Productivity And The Minimum Wage – Higher Productivity Does Mean Fewer Jobs

One of the arguments that is used in the minimum wage debate is that a higher minimum wage will drive productivity higher. This is true, it will, because only those jobs where the labour is productive enough to cover the higher minimum will survive. We don’t in fact measure the productivity of unemployed people. Thus, if one of the adaptation mechanisms to a higher minimum wage is that businesses increase labour productivity then by definition there will be fewer jobs : Sir Charlie Mayfield, chairman of the John Lewis Partnership and a government adviser on productivity, told the Guardian […]

How technology will destroy low-wage and middle class jobs the world over

How technology will destroy low-wage and middle class jobs the world over

Rise of the Robots underlines that we have to rethink the assumption that education and reskilling on the job will lead to better prospects. (Shutterstock) It’s likely that machines will be smarter than us before the end of the century – not just at chess or trivia questions but at just about everything, from mathematics and engineering to science and medicine.” – Gary Marcus, professor at New York University

There is an ongoing crisis of jobs in India and the world that does not provoke as much discussion as it should. The Labour Bureau revealed this year that India added […]

Fast-food technology

Fast-food technology

Associated Press
McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook demonstrates an order kiosk during a presentation at a McDonald’s restaurant in New York’s Tribeca neighborhood.

Changes on way, but not just to save labor costs
NEW YORK – It’s a scenario often invoked by critics of minimum wage increases: fast-food workers replaced with burger-flipping robots.The imagery resurfaced when President-elect Donald Trump named Andrew Puzder to head the Labor Department. Puzder, CEO of the company that owns Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, is known for saying significant wage increases would lead to job losses and the automation of some tasks.But the sentiment does […]

Robots Could Destroy Millions of Jobs Globally

Robots Could Destroy Millions of Jobs Globally

It’s difficult to predict exactly how robots and other AI might change the economy. A Nobel Prize-winning economist has warned that the rise in robotics and automation could destroy millions of jobs across the world.

Angus Deaton, who won the Nobel Prize last year for his work on health, wealth and inequality, said he believes robots are a much greater threat to employment in the US than globalization, Business Insider reported.

Addressing the theory that Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections was fueled by a backlash against globalization, Deaton told the Financial Times: “Globalization for me seems to be […]

Thread: More on job loss due to automation

Thread: More on job loss due to automation

> Rep Power Perhaps your points aren’t as convincing as you imagine.

For example, I can’t think of a reason why if I had a factory with 20 high skilled workers making widgets and I invented a machine that would replace all of them with one guy pushing a button, that one guy pushing a button would get paid 20x what those skilled workers got paid. My bet is he’d make less than one of them made. Regardless of the productivity. As far as productivity and wealth to the particular nation (in our case the US), it really […]

Could universal basic income ease job loss problems with automation?

From Peter Diamandis at Pulse ,

… the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.

From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered with the province of Manitoba to run an experiment on the idea of providing a minimum income to residents called MINCOME.MINCOME was a guaranteed annual income offered to every eligible family in Dauphin, a prairie town of about 10,000, and smaller numbers of residents in Winnipeg and some rural communities throughout the province.So what happened to families receiving MINCOME? They had fewer hospitalizations They had fewer accidents and […]

Could universal basic income ease job loss problems with automation?

From Peter Diamandis at Pulse ,

… the most compelling study demonstrating how universal basic income could work comes from a small town in Canada.

From 1974 to 1979, the Canadian government partnered with the province of Manitoba to run an experiment on the idea of providing a minimum income to residents called MINCOME.MINCOME was a guaranteed annual income offered to every eligible family in Dauphin, a prairie town of about 10,000, and smaller numbers of residents in Winnipeg and some rural communities throughout the province.So what happened to families receiving MINCOME? They had fewer hospitalizations They had fewer accidents and […]

Obama’s Government Failures Leave Americans Unprepared for Robots Everywhere

Obama’s Government Failures Leave Americans Unprepared for Robots Everywhere

The White House released a new report this week entitled Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy , as part of an admirable but very flawed initiative to understand the impact of the new technology on American employees.

But the report focuses just on automation while averting attention from the simultaneous and interactive impact of progressive policies that favor immigration, outsourcing, and wage-distorting legislation.

“Accelerating AI capabilities will enable automation of some tasks that have long required human labor,” the White House said when introducing its new report. These transformations will open up new opportunities for individuals, the economy, and […]

Half of US Jobs to Automation by 2036?

Half of US Jobs to Automation by 2036?

Join Date Jul 2002 Location Atlanta Posts 78,906 Thanks 2,362 Thanked 9,452 Times in 5,364 Posts Power to Give Rep…-jobs-economy/

Automation through robots and other artificial intelligence could affect nearly half of all US jobs, a report from the Obama administration has found. Education and job-training programs could prevent the sea change from destroying the American economy.

Scientists and economic advisers within the executive branch studied the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the US workforce and economy over the next 20 years, as well as ways to prevent the technological advances from automation from […]

employment Real jobs killer is automation, not China Roughly 13 percent of manufacturing positions lost to technology, analyst says

The first job that Sherry Johnson, 56, lost to automation was at the local newspaper in Marietta, Ga., where she fed paper into the printing machines and laid out pages. Later, she watched machines learn to do her jobs on a factory floor, and in inventory and filing.

“It actually kind of ticked me off because it’s like, How are we supposed to make a living?” she said. She took a computer class at Goodwill, but it was too little too late. “The 20- and 30-year-olds are more up to date on that stuff than we are because we didn’t […]