Indian workers are the most likely to be replaced by robots—at least that’s what their bosses think

Indian workers are the most likely to be replaced by robots—at least that’s what their bosses think

While automation has struck some fear in the hearts of average workers, most employers expect it to actually create jobs. Well, most employers outside of India.

Some 83% of global employers expect automation to “bring a net gain for employment” for human workers, according to The Skills Revolution , a new report from multinational HR consulting firm ManpowerGroup. The report covered 8,000 employers across 43 countries and territories.

Things are a little more grim in India. While globally, just 12% of employers expect headcount to decrease due to automation, that number jumps to between 20% and 30% for employers in India.To […]

Less than 10% of jobs threatened by 3D printing & automation, says French employment council

Less than 10% of jobs threatened by 3D printing & automation, says French employment council

Like many new technologies, 3D printing has generated a lot of excitement while also inciting a fair amount of skepticism and—on occasion—vehement resistance. Perhaps the most prominent critique of the new technology is the idea that the adoption of additive manufacturing across a wide number of industries will result in the loss of jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

According to a recent report by France’s Employment Policy Council ( Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi ), this claim could be seen as simplistic and exaggerated. In fact, the report estimates that less than 10% of jobs will actually be threatened by […]

How Much Will AI Decrease The Need For Human Labor?

How Much Will AI Decrease The Need For Human Labor?

(Image: Creative Commons) Do you think AI will decrease human labor? originally appeared on Quora : the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights .

20M-40M jobs are in peril in the US from developments in AI and other technology — 15 to 30% of the US labor force. So if foreseeable technologies materialize, then then the need for human labor could decrease.

Technology always puts existing jobs under strain. This doesn’t immediately mean that human labor as a whole is under threat. Generally, other professions grow to fill the loss, often creating more jobs […]

Inevitability of automation necessitates adaptation: GDR Creative Intelligence CEO

Inevitability of automation necessitates adaptation: GDR Creative Intelligence CEO

Panasonic teamed with IBM’s cognitive computer Watson on concierge solutions NEW YORK – The Fourth Industrial Revolution is bringing about rapid change, forcing both consumers and companies to adapt at a challenging pace, according to the CEO of GDR Creative Intelligence speaking at the National Retail Federation’s Retail’s Big Show on Jan. 17.

Whereas innovations during previous industrial revolutions moved humans from manual labor to more cognitive tasks, the fourth includes disruptive technology such as artificial intelligence that threatens to take intellectual jobs away from humans. The “Retail Opportunity for the Fast Changing World and the Human Mind” session uncovered […]

Half of paid work can be automated: report

Half of paid work can be automated: report

Automation the way of the future: A file photo of automatic robots working on a car at a factory in Poland. As a rule of thumb, the report said about 60% of all occupations have at least 30% of activities that could technically be automated. — Reuters About half of the work that people are paid to do in the global economy can be automated by adapting existing technologies, according to McKinsey Global Institute.

It also said people will need to continue working alongside machines to produce the economic growth rates which countries around the world aspire to reach.

The findings […]

Half of today’s work activities could be automated by 2055 – McKinsey

Half of today’s work activities could be automated by 2055 – McKinsey

The McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) issued the report “A future that works: automation, employment, and productivity” which assesses the economic impact of these factors.

Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are ushering in a new age of automation, as machines match or outperform human performance in a range of work activities, including ones requiring cognitive capabilities. In this report, part of our ongoing research into the future of work, we analyze the automation potential of the global economy, the factors that will determine the pace and extent of workplace adoption, and the economic impact associated with its […]

GM, Wal-Mart Were Already Aboard Trump’s Jobs Train

GM, Wal-Mart Were Already Aboard Trump's Jobs Train

(Bloomberg Gadfly) — Dealing with Donald Trump’s Twitter rants is a new phenomenon for U.S. companies. For many of his favorite targets, creating jobs isn’t.

General Motors Co. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Tuesday became the latest corporations to talk up the part they’re playing in the president-elect’s plan to become "the greatest jobs producer that God ever created." GM largely just summed up U.S. spending plans that had been in the works for a while, but it did so with panache , touting a $1 billion headline number and pledging to create or retain (emphasis on retain ) about […]

Report: Automation Threatens Tasks, But Not Necessarily Jobs

Report: Automation Threatens Tasks, But Not Necessarily Jobs

A recent report suggests that half of jobs performed by humans could be automated in coming decades.

But the analysis from the McKinsey Global Institute does not expect mass unemployment to accompany that trend.

The report, titled "A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity," said that any analysis of automation should focus on activities performed by humans at their occupations — and not the occupation as a whole.McKinsey analysts said that although less than five percent are susceptible to full automation, nearly all occupations — including skilled, high-pay positions — could be partially automated."As processes are transformed by the automation […]

Living, minimum wages reduce employment

Living, minimum wages reduce employment

What future will America have when so many of her citizens lack the ability to engage in critical thinking, refuse to connect the dots and fail to use common sense?

This unwillingness to think clearly is no better demonstrated than by the continued support for the minimum wage. After all the studies and the near-unanimous opinion of economists — and even after the negative real-world effect of the minimum wage — it still remains popular.

Why?Sadly, most people are simply unaware of the argument against the minimum wage. They just don’t know about the vast body of research that shows the […]

Robots will take jobs from humans, but later than thought

Robots will take jobs from humans, but later than thought

A World Bank study that came out in October 2016 said automation threatened 69 per cent of jobs in India and 77 per cent in China. World Bank president Jim Kim mentioned it during a discussion at the Brookings Institution. The report came at a time when automation claimed its first casualty in India as textile giant Raymond announced its decision to cut its workers. Last October Raymond decided to replace 10,000 of its workers, nearly two-thirds of its total workforce with robots. The news sent shockwaves across the industry, as it was the first sign of automation taking […]