30% of UK jobs could be affected by automation

30% of UK jobs could be affected by automation

Up to around 30% of existing UK jobs could face automation over the next 15 years, but new AI-related technologies will also boost productivity and generate additional jobs elsewhere in the economy, according to new analysis by PwC in its latest UK Economic Outlook report. This involves looking in detail at the task composition of jobs in different industry sectors and occupations, using machine learning techniques to model the potential impact of AI in the future based on OECD data.

The study estimates that the UK (30%) has a lower proportion of existing jobs at potential high risk of automation […]

Around 10 million workers are at risk of seeing their jobs taken over by robots over the next 15 years, according to a new report.

Around 10 million workers are at risk of seeing their jobs taken over by robots over the next 15 years, according to a new report.

Robots and new technology could remove some of the monotony from jobs, according to new research Around 10 million workers are at risk of seeing their jobs taken over by robots over the next 15 years, according to a new report.

But the research from PwC said new artificial intelligence (AI) related technologies would also boost productivity and generate additional jobs elsewhere in the economy.

The report said up to around 30% of existing UK jobs were susceptible to automation by the 2030s.Sectors such as transport and manufacturing were at the biggest risk with half of jobs at "potential high risk" […]

Millions of UK workers at risk of being replaced by robots, study says

Millions of UK workers at risk of being replaced by robots, study says

More than 10 million UK workers are at high risk of being replaced by robots within 15 years as the automation of routine tasks gathers pace in a new machine age.

A report by the consultancy firm PwC found that 30% of jobs in Britain were potentially under threat from breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI). In some sectors half the jobs could go.

The report predicted that automation would boost productivity and create fresh job opportunities, but it said action was needed to prevent the widening of inequality that would result from robots increasingly being used for low-skill tasks.PwC said 2.25 […]

Robots will take a third of British jobs by 2030, report says

Robots will take a third of British jobs by 2030, report says

10 ways humans are still superior to robots View Story <!–td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}–>A third of existing British jobs are at risk of being taken over by robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) within 15 years, a report reveals.

As many as 30pc of existing roles in the UK could be automated by 2030 with the most at risk industries being waste management, transportation and manufacturing, according to an analysis by PwC. However, the report stressed that automation won’t result in rocketing unemployment.

"The UK employment rate is at its highest level now since comparable records began in 1971, despite […]

Jobs will change rather than disappear with increasing automation, study says

Jobs will change rather than disappear with increasing automation, study says

Jobs in manufacturing, transportation, storage and retail are most likely to be automated, the report said Jobs will change rather than disappear over the next decade as robots are increasingly used in the world of work, a study says.

Up to a third of existing jobs could face automation by the early 2030s, but new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies could boost production and generate more jobs, PwC said.

Its analysis found that the UK has fewer jobs at potential risk of automation than in other countries including Germany, the United States and Japan.Jobs in transportation and storage, manufacturing and retail are […]

The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

By: Cristobal Mora

Today, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a controversial topic and often regarded with great impact to the future of humankind. There are assumptions that that AI will be great for humanity by improving production tasks, health care services and the justice system. However, AI has serious negative impacts toward humankind. Some of the most respected leaders of academia and industry have vocalized the dangers of AI being that of taking away jobs, its ethical implications and regulation standards. Nevertheless, the technology continues to be developed and incorporated into society but at what point does AI stop benefiting […]

Can A Robot Steal Your Job?

Can A Robot Steal Your Job?

Technology’s unrelenting advance is transforming work and the workplace. McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), using data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Information Network (O*Net), examined automation’s potential effect on the workplace by looking at over 2,000 activities comprising more than 800 occupations. MGI’s intriguing results tell an important story about the change that leaders must look for, manage and guide. MGI quantified the time spent on specific activities comprising a range of work and analyzed the feasibility of automating them. The automation potential of various types of work depends on technical feasibility, the availability of skills […]

Truckers do a lot of stuff besides driving that automated vehicles don’t

Truckers do a lot of stuff besides driving that automated vehicles don’t

There are 1.8 million heavy truck drivers and 800,000 light truck drivers in the US. Driving a truck is the most common occupation in 29 states , and a high-paying one relative to other jobs that require similar levels of education.

All of this makes the prospect of self-driving vehicles–which many manufactures say they expect to have on the road within the next five years–a focal point in the discussion about how automation will impact employment.

The relationship between trucking jobs and automation is more complicated than simply replacing drivers with vehicles that drive themselves, says Joseph Kane, a senior research […]

Did NAFTA cost or create jobs? Both

Did NAFTA cost or create jobs? Both

Economists estimate that NAFTA has raised U.S. GDP by one half to one percentage point. Above, President Donald Trump, who campaigned on keeping jobs in the U.S., speaks to autoworkers in Ypsilanti, Michigan. – This story is from our special series that explores NAFTA’s role in our economy from the perspective of workers, business owners and trade negotiators. What exactly is NAFTA? And what happens if it changes? Join us to discuss how one of the most hotly contested issues in our society shapes the way we live.

What did the North American Free Trade Agreement do?

Donald Trump and […]

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Economists and entrepreneurs say the advent of robots and automation will destroy more jobs than it will create—leading to a world where computers do most of the work and humans do… something else. Some critics say experts are exaggerating when they say the future will be jobless. Automation will replace some tasks, but it will also create new opportunities. The cost of goods will go down. People will still need to program the robots too. What do you think will happen? 🤖

Unlike technological revolutions in the past, automation threatens to replace humans entirely. Already, fast food chains are […]