Re-imagining the automation disruption

Re-imagining the automation disruption

The idea of machines and humans coexisting as co-workers to complement each another is arguably a more realistic one than AI replacing humans completely. Photo: iStockphoto It’s called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Curiously, rapid developments happening in fields previously thought to be disjointed are now amplifying each other.

We are seeing this in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing, genetics and biotechnology. On a different tangent altogether, smart systems are able to address a diverse set of issues ranging from climate to supply chains. What must be underscored here is a sense of urgency. […]

1.3 Million Jobs Created By Closing Trade Deficit Says Think Tank

1.3 Million Jobs Created By Closing Trade Deficit Says Think Tank

Trade pressure and faltering U.S. competitiveness, not automation was the main reason the U.S. lost 5.7 million manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010, according to a new report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF).

“We keep hearing from economists and pundits that the United States has lost the bulk of its manufacturing jobs to automation, so there’s nothing we can do to get them back. But that’s simply not true,” said Adams Nager, ITIF’s economic policy analyst and the report’s author.

“It’s time to stop blaming manufacturing job losses solely on robots and start recognizing the impact of […]

Seyfarth Shaw Will Start Using Robots For Repetitive Tasks

Seyfarth Shaw Will Start Using Robots For Repetitive Tasks

Image Courtesy of Community Insight Bank The world is changing at a fast pace. With technology at our finger tips, we are able to do just about anything these days. Society is using more and more automation in every day tasks, and we are relying on computers to handle those things we simply no longer have time for.

Seyfarth Shaw LLP, a pioneer in the legal industry for utilizing business process improvement technology, made the decision last week to license robot technology from Blue Prism. The software owned by Blue Prism can automate processes that will enable an individual to […]

Recruitment In Infosys falls to a Record Low Since Its Inception 33 Years Ago

Recruitment In Infosys falls to a Record Low Since Its Inception 33 Years Ago

recruitment in infosys The fiscal year 2016-17 has been the least optimistic in terms of employment in the IT industry, and the sector has all of the Automation to blame for its rapidly changing landscape. The company made public earlier today that it has recorded for the first time in its 33 years of existence, negative growth in employee hiring. The company said that it had recruited just about 6,000 people so far this fiscal year, as compared to anywhere between 20,000 to 25,000 during the past several years.

Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka, earlier this year , had already talked […]

New exhibition addresses the blurring of the lines between humanity and the digital world

New exhibition addresses the blurring of the lines between humanity and the digital world

As computers get creative, a new exhibition addresses the blurring of the lines between humanity and the digital world, writes Jonathan deBurca Butler. Last year, Google hosted a charity auction in San Francisco. Up for grabs were 29 works of art. The prices commanded were unexceptional, the most expensive piece sold for just $8,000. In normal circumstances the event may well have got lost in the mists of time. Only, there was something altogether unusual about the work on show. It was all created by computers.

The paintings, described as looking like a computer’s dreams, were created through a process […]

Elon Musk explains the pros & cons of Universal Basic Income

Elon Musk explains the pros & cons of Universal Basic Income

Elon Musk at the World Government Summit 2017 in Dubai. Image: Business Insider. On Monday 13, Elon Musk said implementing universal basic income (UBI) would be necessary sooner than later at the World Government Summit .

The Tesla executive believes automation will bring about a significant employment gap. As a result, countries will have to compensate those left without jobs with an economic support system that fulfills all basic needs.

Universal basic income is a solution to an issue foreseen since the industrial revolution, but nowadays more and more workers are seeing themselves displaced by machines capable of doing their […]

Closing US Manufacturing Trade Deficit Would Create 1.3M Jobs, Says Tech Think Tank; Report Shows Trade Contributed to Decline & Boosting Productivity Is Key to Revival

The prevailing narrative says automation was the main culprit behind U.S. manufacturing job losses in the early 2000s, and that automation is now powering an unprecedented manufacturing technology revolution that will continue to displace jobs. But a new report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) finds that both of these claims are false.

WASHINGTON (PRWEB) February 13, 2017

The prevailing narrative says automation was the main culprit behind U.S. manufacturing job losses in the early 2000s, and that automation is now powering an unprecedented manufacturing technology revolution that will continue to displace jobs. But a new report from […]

Will Robots Take Away Our Jobs?

Will Robots Take Away Our Jobs?

A controversial discussion is ensuing in technology echelons, as many experts warn that the increasing application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workforce will have a negative impact on jobs for humans. The future of work lies in an automated workforce, where robots are predicted to dominate and replace humans, creating a social upheaval. However, many industry analysts opine that this change is not for the immediate future, and that in the short term, we will see the rise of man-machine interactions and work happening alongside.

Many robotic use cases are making headlines in recent times. Foxconn had announced earlier […]

The Seven Commandments for Surviving the Smart Machine Age

The Seven Commandments for Surviving the Smart Machine Age

For decades, people have been grumbling over manufacturing jobs moving overseas. Indeed, keeping jobs in the U.S. was a theme during the recent election. And yet, regardless of any political hay that may or may not be made, we’re in deeper trouble than we may realize. The impending age of automation will cause tremendous job loss nationwide over the next fifteen years—much more than we’ve witnessed to date. Research from the University of Oxford states there is a high probability that 47 percent of jobs in the U.S. will be automated over that time. That’s over 70 million jobs […]

“The Relentless Pace of Automation”

“The Relentless Pace of Automation”

Last October, Uber had one of its self-driving trucks make a beer run, traveling 200 kilometers down the interstate to deliver a cargo of Budweiser from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs. A person rode in the truck but spent most of the trip in the sleeper berth, monitoring the automated system. (The test came just a few weeks after Uber had announced its driverless car service in Pittsburgh .) The self-driving truck developed by Uber’s recently acquired Otto unit reflects remarkable technological achievements. It also provides yet another indicator of a looming shift in the economy that could have […]