AI And The Future Of Jobs: A Management Challenge

AI And The Future Of Jobs: A Management Challenge

Any decision to use artificial intelligence to augment or automate work is not an inherent feature … [+] Much of the discussion around artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on the destructive impact it may have on employment. Understandably, there’s a lot of worry about using AI to automate jobs rather than support human workers, thus replacing people and leaving them unemployed. However, if AI often generates excessive optimism and hype, it can also give way to excessive pessimism.

For a more evidence-backed reaction, it’s important to keep in mind that any decision to augment or automate work is not necessarily […]

AI: Reshaping Realms and Navigating New Frontiers

AI: Reshaping Realms and Navigating New Frontiers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has swiftly emerged as one of the most revolutionary technological marvels worldwide. Its impact has already reverberated across diverse domains, spanning from healthcare to finance, promising to sculpt the future in profoundly inconceivable ways. Within this discourse, we shall delve into the profound imprint of AI upon our realm, together with the manifold prospects and quandaries it presents. The AI Upheaval

The notion of AI has loomed for decades, yet only recent years have unveiled momentous breakthroughs. This meteoric advance can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including the exponential surge in computational capacity, […]

Fox News AI Newsletter: China, US race to unleash killer AI robot soldiers as military power hangs in balance

Fox News AI Newsletter: China, US race to unleash killer AI robot soldiers as military power hangs in balance

AI ARMS RACE: China, US duel to see who can produce the first killer military robots. Continue reading…

ET OR AI?: Experts split over if star gazers should seek aliens or new tech. Continue reading…

HUMANS VS AI: Demand for human freelance writers grows amid rise of AI. Continue reading… SMART WEAPONS: 5 ways AI is leveling the battlefield. Continue reading… AUTOMATION ACCELERANT: AI coming for blue-collar jobs. Continue reading… SUPERIOR GLOBAL FORCE: Experts say AI will be critical to US keeping the edge on tomorrow’s battlefields. Continue reading… WNBA GROWTH: WNBA franchise […]

The Role of Building Analytics in Smart Building Management

The Role of Building Analytics in Smart Building Management

The management of modern commercial buildings has undergone a dramatic transformation with the evolution of building automation systems.

From simple electrical controls to today’s intelligent analytics platforms, data has become the driving force enabling smarter and more efficient building operations.

In this blog, we explore the pivotal role of building analytics in transforming traditional automation into next-generation smart building management. The Evolution of Building Automation The electrification of households in Europe and North America in the early 20th century marked a major turning point in how we live and work.With the advent of electric lighting, rudimentary building controls emerged to […]

The perils of artificial intelligence

The perils of artificial intelligence

The ‘next big thing’ brings challenges, questions

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is undoubtedly one of the most transformative technological advancements of our time. From self-driving cars to personalized recommendations, AI has made its presence felt in almost every aspect of our lives.

While the potential benefits are numerous, it is imperative to recognize and address the inherent dangers and risks associated with AI. In this article, we delve into the potential perils of AI and why a cautious approach is essential in its development and deployment. Job displacement One of the most immediate and tangible concerns surrounding AI is the potential […]

Drones and Robotics: Revolutionizing Logistics and Delivery

Drones and Robotics: Revolutionizing Logistics and Delivery

Exploring the Impact of Drones, Robotics, and AI Technologies in Logistics and Beyond

Global supply networks have grown more complicated and dynamic in today’s linked world. The supply chain management and logistics procedures have embraced the potential of AI solutions to fulfill the needs of this always changing environment. Supply chain visibility has been made possible by AI in logistics, improving the efficacy and efficiency of logistics and supply chain operations. AI technologies are revolutionizing conventional logistical procedures, from the employment of autonomous cars to the automation of robotic processes. This essay will examine how the logistics sector is […]

U.S. Immigration Policy Lags behind a Globalizing World

U.S. Immigration Policy Lags behind a Globalizing World

Economic globalization has made little impact on U.S. immigration policy in recent decades. The United States has not expanded its low green card caps since 1990, and now it ranks in the bottom third of wealthy countries for its foreign‐​born share of the population.

Blaming immigrant labor force growth for sluggish wage growth is misplaced when—despite immigration—total labor force growth has continuously declined for decades.

Globalization and automation are not removing the need for immigrant workers to fill niches created by declining U.S. labor force growth. Instead, immigrants are playing pivotal roles in making trade and technological […]




Ethical Implications of Automation on Labor Markets

Introduction The rapid advancement of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has sparked widespread discussions about their potential impacts on labor markets across various industries. While automation promises increased efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced productivity, it also raises significant ethical concerns that need careful consideration. This article delves into the ethical implications of automation on labor markets and explores the challenges and potential solutions. Impact on Jobs and Employment One of the most significant ethical dilemmas posed by automation is the potential displacement […]

What Jobs Will AI Replace? Not Those Requiring a Human Touch

What Jobs Will AI Replace? Not Those Requiring a Human Touch

Automation is efficient, but it can’t replicate the human touch.

Consumers prefer the unique qualities that human labor gives to certain products and services, according to a recent paper co-authored by Wharton marketing professor Stefano Puntoni . The findings suggest companies automating for supply-side reasons may want to keep their employees because of the value they bring to the demand side.

“Companies should shift the conversation from what can be automated to what should be automated,” Puntoni and his colleagues wrote in an opinion piece for The Wall Street Journal about the study.Co-authored with Christoph Fuchs , marketing professor at the […]

The generation that expects more than a pay cheque

The generation that expects more than a pay cheque

Gone are the days when you simply went to work because you wanted to earn money. Generation Z now want employers to offer more.

Image: iStock Generation Z expects more than a pay cheque and to succeed with a new generation of employees and customers, they need to do good as well.

Gen Z employees demand more from their employers across every global issue, from diversity to equity, inclusion to belonging, a commitment to environmental, social and governance investing, social causes and beyond.The working world has changed and not just because of artificial intelligence (AI), Covid-19 or remote work. […]