Automation Tend to Replace Human Workers in Karawang

Automation Tend to Replace Human Workers in Karawang

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta – Head of Karawang’s Manpower and Transmigration Agency, Ahmad Suroto, revealed that an increasing number of factories in Karawang are currently optimizing their assembly automation, which is the reason why they tend to reduce the number of their human resources.

“There’s a trend where companies utilize [automated assembly lines] instead of humans. Which is the reason why employment rate continues to decline each year,” Suroto said on Wednesday, February 8, 2017.

There are many newly established factories in Karawang, according to Suroto, but they’re dominated by automation process in its assembly line. Factories are increasingly attracted to robotics […]

Don’t fear our robotic future

Don’t fear our robotic future

Neo-Luddism – the fear that machines will take our jobs – is alive and well. The idea of a universal basic income as insurance against the day robots put us out of work is gaining prominence. The fear, however, remains unjustified.

Computers are no longer limited to repetitive mechanical tasks. Today’s machines can learn procedures, optimise production flows, devise new solutions, and even come up with creative designs. Besides the factory floor, where we need ever fewer workers to babysit the machines, service and professional jobs are also being threatened by automation.

A former McDonald’s CEO warned in 2016 that higher […]

Shopping robots on the march in Ocado

Shopping robots on the march in Ocado

The World Economic Forum has said robots and AI will replace humans in millions of jobs over the next few years There is growing concern about the impact of automation on employment – or in crude terms – the threat that robots will eat our jobs.

But if you want to see how important robotics and artificial intelligence can be to a business Ocado is a good place to start.

"Without it we simply couldn’t do what we do at this scale," the online retailer’s chief technology officer Paul Clarke told me. With margins in the supermarket business wafer thin, continually […]

HR/AI = (-x) – The employment/automation equation

Valentine’s Day is looming next week and for commercial flower growers it represents one of the biggest sales opportunities of the year. Assuming they can get their products cut and collected from the fields, that is. In the wake of Brexit, the boss of one horticultural business recently told a select committee on immigration that finding field workers had become difficult. “Automation is an inevitability,” he said.

It is a story being repeated across many sectors right now. But while tighter rules on immigration are the overt reason for replacing human workers with automated replacements, a deeper current is driving […]

Will automation take away all our jobs? | David Autor

Here’s a paradox you don’t hear much about: despite a century of creating machines to do our work for us, the proportion of adults in the US with a job has consistently gone up for the past 125 years. Why hasn’t human labor become redundant and our skills obsolete? In this talk about the future of work, economist David Autor addresses the question of why there are still so many jobs and comes up with a surprising, hopeful answer.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers […]

Will automation take away all our jobs? | David Autor [w/ subs]

Will automation take away all our jobs? | David Autor [w/ subs]

00:00:13 – Here’s a startling fact:
00:00:15 – in the 45 years since the introduction of the automated teller machine,
00:00:18 – those vending machines that dispense cash,
00:00:21 – the number of human bank tellers employed in the United States
00:00:24 – has roughly doubled, 00:00:26 – from about a quarter of a million to a half a million. 00:00:29 – A quarter of a million in 1970 to about a half a million today, 00:00:32 – with 100,000 added since the year 2000. 00:00:36 – These facts, revealed in a recent book 00:00:39 – by Boston University […]

What is the biggest threat to American jobs? Hint: It’s not immigrants

Several Super Bowl LI commercials on Sunday took a serious departure from the usual advertising sweet spots — to strike a much more political tone.

Both Coca-Cola and Budweiser put out spots that seemed to celebrate immigrants, and Airbnb produced an ad that seemed a direct rebuff to President Donald Trump’s travel restrictions on visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries.

While some of the ads fell flat , some progressives rushed to embrace their new favorite brands on Twitter.It’s easy to see why companies felt a need to stand up for immigrants at the moment, even at the risk of politicizing, as […]

Is your tech team ready for the revolution?

As the fourth industrial revolution gets underway, Hays’ Steve Weston asks whether company’s IT teams and talent pipelines are prepared to maximise on it.

It seems that artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are moving from the laboratory at lightning speed, and are touching every single part of our lives. The way we read the news and hail a taxi has changed, and soon the way we work – and the skills needed to do our jobs – will evolve.

As the World Economic Forum put it, we’re on the brink of a fourth industrial revolution, and the technology that underpins it […]

Who will work? Education, automation and jobs

Who will work? Education, automation and jobs

Automated wing-drilling machines do most of the work in an Airbus A350 plant. Photo: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images Robots — artificial intelligence technology — will take up to 47 percent of U.S. jobs in the next few decades, predicts a White House report released last month. The least educated will be the most vulnerable: Self-driving vehicles are expected to replace 2.2 million to 3.1 million people with driving jobs. Investing in education could keep the American Dream alive , writes Drew Hanson in Forbes . Retraining displaced workers isn’t enough. he writes. “We must improve secondary education” and create multiple […]

AI could eliminate 250,000 public sector jobs within 15 years

AI could eliminate 250,000 public sector jobs within 15 years

We keep hearing about how robots or AI are set to replace humans in employment roles as we move into the next decade, and another claim has popped up on this front, predicting that almost 250,000 jobs in the public sector will get this treatment.

According to Reform, a think-tank organisation, over the next 15 or so years a massive amount of admin staff could be replaced by switching over to websites and AI chat bots (of the sort which have become much talked about over the last year or so – for example with Skype ).

The prediction for the […]