Don’t go the way of the costermonger

Don’t go the way of the costermonger

The fate of the once ubiquitous costermonger is instructive. In 1911, there were almost 70,000 of these street sellers. But, the occupation – along with domestic servants, washers and manglers, coachmen and grooms – have all but died out as a result of automation. Malory Davies, Editor. The analysis comes from a new study that examines the impact of automation on employment in our cities, and highlights the challenges and the opportunities for supply chains of the next generation of technologies.

At first sight, the report “Cities Outlook 2018” by the Centre for Cities, makes for grim reading. It suggests […]

Bill Gates’ idea of AI is ‘longer vacations’

Bill Gates' idea of AI is 'longer vacations'

Bill Gates. Bill Gates.Reuters

Artificial Intelligence is a mixed bag of emotions, to say the least. While some think highly of the advanced technology that is poised to change the world for better, there are quite a few who are intimidated by its progress.

Take Elon Musk – the well-known billionaire tech entrepreneur and philanthropist – for instance, who said AI is going to be more dangerous than North Korea , or the legendary physicist Stephen Hawking who finds AI’s potential to "emulate human intelligence, and exceed it" and could turn out to be "worst event in the history of our […]

This op-ed wasn’t written by AI


Amazon Go, the online retailer’s first completely automated store, debuted in Seattle last week. Using a bevy of smart cameras, deep machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, the store makes it possible for shoppers to simply pick up the products they like and go, with their accounts being automatically charged for the products — completely eliminating the need for cashiers and checkout lines. Though staff members still stock the shelves, they will likely soon be replaced by robots.

This is revolutionary and will likely be how all stores will operate in the near future. Stores won’t have to invest […]

Robots could kill many Las Vegas jobs

Robots could kill many Las Vegas jobs

Aeolus, a robotics company, demonstrates what its robots can do at CES 2018 in Las Vegas earlier this month. SAN FRANCISCO (CNNMoney) – Elvis just started a new, somewhat boring job. When a guest at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas needs a toothbrush or an extra towel, he brings it to their room.

Three-feet tall and covered in decorative stars, Elvis is a robot. And while it doesn’t replace any human employees at the moment, it is a sign of what’s next for Las Vegas. Underwater robots to measure Antarctica climate threat

Earlier this month, Las Vegas hosted […]

The High-Tech Poorhouse

The High-Tech Poorhouse

A man on the street in Newark, NJ. Tony Fischer / Flickr We live in what legal scholar Frank Pasquale has called a “scored society.” Corporations and governments collect unprecedented amounts of data about us — our habits, our histories, our beliefs, our desires, our social networks. Machine learning algorithms parse that data to assess our worthiness for public benefits, for jobs, for loans, for insurance, and for suspicion in the criminal justice system.

The rich are not exempt from this reality, but it’s the poor and working class who are most endangered by it. Predictive policing algorithms launder racial […]

Becoming more human

Becoming more human

I learned about a new website recently. The site determined, well, how likely it is that a robot will take your job. It picked up a lot of attention, and lots of people typed their career into the search engine to see if they were about to be replaced. Cashiers have a 97 percent chance of being replaced; pastors, on the other hand, have a 0 percent chance. Despite the fact that Christianity won’t be replaced by Robotology any time soon, I’m still concerned about the changes technology is causing in the employment landscape of the U.S. Where […]

Shropshire Star comment: Prepare for rise of robots

Shropshire Star comment: Prepare for rise of robots

They’re after your jobs. The robots. Machinery. Computers. Prepare for the rise of the robots Within the next 12 years, which is hardly any time at all, one in four of Telford’s jobs could be lost through automation and globalisation.

And at a stroke, it’s as if we’re back at the beginnings of the 19th century all over again, but this time with no Ned Ludd to rally around and smash up the mechanical job-destroyers.

The claim has come from the Centre for Cities. This is, according to its website, an independent non-partisan think tank dedicated to understanding and improving UK […]

Will robots take your job? 44 percent of Utah jobs at risk of being replaced

Will robots take your job? 44 percent of Utah jobs at risk of being replaced

By SHEILA WANG • Standard-Examiner staff Roughly 44 percent of Utah jobs are at high risk of being replaced by automation in perhaps a decade or two, a data analysis reveals.

Robots are coming after our jobs, enabled by the ever-advancing technology. In Utah, the threat of automation is more imminent to some than others, according to a widely-cited study published by researchers at Oxford University.

The widely-cited study examined 702 common occupations in the US and placed nearly half of them as at high risk of automation.More than 600,000 Utahns would lose their jobs to robots for the foreseeable future, […]

May’s Davos speech inspired more fear than optimism for the next industrial revolution

May’s Davos speech inspired more fear than optimism for the next industrial revolution

Very little of what the Prime Minister said about emerging technologies was inaccurate or unimportant – the issue is that she said very little (Source: Getty) Reviews of Theresa May’s speech about the digital age in Davos last Friday have been rather scathing.

The room at the World Economic Forum is said to have been half-empty, with officials favouring a restroom break over an address that was described by an EU official to a journalist from Politico as “literally artificial intelligence”.

Perhaps this is a bit harsh, for very little of what the Prime Minister said about emerging technologies was inaccurate […]

Robot gets seat at boardroom table

Robot gets seat at boardroom table

Marc Benioff, left, CEO of Salesforce, meets with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday. – Paul Chiasson , The Canadian Press DAVOS, Switzerland — Marc Benioff, chief executive of the software company Salesforce, consults a regular guest at his senior-level meetings: a robot that doesn’t hesitate to correct error-prone humans, he told an audience in Davos this week.

The AI robot, called Einstein, has had a seat at the table for about a year.

"I ask Einstein, ‘I heard what everybody said, but what do you actually think?’" Benioff said at the World Economic […]