What Jobs Sectors Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over in the Near Future?

What Jobs Sectors Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over in the Near Future?

Do you think AI will decrease human labor? originally appeared on Quora : the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world .

20M-40M jobs are in peril in the US from developments in AI and other technology — 15 to 30% of the US labor force. So if foreseeable technologies materialize, then then the need for human labor could decrease.

Technology always puts existing jobs under strain. This doesn’t immediately mean that human labor as a whole is under threat. Generally, other professions grow to fill the loss, often creating more […]

Rise of the machines: Fear robots, not China or Mexico

Rise of the machines: Fear robots, not China or Mexico

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — President Trump portrays Mexico, China and global trade as the biggest threats to American manufacturing jobs.

"It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and companies lost," Trump tweeted on January 26.

His predecessor also offered a warning to American workers, of a different kind."The next wave of economic dislocations won’t come from overseas. It will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes a lot of good middle class jobs obsolete," President Obama said in his farewell address.Research supports Obama’s claim. Far more jobs are lost to […]

What full employment really means

What full employment really means

IN 1977 America’s government gave the Federal Reserve what seems like a straightforward goal: maximum employment. Janet Yellen, the current chairman of the Fed, thinks America is pretty close; at 4.7%, the unemployment rate is quite low by historical standards. But firms continue to hire, and American adults, of whom only about 69% have a job, seem less than maximally employed. Most governments set themselves or their central banks a guideline of full or maximum employment. But what exactly counts as full? Ms Yellen has a particular definition of maximum employment in mind, built on the economic experience of […]

Automation May Curtail Employment Opportunities in the Future

Automation May Curtail Employment Opportunities in the Future

While we Indians are trying to embrace a cashless society, standing on the verge of digitisation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there happen to be some pitfalls that we cannot possibly ignore.

The Digital age has ushered in a lot of new ideas and concepts such as artificial intelligence , machine learning, and robotics process automation into the world of jobs and recruitment, which has redefined the way hiring is carried out. Img. Src. LinkedIn At the recently held event Seventh Foundation Day Lecture in ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Former Reserve Bank Governor, C Rangarajan cautioned that automation a […]

Degree of preparation needed for jobs market

Degree of preparation needed for jobs market

Minister for Education and Skills Richard Bruton TD speaking at the IPPN Conference at CityWest Hotel in Dublin alongside President Maria Doyle. The robots are coming to take a job near you soon. This was one of the final predictions from outgoing US president Barack Obama who talked about the "relentless pace of automation that will make many jobs obsolete".

Today’s school leavers need a good degree of preparation for this rapidly changing world. They will live longer than their parents and will have to learn to adapt to disruptive changes in work patterns. A new report from McKinsey estimates […]

51% of all job tasks could be automated by today’s technology

Automation in the workplace has been one of the looming existential threats to American workers for years now. And with each new study published, the fear of robots, machines, and artificial intelligence coming to take our jobs ticks higher.

But a new report from McKinsey finds that the future of work and automation isn’t quite the zero-sum game when it comes to jobs as some perceive.

Right now, 51% of job activities could be automated with “currently demonstrated” technology, the McKinsey report says. The distinction is noteworthy: McKinsey isn’t saying half of all jobs can be automated with existing technology, but […]

Hicks: Trade deals won’t change manufacturing employment

Hicks: Trade deals won’t change manufacturing employment

(Photo: Photo provided by Ball State University) This year marks the 40th anniversary of peak factory jobs in the United States. These jobs have been in nearly steady decline ever since. Something close to this trend has occurred throughout the developed world for a half century. At the same time, manufacturing production hit a new record in 2015. This is true no matter how you measure it; the inflation-adjusted value of goods produced, the quantity-adjusted chain indices or value-added measures. Now, admittedly the data isn’t in yet, but it is likely 2016 will have displaced 2015 as the record […]

Robots may soon take over millions of jobs in ASEAN, reveals ILO study

Robots may soon take over millions of jobs in ASEAN, reveals ILO study

Urges stakeholders to prepare and adapt to changes

New Delhi, January 29:

Flagging the imminent takeover of million of jobs by disruptive technologies such as robotics, automation, cloud, Internet of Things etc., a new ILO study urges all stakeholders — government, employers and employees — to lose no time in adapting to these changes to skill their workforce, create meaningful employment and prepare its workforce.The study, ‘ASEAN in Transformation’, covers five export-oriented sectors — automotive and auto parts; electrical and electronics; textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) in manufacturing, and business process outsourcing and retail in services in the Association of South […]

When A Robot Writes About Investing In Robots

Will Robots Replace the Human Workforce?

Robotics and artificial intelligence (NYSE: AI ) technology is developing rapidly , and its impact is already noticeable across a variety of industries including industrial manufacturing, self-driving cars, surgical robots, and drones.

Much of the discussion around robots & AI has focuses on the emerging technology’s impact on the work force – namely, if robots will lead to the end of jobs. In an effort to tackle this question, McKinsey Global Institute recently produced a report called " A Future That Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity ." 1 In the report, the authors noted […]

Reason for loss of US manufacturing jobs complicated

Reason for loss of US manufacturing jobs complicated

The statistics are quite startling — since 2000, the United States has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs.

Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Wisconsin account for nearly a third of the manufacturing jobs lost, with wage levels in the manufacturing sector in these states either flat or sharply down.

It should not come as a surprise to anyone that President Donald Trump, who promised to bring jobs back to America, carried all five of these states.So what accounts for this huge loss of jobs? Some of it was the result of U.S. companies shifting manufacturing operations to countries with lower wages. Maytag […]