In Our View: Focus on Future Jobs

In Our View: Focus on Future Jobs

In striving to make America great again, President Trump is wise to focus upon jobs. His desire to bolster manufacturing in the United States and create a climate in which employment blossoms resonated with millions of voters across the country and played a key role in landing him in the White House.

But while Trump’s goal is lofty, the reality of modern industry requires a more thoughtful and nuanced approach than the one he has thus far embraced. Trump and his administration must prepare for the game-changing role that automation will continue to play in the economy.

This was driven home […]

The Fallacy Behind Populism And Automation Fears

The Fallacy Behind Populism And Automation Fears

Wade Slome The rise of global populism and anti-immigration sentiments, coupled with the perpetual rising trend of automation and robotics has stoked the fear fires of job security. Many stories perpetuate erroneous stereotypes and falsehoods. The news reports and blog articles come in various flavors, but in a nutshell the stories state the U.S. is hemorrhaging jobs due to the thieves of illegal immigration and heartless robotics. The job displacement theory is built upon the idea that these two sources of labor (immigrants & robots) are cheaper and more productive than traditional blue collar and white collar American workers.

Although […]

Job loss: FG rules out automation at Nigerian ports

Job loss: FG rules out automation at Nigerian ports

THE Federal Government has ruled out hopes of entire automation of Nigerian seaports, saying the nation cannot afford to have machines replace humans due to her very large population. This is even as government said that aside the Single Window initiative, every other aspect of Nigerian ports operation will be manually managed.

Speaking in Lagos last week during a 1-Day national conference on fast-tracking port reforms with the theme: ‘Making Nigerian Seaports World Class’, the Honorable Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi stated that Nigeria cannot afford to follow the footsteps of world leading port, Port of Singapore, in the area […]

The Robot Economy: Ready or Not, Here It Comes

The Robot Economy: Ready or Not, Here It Comes

Duc Tran, an automation engineer, observes the fully autonomous robotic truck loader during a test at the Wynright Robotics facility in Arlington, Texas, July 18, 2012. (Photo: Brandon Thibodeaux / The New York Times) September 17 changed everything.

On that day in 2013, Oxford University published an innocuously titled academic paper by two mostly unknown economists. But " The Future of Employment " wasn’t just another number-crunching exercise in opacity by a couple of dreary scientists. No, their bombshell report portended a coming robot apocalypse that could change the nature of human civilization, and perhaps even human beings themselves.

Thankfully, the […]

The Fallacy Behind “Robots Will Steal Your Jobs” Fears

The Fallacy Behind “Robots Will Steal Your Jobs” Fears

The rise of global populism and anti-immigration sentiments, coupled with the perpetual rising trend of automation and robotics has stoked the fear fires of job security . Many stories perpetuate erroneous stereotypes and falsehoods. The news reports and blog articles come in various flavors, but in a nutshell the stories state the U.S. is hemorrhaging jobs due to the thieves of illegal immigration and heartless robotics. The job displacement theory is built upon the idea that these two sources of labor (immigrants & robots) are cheaper and more productive than traditional blue collar and white collar American workers. skeeze […]

Future job automation to hit hardest in low wage metropolitan areas like Las Vegas, Orlando and Riverside-San Bernardino | ISEA

Future job automation to hit hardest in low wage metropolitan areas like Las Vegas, Orlando and Riverside-San Bernardino | ISEA

⇢ New research by the Institute for Spatial Economic A nalysis (ISEA) finds that job automation will hit certain metropolitan areas significantly harder than others. Low-wage cities like Las Vegas, NV, Orlando, FL, and Riverside-San Bernardino, CA are expected to be among the hardest-hit metros in terms of total job losses.

The impact of automation on jobs is likely to be more severe than previously anticipated. Based on recent advances in machine learning and mobile robotics, even non-routine jobs like truck driving, healthcare diagnostics, or even education can be affected.

“The replacement of jobs by machines has been happening continuously since […]

Robots eat our brains!

Robots eat our brains!

Don’t fear – humankind will adapt, this here Pew report says

The Pew Research Center’s latest report, The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training , warns that machines are eating our brains.

"Brains" here refers to the contents of our brains, our skills, rather than actual gray matter. "Machines are eating humans’ jobs talents," the report declares as a prelude to its exploration of the consequences of automation on education and employment. It’s an awkwardly phrased conceit, but you get the idea.The prospect of widespread joblessness as a consequence of clever software and nimble hardware is a bit less alarming […]

Why aren’t robots boosting economic productivity?

Why aren’t robots boosting economic productivity?

Robots are making inroads in the modern workplace, but the promised benefits aren’t materializing. The robot revolution is real, but the effects are doubly disappointing. Not only are they displacing workers and taking manufacturing jobs, somehow robots are failing to boost output or make the economy more productive.

When, for instance, an auto manufacturer installs cutting-edge robotic arms, two things are supposed to happen. First, the company becomes more efficient, allowing consumers everywhere to reap the benefit of less-expensive, robot-welded cars. Second, while they might lay off some assembly line workers, in theory those workers could move into high-demand jobs […]

Robot city, Philly: How will low-wage workers survive?

Robot city, Philly: How will low-wage workers survive?

Shopping Cart icon Buy Photo Jean Kendrick attended a Philly Tech Week panel discussion titled "Robot City: Automation and Low-Wage Workers" on May 4. She is the director of career services at the Urban League of Philadelphia. (Staff/Jane M. Von Bergen) It’s fine to talk about labor theory and the workforce of the future. Meanwhile, though, what’s going to happen to the parking garage attendant who loses her job when the garage installs an automatic ticket-taker?

That was on Jean Kendrick’s mind Thursday as she listened to panelists at a Philly Tech Week event titled "Robot City: Automation and Low […]

Do You Live On The Front Lines Of Automation?

Do You Live On The Front Lines Of Automation?

If you live in Las Vegas, El Paso, or Louisville, there’s a particularly good chance that your job could be taken by a robot in the next two decades.

Using data from a 2013 Oxford study that found that nearly half of American jobs are at risk from automation–from truck driving and telemarketing to legal assistants–a new study maps out which cities are likely to lose the most jobs. (The next phase of the research will look at how the risk affects people differently based on age, race, educational level, and other demographic factors, and will break down data further […]