If the robots are coming for your jobs, it’s to help you, not replace you

If the robots are coming for your jobs, it's to help you, not replace you

Robots build a Chrysler vehicle at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in Michigan in 2014. (Paul Sancya / AP) Robots and artificial intelligence are winning our jobs and an apocalypse is upon us, or so the employment horror story goes.

Innovation and automation are nothing new, nor is the fear they inspire. What’s changed is the interests of economists and policymakers who once tried to reassure anxious workers but now, after presiding over decades of labor market decline, are delighted to have a scapegoat. So we hear that the abandonment of the American workforce has been the unavoidable result of […]

Let The Robots Take Over: How The Future Of AI Will Create More Jobs

Let The Robots Take Over: How The Future Of AI Will Create More Jobs

A Stanford University report states that artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact nearly all aspects of our lives, including transportation, home services, medicine, education, public safety, the job market, entertainment and more. With the continuous growth of AI, there will be more substantial developments in the years to come.

Artificial intelligence, as defined by computer scientist Nils J. Nilsson, involves activities devoted to making machines intelligent in a way that enables them "to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment." Some people still envision everything from sci-fi robots to e-tailer recommendations when AI comes up. However, the ever-accelerating AI […]

As told to: Economist Dan North discusses 6 major topics

As told to: Economist Dan North discusses 6 major topics

Photo courtesy of Euler Hermes Weighing the state of economic affairs could help U.S. growers excel.


The United States government and media outlets regularly tell us about the strength of the economy. But what’s really driving growth, and what are possible concerns and setbacks? Being aware of some of these issues could help growers and their supply chains make informed decisions to stay ahead. Greenhouse Management and Produce Grower recently spoke with Dan North, chief economist for North America at insurance company Euler Hermes , about the U.S. economy. He told us some facts, as well as some […]

Can You Robot-Proof Your Career?

Can You Robot-Proof Your Career?

millennials at work Welcome to an automated future. Just this year, Amazon opened a totally cashier-less grocery store, the first of its kind. While Amazon certainly has no lack for employee talent with over 500,000 employees on the payroll, Amazon Go is a working experiment on the impact of automation on employment. Automation Is The Future

Amazon’s grocery store gives us a glimpse into the future in which we see unmatched productivity and profit. Generally speaking, the more routine or predictable a job is, the higher the likelihood it has for robotic replacement. Nearly 50% of employers think that […]

Three Trends Reshaping The Way Labor Gets Done

Three Trends Reshaping The Way Labor Gets Done

For businesses, faster adaptation is the only way to keep pace as technology, education, and globalization are constantly changing the modern work culture. Getty Images

Today’s workforce is more complex and diverse than ever before. The concept of a career as a single linear path is long gone, as people from all walks of life forge new paths to economic and personal success.

For businesses, faster adaptation is the only way to keep pace as technology, education, and globalization are constantly changing the modern work culture. In particular, three trends – labor shortages, the gig economy, and automation – are redefining […]

Robots and manufacturing automation pdf

pdf. 03. Automation, 2nd ed. p. Jump to page:11. In human-robot collaborative manufacturing, The Impact of Robots on Productivity, Employment and Jobs industrial robots, used in manufacturing, changed by the deployment of robots and automation. Ray AsfahlFormat: PaperbackApplications of Industrial Robots in …Diese Seite übersetzenhttps://www. com, uploaded. Benefits of automation11. [Manufacturing and Automation Engineering] Automation Market HW&Co. Robots and Manufacturing Automation, 2nd ed. 12. New and used manufacturing industrial robots available for larger budget options. plantautomation-technology. Surveys the wide spectrum of automated systems Bewertungen: 1Format: HardcoverAutor: C. One thing that often gets overlooked is that automation systems (with or […]

A look at the future of work and what it means

A look at the future of work and what it means

You don’t need a technology degree or Nostradamus-like skillset to see that the labor market – and the way in which Americans work – is changing. In fact, the future of work will look a lot different than it does today. And the future is approaching much faster than most people realize. Are you ready? The Biggest Trends and Predictions

Nobody knows what the future may hold, but one thing is for certain: The future of work will look a whole lot different than the past. Here are some big trends and predictions to keep an eye on: […]

Top 10 Automation and RPA Predictions For 2019

Top 10 Automation and RPA Predictions For 2019

Automation will redefine the next phase of digital transformation as it delivers new levels of customer value coming from higher quality and dependability, deeper personalization, faster delivery of products, and greater convenience offerings. Robotic process automation (RPA) is growing at a fast pace with projections from Gartner forecasting that the RPA business will grow 57% over the next year. Here are the major RPA predictions for 2019 that are all set to redefine the new year and the years to come.

1. Rise of Artificial Intelligence into RPA

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) wave is here and RPA is an […]

Krugman Discusses the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Automation on Jobs 3/6/2011

In an op-ed column called Degrees and Dollars published in The New York Times Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman of Princeton wrote concerning the impact of artificial intelligence and automation on jobs:

"The fact is that since 1990 or so the U.S. job market has been characterized not by a general rise in the demand for skill, but by “hollowing out”: both high-wage and low-wage employment have grown rapidly, but medium-wage jobs — the kinds of jobs we count on to support a strong middle class — have lagged behind. And the hole in the middle has been getting […]

Will robots (still) take my job?

Will robots (still) take my job?

Many of us have read science-fiction novels and had our eyes glued to scenes of futuristic movies displaying visions of a dystopian landscape.

Such scenes often describe a hellish world scarred by war and famine, with humans leading a life of misery and unemployment as a cult of emotionless robots take control of our earth.

While these depictions are something of a nightmare, the arrival of ‘job-snatching robots’ is no longer a question of if , but rather when . It seems these works of fiction, created from pure imagination— or perhaps more worryingly, acute foresight— are rapidly becoming reality.Many industries […]