UBI explained: Is UBI a socialist scheme?

UBI explained: Is UBI a socialist scheme?

This is the fourth part in a series on the Universal Basic Income. Read part one What is Universal Basic Income? , part two Is a minimum wage programme better than Universal Basic Income? , and part three How can we implement a Universal Basic Income?

Despite having experimental evidence that points overwhelmingly in favour of further research into UBI, many dissidents of the scheme are still wary of giving “free money” to the masses. Their argument is that by doing so, we would encourage a culture where people would not be incentivised to work as their basic needs […]

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape

The world as we know it is on the brink of a revolution, driven by emerging technologies that are set to fundamentally alter our lives in unprecedented and unanticipated ways. This shift to Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, hinges off the increasing pervasiveness of digitisation.

As machines become more ‘intelligent’ and capable of learning, they are able to perform more and more tasks that were previously not possible. While this opens up many possibilities, it also means that the job landscape will become a very different place. As machines take over many mundane, repetitive tasks, some […]

UBI explained: Is UBI a socialist scheme?

UBI explained: Is UBI a socialist scheme?

This is the fourth part in a series on the Universal Basic Income. Read part one What is Universal Basic Income? , part two Is a minimum wage programme better than Universal Basic Income? , and part three How can we implement a Universal Basic Income?

Despite having experimental evidence that points overwhelmingly in favour of further research into UBI, many dissidents of the scheme are still wary of giving “free money” to the masses. Their argument is that by doing so, we would encourage a culture where people would not be incentivised to work as their basic needs […]

Choosing a career? Consider the jobs and skills that won’t go out of style

Choosing a career? Consider the jobs and skills that won’t go out of style

There will be no shortage of career options for future generations as long as they plan ahead and acquire the rights skills, writes Lisa Denny from the University of Tasmania , in this piece republished from The Conversation.

Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will undergo some form of transformation. The skills we need for work are changing, but young Australians can plan for these […]

The future of work – golden opportunity or potential disaster?

The future of work – golden opportunity or potential disaster?

The implications of a changing future world of work lie beyond the insomnia of business people. The accelerated automation of work threatens employment and the social contract underpinning society, writes Deidre Samson .

The big, bad, much-touted Fourth Industrial Revolution is truly with us. Driverless cars, delivery drones and robots, and digital assistants making dinner reservations are all a reality and no longer science fiction.

The writing is on the wall. Despite the best efforts of Donald Trump, the world continues to globalise and China continues to rise as a power. Changing demographics herald a new world with different values, […]

Automation: As machines and systems do more and more of the work, how will we adapt to that reality?

Automation: As machines and systems do more and more of the work, how will we adapt to that reality?

On a global scale jobs are becoming increasingly outsourced to developing countries for their cheap labor, and while there is absolutely a conversation to be had on the humanitarian issue of exploitation, I’d like to focus on jobs themselves. More specifically, how technological leaps and automation have affected the job market, and what that means for the future of the world.

Globalization has definitely played a huge role in the restructuring of the world economy, but many of the industries that once dominated domestic employment are seemingly non-existent In the entities that currently exist in these industries, the type of […]

The “Fourth Bottom Line” – Human Capital Accountability


Companies use various measures of performance to attract investors and other stakeholders, not only their financial performance, but also their “bottom lines” in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental impact. Now, as the 21 st century workplace demands the development of 21 st century skills, companies need a fourth bottom line: their commitment to human capital development.

The objective would be for companies around the world to become more transparent and accountable for how they develop employees and enable them to gain the requisite knowledge, skills, and character for the technology-enhanced workplace of today — and tomorrow. This could be […]

Robots to the fore – Key insights for New Zealand Business into RPA in 2019

Robots to the fore – Key insights for New Zealand Business into RPA in 2019

50 million tonnes of e-waste: IT faces sustainability challenges Vocus & Vodafone unbundle NZ’s fibre network Article by Quanton founder & MD, Garry Green

Humans and robots will be forging stronger ties this year as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – a digital transformation technology which deploys software robots to perform repetitive mundane tasks, in effect creating a virtual workforce of software robots and freeing employees up to do more complex, value adding jobs – moves further into the Kiwi business landscape. Garry Green, Founder/MD for Quanton, offers 4 insights into the market.

AI meets RPA for intelligent automation – […]

Bentham, Hobbes, and The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Bentham, Hobbes, and The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

If you’ve been paying attention to the news at all, you would think that the coming artificial intelligence revolution was a foregone conclusion, but many of these pronouncements tend to give a cursory acknowledgment of the ethics of artificial intelligence as if these are simply academic exercises that have no real bearing on the development of AI.

Those on the cutting edge of AI development know better. Autonomous vehicle makers are carefully managing the roll-out of autonomous vehicles knowing full well that a hasty introduction of these systems could lead to a public backlash that can shut the whole thing […]

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape


A proactive approach to the changing business environment will benefit organisations and adapt to the change. Organisations in general, and HR departments in particular, will need to re-examine the way resources are deployed, and potentially invest in new skills for jobs that currently do not exist. Picture: Shutterstock The world as we know it is on the brink of a revolution, driven by emerging technologies that are set to fundamentally alter our lives in unprecedented and unanticipated ways. This shift to Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth Industrial Revolution, hinges off the increasing pervasiveness of digitisation.

As […]