Dan O’Brien: The hopes and fears around artificial intelligence

Dan O'Brien: The hopes and fears around artificial intelligence

Partly explaining the pessimism is fear of change and the unknown. Another reason is what economists call the “lump of labour fallacy” — the idea that the number of jobs in an economy is fixed, and therefore more automation must in turn mean fewer jobs…’ (Stock picture) ‘Artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." That is how no less a figure than physicist Stephen Hawking has described the risks posed by intelligent machines capable of thought and action. Medical Coding Programs allalliedhealthschools.com Start Now! Find Medical Billing & Coding Programs. Request Info Today Work at Home […]

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Final fall economist Carl Benedikt Frey and knowledge engineer Michael A. Osborne, each on the College of Oxford, revealed a examine estimating the likelihood that 702 occupations would quickly be computerized out of existence. Their findings have been startling. Advances in knowledge mining, machine imaginative and prescient, synthetic intelligence and different applied sciences might, they argued, put forty seven p.c of American jobs at excessive danger of being automated within the years forward. Mortgage officers, tax preparers, cashiers, locomotive engineers, paralegals, roofers, taxi drivers and even animal breeders are all at risk of going the way in which of […]

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs: David Ignatius

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs: David Ignatius

David Ignatius By David Ignatius

WASHINGTON — Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses are ahead in America — driven not by foreign competition but by advancing technology.

A look at the numbers suggests that America is having the wrong debate this year. Economic security won’t come from renegotiating trade deals, as Donald Trump claimed in a speech in Detroit Monday, or rebuilding infrastructure, as Hillary Clinton argued in Warren, Michigan, on Thursday. These are palliatives.The deeper problem facing America is […]

‘Automation bomb’ coming for U.S.

WASHINGTON – Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses are ahead in America – driven not by foreign competition, but by advancing technology.

A look at the numbers suggests that America is having the wrong debate this year. Economic security won’t come from renegotiating trade deals, as Donald Trump claimed in a speech in Detroit Monday, or rebuilding infrastructure, as Hillary Clinton argued in Warren, Mich., on Thursday. These are palliatives.

The deeper problem facing America is how to provide meaningful work […]

IT boom is going bust as freshers recruitment decreases: G Madhavan Nair

IT boom is going bust as freshers recruitment decreases: G Madhavan Nair

Eminent space scientist G Madhavan Nair said the IT boom is going bust with increasing automation leading to shrinking employment opportunities for freshers even as he favored Indian companies focusing on creation of high end jobs and the domestic market. The former Indian Space Research Organization chairman said he had mentioned a couple of years ago that the so-called IT boom would go bust and “that is the phenomena we are now seeing”. “The recruitment for freshers (IT engineers) last year was reduced and this year in many places it has come to zero, that means that type of […]

IT boom going bust now, says space scientist G Madhavan Nair

IT boom going bust now, says space scientist G Madhavan Nair

He opined that big ‘desi’ companies should focus on Indian scenario and tap the "phenomenal" domestic market which is bigger than European or American one. HYDERABAD: Eminent space scientist G Madhavan Nair said today the IT boom is going bust with increasing automation leading to shrinking employment opportunities for freshers even as he favoured Indian companies focussing on creation of high end jobs and the domestic market.

The former Indian Space Research Organisation chairman said he had mentioned a couple of years ago that the so-called IT boom would go bust and "that is the phenomena we are now seeing".

"The […]

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs

A robot paints brake drums at Webb Wheel Products in Cullman, Ala. (Dave Martin/Associated Press) Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses are ahead in the United States — driven not by foreign competition but by advancing technology.

A look at the numbers suggests that the country is having the wrong economic debate this year. Employment security won’t come from renegotiating trade deals, as Donald Trump said in a speech Monday in Detroit, or rebuilding infrastructure, as Hillary Clinton argued in […]

IT boom weaning off now, says former ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair

IT boom weaning off now, says former ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair

“Everybody is satisfied with doing some ordinary things and unless we challenge ourselves, we will be left out,” said G Madhavan Nair. Eminent space scientist G Madhavan Nair said today the IT boom is going bust with increasing automation leading to shrinking employment opportunities for freshers even as he favoured Indian companies focussing on creation of high end jobs and the domestic market. The former Indian Space Research Organisation chairman said he had mentioned a couple of years ago that the so-called IT boom would go bust and “that is the phenomena we are now seeing”.

“The recruitment for freshers […]

[Industry 4.0] How will Industry 4.0 impact jobs?

[Industry 4.0] How will Industry 4.0 impact jobs?

It took a weeklong match in March this year between 18-time world Go champion Lee Se-dol and Alphago for it to hit South Koreans hard: Human beings could actually be replaced by artificial intelligence.

Alphago, the AI Go program developed by Google DeepMind, won four out of five games. The initial anticipation of Lee’s sweeping victory soon turned into self-assuring consolation that he at least managed one win.

“After the match, I was actually fearful of my own arrogant assumption that a man-made AI would never outperform a human,” said Kim Sung-jin, a 33-year-old researcher in material engineering. “When an AI […]

What politicians aren’t saying about declining manufacturing jobs

What politicians aren't saying about declining manufacturing jobs

With manufacturing employment steadily dropping and the trucking field predicted to be next, what is the state of automation today? (Deseret Photo) Jobs are a major platform plank for both political parties this election, but neither side has addressed how automation has and will eliminate working-class jobs, observers have noted.

“Job losses due to automation and robotics are often overlooked in discussions about the unexpected rise of outside political candidates like (Donald) Trump and Bernie Sanders,” Moshe Vardi, an artificial-intelligence expert at Rice University, noted in a press release before the parties’ conventions.

Manufacturing in the U.S. has already been hit […]