Income inequality affecting the masses, expected to continue

Income inequality affecting the masses, expected to continue

Income inequality continues to increase, hitting the young with low skills the hardest. In the UK, 60% of the population has seen a stagnation or decrease in their disposable income. In the US, those below 30 with low levels of education are 15% worse off in 2012 than in 2002. Continued low growth, as well as the possible acceleration of automation and digitalisation, is likely to exuberate the situation, with the income of up to 80% of the workforce stagnant or declining to 2025.

Income inequality has become an issue for a range of stakeholders, forming a political flashpoint, […]

Skilling in the age of robots

Skilling in the age of robots

Upward graph for robots But what about human jobs? ktsdesign/ As automation begins to drive more sectors, the ability to adapt to change will be a crucial job requirement

Some 11 million by 2036 in the UK alone; 5 million worldwide by 2020. These apocalypse-sounding figures are the estimated number of jobs that will be lost to automation in the very near future.

Automation lies at the forefront of the so-called ‘fourth industrial revolution’, a process whereby the interaction of cyber and physical systems will profoundly change established economic and social structures. And this will happen on a scale, size and […]

IT, BPO employees need to be re-skilled due to automation: Nasscom

IT, BPO employees need to be re-skilled due to automation: Nasscom

Global enterprise technology spend will grow at 3% to 4% and touch $4 trillion by 2025. Photo: Pixabay Employees working in IT and BPO industry in India will need to be re-skilled due to rapidly changing digital technology, which is likely to displace some jobs as a result of automation, said an industry body Nasscom.

Nasscom in a report titled ‘Technology Shifts and Workforce Priorities’ released on the sidelines of its 13th edition of ‘HR Summit 2016’ held in Chennai on July 21 highlighted the changes in the ecosystem and how companies and employees need to evolve.

Sponsored by Revcontent […]

Research probes future of horticultural labour

Research probes future of horticultural labour

Farm workers: sectors reliant on EU migration will need to plan for reduction in labour availability after leaving EU – image: USDA The future role of labour in agriculture and horticulture is now very much up for grabs, according to two new policy reports published this month. Faced with a potential decrease in supply of low-skill migrant labour and the phased introduction of the National Living Wage (NLW), and with a high degree of "routineness" in its lower- skilled tasks, food and farming stands out as the sector of the economy most ripe for automation, according to Robot Wars: […]

Automation: Why It Will Be Different

Automation: Why It Will Be Different

In the early 1800s, most people were employed in agriculture. Gradually, agriculture went from employing most people to employing ~2% of the population. No mass unemployment resulted. Similarly, advanced nations have seen employment in industry decline as production increases, again with no mass unemployment. Many conclude that even if the large majority of jobs are automated, we’ll find new jobs.

But in what? It’s hard to imagine, but didn’t they face the same problem in 1900? We do have jobs that someone in 1900 could not have imagined such the computer programmer, but most of the jobs people shifted to […]

Hiring in FY’17 may be lower: NASSCOM

Hiring in FY'17 may be lower: NASSCOM

Chandrashekhar attributed the companies’ focus on automation and pressure on margins for the decrease in hiring activities. CHENNAI: IT body NASSCOM today said fresh hiring in the current financial year may be lower than last year as IT companies are facing pressure on margins, besides focusing on automation of jobs.

"Hiring activity in the year before last was 2.20 lakh (new jobs were created in IT sector). Last year, (FY 2015-16) there were about two lakh additions. This financial year, we are expecting it to be on the lower side of that", National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) […]

Greens would set up Minister for Manufacturing within MBIE, if in Government

Greens would set up Minister for Manufacturing within MBIE, if in Government

Green Party co-leader James Shaw says National has dropped the ball on fighting for the interests of New Zealand’s manufacturing sector. The Greens will establish a Minister for Manufacturing if in Government, that would sit inside Cabinet and create "well-paid, clean-tech jobs".

Co-leader James Shaw made the policy announcement at a Christchurch-based knitting company on Thursday.

New working groups within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) would be created, rather than a creating a new Government department.Costs of reassigning resources in MBIE would be met within existing baselines, Shaw said. READ MORE: * A Labour-Green alliance met with […]

This expert thinks robots aren’t going to destroy many jobs. And that’s a problem.

This expert thinks robots aren't going to destroy many jobs. And that's a problem.

Javier Zarracina

If you follow news out of Silicon Valley, it’s easy to get the impression that we’re living through an era of unprecedented technological change. The modern smartphone is less than a decade old, yet it has already become ubiquitous in American society and allowed Apple and Google to become two of the most valuable companies in the world. And companies like Uber and Airbnb are bringing the internet revolution to industries as diverse as taxicabs and hotels.

Yet it’s hard to find evidence of rapid progress in the nation’s economic statistics. To the contrary, after the productivity of American […]

New Zealanders aren’t worried their job will be automated

New Zealanders aren’t worried their job will be automated

There have been a number of dire warnings in the past year about the number of jobs that are set to be automated in the next few decades. Some go as far as to suggest that 1 in 3 jobs will be done by computers within the next 20 years.

Suffice to say, these kind of proclamations seldom examine the number of new jobs that we might create and so inevitably take on a rather gloomy hue. A recent study from Massey University’s School of Management explored just how worried workers in New Zealand were of such automated unemployment. Are […]

New report says physical and ‘predictable’ jobs are at risk of automation; AI experts respond

New report says physical and 'predictable' jobs are at risk of automation; AI experts respond

Image: With robots helping in hospitals, schools, restaurants, and even on cruise ships, it seems that there are few industries that won’t feel the impact of automation. But whether human jobs will be replaced by machines is still a complex question, and it is still too early to know how human jobs will be impacted in the age of AI.

A new report released by McKinsey & Co. on Friday attempts to shed more light on the issue. The key takeaway? “Predictable” jobs are most at risk of becoming automated.

The report , which draws from data from the […]