Robots bad! Robots good?

Robots bad! Robots good?

A report from the International Bar Association has suggested that artificial intelligence and robotics will ultimately upend traditional ways of working and will likely result in governments legislating for quotas of human workers. In turn, as a result, current legal frameworks regulating employment and safety will fast become outdated.

The 120-page report looks at how rapid technological change is likely to impact legal regulations and has been produced by the International Bar Association, a body of specialist employment lawyers.

The report looks at the impact of ‘Industry 4.0’ and, according to lead author, Gerlind Wisskirchen a German employment lawyer in Cologne: […]

Burger-Slinging Failed Labor Secretary Nominee Is Back to Explain Why You Should Earn Less Money

Burger-Slinging Failed Labor Secretary Nominee Is Back to Explain Why You Should Earn Less Money

Andrew Puzder was last seen withdrawing himself from Trump’s nomination as Labor Secretary and retiring from his longtime job as CEO of Hardees and Carl’s Jr. But nothing can stop him from sharing his thoughts about how to make the lives of working people worse.

Considering how much public outrage accompanied every single Trump cabinet nomination, it must be noted that Puzder is the only one who pouted and took his ball and went home, rather than have people say mean things about him, like “Labor Department employees loathe the idea of working for this man” or “Andrew Puzder has […]

The Minimum Wage Should Be Called the Robot Employment Act

The Minimum Wage Should Be Called the Robot Employment Act

McDonald’s self-service kiosks. Entry-level jobs matter—and you don’t have to take my word for it. In a speech last week on workforce development in low-income communities, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said that “it is crucial for younger workers to establish a solid connection to employment early in their work lives.”

Unfortunately, government policies are destroying entry-level jobs by giving businesses an incentive to automate at an accelerated pace. In a survey released last month, the publication Nation’s Restaurant News asked 319 restaurant operators to name their biggest challenge for 2017. Nearly a quarter of them, 24%, said rising minimum […]

Technology will leave you behind

For those out there whining about how automation and technology is eliminating jobs, I wanted you to be aware that technology will be leaving you behind. There is no doubt; it has happened in the past, and it will continue to. Any thoughts or plans to stop it will just ensure technology, and others using it, will put you further behind. “Technology and automation need to be embraced, and they need to be developed here, built here and kept here.” Instead, advanced manufacturing and design must embrace technology to create the projects, products and jobs that result. You don’t […]

Innovation in AI could see governments introduce human quotas, study says

Innovation in AI could see governments introduce human quotas, study says

Innovation in artificial intelligence and robotics could force governments to legislate for quotas of human workers, upend traditional working practices and pose novel dilemmas for insuring driverless cars, according to a report by the International Bar Association.

The survey, which suggests that a third of graduate level jobs around the world may eventually be replaced by machines or software, warns that legal frameworks regulating employment and safety are becoming rapidly outdated.

The competitive advantage of poorer, emerging economies – based on cheaper workforces – will soon be eroded as robot production lines and intelligent computer systems undercut the cost of human […]

One San Francisco Politician Is Exploring A Tax On Robots

One San Francisco Politician Is Exploring A Tax On Robots

With fears about the job-killing effects of automation growing every day, once unthinkable ideas are starting to get an airing . A universal basic income (UBI)–where the government gives everyone enough money to live on– has lots of supporters , especially in Silicon Valley. And now some prominent individuals are calling for a tax on robots. The thinking: If you make robots more expensive, there will be more public funds to help retrain workers (or pay for that basic income)–and the higher cost might keep some companies from buying robots and quickly tanking the employment rate.

Bill Gates recently called […]

A3 Releases White Paper Exploring Automation and Job Growth

Today the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) released a new white paper exploring the impact of automation on employment growth, marking the opening of Automate 2017, North America’s leading show devoted to cutting-edge automation technology and business innovation at Chicago’s McCormick Place April 3-6. More than 20,000 attendees are expected to attend Automate 2017, from all 50 states and more than 70 countries. The new white paper titled “ Work in the Automation Age: Sustainable Careers Today and Into the Future ” examines the impact of automation technologies on the evolving job market, the transformation of job requirements, and […]

NEW: Jeff Greene summit warns of “massive job destruction”

NEW: Jeff Greene summit warns of “massive job destruction”

1 “We’re heading into a period of massive, massive job destruction because of technology,” says Jeff Greene. PALM BEACH —

The U.S. labor market officially has returned to full employment, but workers face an uncertain future that could include the widespread loss of jobs to robots and automation.

How to cope with an epidemic of layoffs and joblessness was the topic of a daylong gathering Monday in Palm Beach. Real estate billionaire Jeff Greene hosted the Managing the Disruption conference, which attracted pundits, politicians and business leaders.“We’re heading into a period of massive, massive job destruction because of technology,” Greene said.While […]

Riot Labor Automation; Robotics and AI, balancing job losses with wealth creation

Riot Labor Automation; Robotics and AI, balancing job losses with wealth creation

How AI and Robotics will save US companies $300 billion in salaries by 2030?

Riot Labor Automation; Robotics and AI, balancing job losses with wealth creation

Evidence is mounting that savings from emerging Internet of Things technologies, especially AI and Robotics, will be paid for by an unprecedented number of semi-skilled jobs disappearing all over the world. There will be over 10 million jobs in the US alone, replaced in industry over the next 15 years by Robotics and AI, saving companies hundreds of $ billions of dollars each year. Globally such savings could eventually reach into $trillions.Rethink tracks the reasons […]

I Get The Job Done: Technology Is Putting Us Out Of Work

I Get The Job Done: Technology Is Putting Us Out Of Work

One of the central talking points in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was his vow to bring back American jobs. The longtime entrepreneur and businessman touted his boardroom and negotiation skills as major benefits of a Trump presidency, arguing that he alone could convince businesses who have outsourced American jobs to other countries to employ its own citizens again. Now that he is in the White House, he has seemingly taken steps to bring jobs stateside that would have otherwise gone to countries like Mexico (including a deal involving Carrier, which will actually lead to fewer jobs, because Carrier will […]