How CaliBurger’s Flippy the Burger Flipper May Start the Trend of Robots Replacing Fast Food Workers

How CaliBurger's Flippy the Burger Flipper May Start the Trend of Robots Replacing Fast Food Workers

Flippy the Burger Flipper May Begin The Trend Of Replacing Fast Food Workers With Robots Flippy so far does "simple" task of cooking and preparing burgers. However, the robot’s inner artificial intelligence software allows it to be "trainable" and adaptable. This means it can be set to perform other dirty or dangerous tasks in a commercial kitchen.
(Photo : Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The fast food industry remains to be one of the highest-earning industries in the market. With a very lucrative job market in play, every move industry giants make are very sensitive, which is why it’s a surprise […]

General Electrics CEO claims robots WON’T steal human jobs (but his company invests billions in them)

General Electrics CEO claims robots WON'T steal human jobs (but his company invests billions in them)

Fears of robot automation muscling humans out of jobs have grown exponentially as automated technology has evolved, especially in the manufacturing industry.

But General Electrics CEO Jeff Immelt claims that robots won’t steal human jobs any time soon.

Immelt, 61, states that the idea of robots stealing human jobs is ‘more of a Silicon Valley vision than the real world.’The comments are likely to stir controversy as General Electrics, with more than 300,000 employees worldwide, has already invested billions in automation.Scroll down for video General Electrics CEO Jeff Immelt (pictured) claims that robots won’t steal human jobs any time soon. Immelt, […]

One industrial robot takes away six human jobs

One industrial robot takes away six human jobs

Steve Jurvetson via flickr Adding one industrial robot to the workforce will reduce employment by 6.2 workers and reduce wages for the local economy, says a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research . What’s more, there aren’t any significant increases in other jobs in the impacted areas to offset the losses – one finding that surprised even the study’s authors.

Economists Daron Acemoglu of MIT and Pascual Restrepo of Boston University looked at data spanning between 1990 and 2007 to reach their findings. Overall, they saw that one new industrial robot per thousand workers reduced the employment-to-population […]

We need a New Deal to address the economic risks of automation

We need a New Deal to address the economic risks of automation

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has a surprisingly naive take on the issue of AI and robots replacing human jobs.

Mnuchin, who said earlier, that human obsolescence is “not even on our radar screen…50–100 more years away” — and that he’s “not worried at all.” For those of us in the tech industry, it’s clear his timescale is inaccurate and that, if the government is complacent about AI, the country is setting itself up for an economic shock.

There’s been downward pressure on jobs since the Industrial Revolution due to leaps in productivity brought about by human ingenuity and lucky discoveries. This […]

Robots, not immigrants, are taking American jobs

Robots, not immigrants, are taking American jobs

Top of the Ticket The robots are coming! The robots are coming! They are coming and they will completely alter our economic reality. However, instead of planning for this revolutionary change, America’s politicians — from Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders on down — continue to cling to the illusion that, with the right tinkering, there can be enough jobs enough for everyone, just like in the good old days.

Well, the good old days are gone, and a story on the Futurism website demonstrates why: Changying Precision Technology Co.’s cellphone factory in China recently replaced 90% of its workers with […]

Unsettling New Statistics Reveal Just How Quickly Robots Can Replace Human Workers

Unsettling New Statistics Reveal Just How Quickly Robots Can Replace Human Workers

They don’t sleep, don’t need health insurance, and usually don’t embarrass themselves at the work Christmas party. Robots might make employers happy, but new research shows just what kind of impact this could have on the structure of the US economy and the shape of its future workforce.

A pair of economists from MIT and Boston University have published a report at the US National Bureau of Economic Research outlining the cost of swapping human labour for programmed machines in areas such as manufacture, agriculture, research and development, and even education.

The results aren’t exactly great for workers in those labour […]

Good Society: What Needs To Be Done

Good Society: What Needs To Be Done

Marc Saxer Trump, Brexit, Le Pen. Right-wing populist revolts are shaking the liberal order. Progressives, however, lack the strength to rein in global capitalism, break the neoliberal hegemony and fight back that populist challenge. To save democracy, we need to get down to work on three construction sites: a new economic model, an identity narrative and a new approach to organizing struggles. The Human Economy

Ever since the Second Industrial Revolution petered out, global capitalism has faced a demand crisis. If you now think that all we need is to stop austerity, think again. Over the past decades, developed […]

The robot debate is over: the jobs are gone and they aren’t coming back

The robot debate is over: the jobs are gone and they aren't coming back

In 2013, the Oxford Martin School released a report that looked at the automation of work, assessing the likelihood that robots and other technologies would replace humans. It concluded that of the 702 job categories examined, 47% were susceptible to automation within the next 20 years. The report completely upended our ideas about the future of work.

Now, a new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in the United States is set to be an even bigger wake-up call. Written by economists Daron Acemoglu (MIT) and Pascual Restrepo (Boston University), it not only adds support to the […]

Automation study: 1 robot takes 5.6 jobs per 1,000 workers

Automation study: 1 robot takes 5.6 jobs per 1,000 workers

Industrial, automated robots build cars for Ford, a company that pioneered the assembly line. Source: Reuters Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin raised eyebrows last week by saying he was “not worried at all,” about robots taking jobs, even going so far to say, “I’m optimistic.” According to Mnuchin, “it’s not even on our radar screen…50 to 100 more years.”

According to a new study by researchers at MIT and Boston University, this is very wrong, and the data tell a far different story of robots driving down wages and stealing jobs. The researchers, Daron Acemoglu of MIT and Pascual Restrepo of […]

Trade vs Automation

Trade vs Automation

Greg Chesnutt Bringing jobs back to America has been a hot topic of discussion and debate in U.S. news cycles since President Trump began his campaign for office, and one of particular interest in the manufacturing space. While statistics vary, the idea that manufacturing industry employment has been on the decline for many years is undisputed. In fact, according to a CNNMoney article , since 2000, the U.S. has shed 5 million manufacturing jobs.

While these numbers are sobering, they only tell part of the story. From trade agreements to global wage disparity, there’s still plenty left up to interpretation […]