its latest estimate of future population trends. Its 2019 projection reveals a stark divide. Across all of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, population stability has already been achieved or soon will be, with the median projection suggesting an increase from 6.4 billion today to 6.5 billion in 2100, a rise […]

Robots Will Take Jobs—Lots of Them—But May Not Be A Bogeymen

Robots Will Take Jobs—Lots of Them—But May Not Be A Bogeymen

It’s human nature for people to over-react to reports on trends, particularly in a divided time in America when everyone is looking for political or at least polemic fodder in every new study that comes out about how quickly life is changing.

Count reactions to the “robot revolution” among these extreme responses. Every week or so, it seems, an estimable think tank comes forth with a new prognostication about how the rise of robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and other technological disruptions in manufacturing are going to ravage the global work force and unleash millions of new panhandlers […]

Manufacturing Job Losses are from Trade not Automation

Manufacturing Job Losses are from Trade not Automation

Many people today are concerned about automation. And not without good reason – automation has been blamed for the dramatic job losses seen in manufacturing over the last few decades. And we are warned that automation will soon come for a wider range of jobs – which some think could cause "Depression-level" unemployment .

However, last year an paper was published which overturned the consensus narrative on what exactly is responsible for the job losses the U.S. has seen in the manufacturing sector. Many experts and economists have argued for decades that automation, not foreign trade is responsible for the […]

Plentiful jobs but slow growth: 10 facts about the expansion

FILE- In this June 12, 2019, file photo a man walks in downtown Miami. Ten straight years of growth. Unemployment at a five-decade low. Higher wages for the poorest workers. The economic expansion that just became America’s longest on record didn’t produce an especially fast pace of growth. It didn’t narrow the vast gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else. (Brynn Anderson, File/Associated Press) WASHINGTON — Ten straight years of growth. Unemployment at a five-decade low. Higher wages for the poorest workers.

The economic expansion that just became America’s longest on record didn’t produce an especially fast pace of […]