Abolish Work, The Robots Are Coming!

Abolish Work, The Robots Are Coming!

Photo courtesy of NBC.com

We Czechs enjoy judging whether someone has worked ‘enough’ and relegating those who have not to the unenviable position of despicable filth. It is ridiculous. In actual fact, we are running an absurd race to the bottom, competing with one another to be ripped off. Our wages are already laughably low . Now the threat of widespread job loss due to the automation of work looms on the horizon. The Czech Republic will be one of the countries which will suffer most from the replacement of human labour with robots. This should be reason enough to […]

Closing US Manufacturing Trade Deficit Would Create 1.3 Million Jobs

Closing US Manufacturing Trade Deficit Would Create 1.3 Million Jobs

Report Shows How Boosting Productivity Is a Key to Revival

Sharelines The prevailing narrative says automation was the main culprit behind US manufacturing job losses in the early 2000s, and that automation is now powering an unprecedented manufacturing technology revolution that will continue to displace jobs. But a new report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) finds that both of these claims are false.

ITIF, a leading tech-policy think tank, finds that trade pressure and faltering US competitiveness were responsible for more than two-thirds of the 5.7 million manufacturing jobs lost between 2000 and 2010. And rather than […]

How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You And The US

How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You And The US

A passenger uses his biometric passport at an automated ePassport gate equiped with a facial recognition system at the British border of the Eurostar at the gare du Nord in Paris on February 17, 2017. / AFP / PHILIPPE LOPEZ/Getty Images We can see this trend when comparing companies across time. The most valuable US firm in 1964 was AT&T. Then, it was worth $267 billion (in 2016 dollars) and employed 758,611 people. Today, Google is worth $370 billion and has only 55,000 employees.

Many workers have already been replaced by machines, but the number is only set to rise.

A […]

Will US Workers Have Right Skills for Jobs of the Future?

Will US Workers Have Right Skills for Jobs of the Future?

President Donald Trump arrives to hold a meeting with manufacturing CEOs at the White House in Washington, Feb. 23, 2017. WASHINGTON —

President Donald Trump told the heads of more than 20 of the largest U.S. manufacturers Thursday that he planned to bring millions of factory jobs back to the United States.

Trump said the United States had lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed, and that 70,000 American factories had closed since China joined the World Trade Organization. FILE – Arms from a robotic welder simulate welds on a piece of metal […]

Elon Musk, Bill Gates Warn About Robots Taking Over Jobs, But Study Says People Aren’t Worried

Elon Musk, Bill Gates Warn About Robots Taking Over Jobs, But Study Says People Aren't Worried

Recently, tech leaders including Tesla CEO Elon Musk and billionaire Bill Gates warned about robots taking over jobs. However, a new report shows people are not that concerned about job automation.

The report The Robots Are Coming, But Not For Me , is based on an online survey of more than 2,000 adults commissioned by consumer engagements firm LivePerson last month.

Although experts agree robots, artificial intelligence and automated technology will have at least some effect on global economies, the majority of people think they’ll be alright but say other professionals will be affected by mass layoffs, the report found.Among those […]

The employment graphic that that may give President Trump headaches

The employment graphic that that may give President Trump headaches

Updated 10:08 a.m. today Since 2000, American manufacturing production has continued to climb, even as American manufacturing employment. Automation may explain more job losses more than trade. (Deseret Photo) If Donald Trump won the election by promising to "bring back" jobs to America’s manufacturing sector lost to overseas competition, the Trump administration may be in for a surprise when it learns how many of those jobs never "left" the country at all. They just disappeared.

Variations on this surprising data have been graphed by experts on both sides of the aisle: economist Mark J. Perry at the right-leaning American Enterprise […]

Automation prefers man to the machine

Automation prefers man to the machine

Work experts and researchers believe that if jobs are going to become more automated in the future while shifting the role of humans in the workplace, further education and support must be given to workers who may become redundant.

Many economists argue that automation bears much more blame than globalization for the decline of jobs in the region’s manufacturing sector and the gutting of its middle class.

Indeed, in his farewell speech to thousands in a packed convention hall in Chicago, President Obama warned: ‘The next wave of economic dislocations won’t come from overseas. It will come from the relentless pace […]

Replacing work with work: New oppportunities for workers cut out by automation?

Replacing work with work: New oppportunities for workers cut out by automation?

Technology is making work less manual and routine, and more interactive and creative-cognitive. But not all those who lose routine jobs will find new non-routine, interactive, and creative-cognitive jobs. Technology is shaking up labor markets around the world. Increasingly intelligent machines are taking over routine jobs. Three-D printing is making many traditional, labor-intensive production processes obsolete. In total, almost half of all jobs may be at risk in the United States due to automation. Job losses are no longer just limited to blue collar occupations, but increasingly also affect high-paying white collar jobs such as in insurance, in the […]

Automated Trucks Threaten Millions of US Jobs

Automated Trucks Threaten Millions of US Jobs

Self-driving vehicles are coming on strong, faster than anyone knowledgeable thought a few years ago. Self-driving vehicles are being tested for real world use, and highway laws are being rejiggered to accommodate the new tech future.

NBC News Channel 02/06/2017 1:26

Self-Driving Semis Hit the Road in Texas But driving is a major jobs category, as shown by the map below, taken from an interactive NPR graphic in the 2015 article Map: The Most Common Job In Every State . Millions of driving jobs still exist in the US because it’s one gig that could not be outsourced to China, […]

MALPASS | A.I. : Benefit or Hazard?

MALPASS | A.I. : Benefit or Hazard?

For decades, pop culture has been fascinated by robot servants. It always seemed so far off, having a robotic servant to help in our day to day lives. Look at the Jetsons, they needed to have stratosphere, saucer houses before they had a robot maid. It makes it strange to think that we now live in a society where robotics not only exist, but are the norm. I’m not talking about independent, Turing Test beating automata, but increasingly intelligent machines are finding their way into day-to-day life. Self-checkout registers have gone from a novelty to a familiarity in the […]