Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Here is President Obama directly addressing the issue a couple months ago, though he did not have an easy solution. Because, of course, there is none.

The easy solution is a path to valuable citizenship. Your job is outdated? Here’s a path for you to become whatever job we need in this county.

This sounds like the beginnings of an argument in favor of basic income. If some people are unable to train themselves into employment, does the society owe them an income anyway?Well, you are completely wrong, and your vision of the problem IS the problem.Actually obesity makes […]

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

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Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology has already expanded from just being a ledger, keeping a record of all transactions happening over the network to a widely adopted technology across industries. Smart contracts based on blockchain technology can be used to automate various process across industries.

The major application of blockchain technology currently lies in the banking and financial sectors, involving a lot of time-consuming repetitive processes. By creating smart contracts that are programmed to automatically execute certain processes when the predetermined conditions are met, lot of resources in terms of time and manpower can be saved. Automation […]

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology has already expanded from just being a ledger, keeping a record of all transactions happening over the network to a widely adopted technology across industries. Smart contracts based on blockchain technology can be used to automate various process across industries.

The major application of blockchain technology currently lies in the banking and financial sectors, involving a lot of time-consuming repetitive processes. By creating smart contracts that are programmed to automatically execute certain processes when the predetermined conditions are met, lot of resources in terms of time and manpower can be saved. Automation can save these institutions […]

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both promising to bring good-paying jobs back to America, but analysts say neither of them has addressed one of the biggest challenges looming ahead: the impact of automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.

Some argue that the challenge will soon become impossible to ignore.

“Job losses due to automation and robotics are often overlooked in discussions about the unexpected rise of outside political candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders,” Moshe Vardi, an expert on artificial intelligence at Rice University, said before this month’s conventions .Vardi pointed out that manufacturing employment has […]

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Image by Danomyte, via Shutterstock Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both promising to bring good-paying jobs back to America, but analysts say neither of them has addressed one of the biggest challenges looming ahead: the impact of automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.

Some argue that the challenge will soon become impossible to ignore.

“Job losses due to automation and robotics are often overlooked in discussions about the unexpected rise of outside political candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders,” Moshe Vardi, an expert on artificial intelligence at Rice University, said before this month’s conventions .Vardi pointed out […]

Automation and its effects on employment

In the developed world manufacturing production has at worst held steady while jobs in those industries have fallen.

Manufacturing has held steady at about a quarter of US GDP for the last 10 years but total employment in manufacturing has fallen from about 10 percent of the population to about 7 percent.

Now, there is a lot going on here I would agree Millers. Its certainly not just automation. American (and other developed world nations) no longer make socks for example because even with yoooooge tariff walls we just arent going to make socks cheaper than China […]

Robots in the workplace? Yes, but not as we know them

Robots in the workplace? Yes, but not as we know them

Development will mean moving people on to more advanced jobs and developing skills

The old view of robot servants is being challenged by software-based processes which carry out boring and repetitive tasks within a company’s IT system. Photograph: Getty Images In a certain science fiction-influenced view of the future, robots will be our ever-willing servants, taking on the work that we no longer want to do, making our home and work lives easier. It seems like a long way off. But is it?

It all depends on your definition of robot. If you want an I, Robot -style companion […]

Jobs, Robots, and ‘Humans Need Not Apply’

Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Jerry Kaplan

Published in August of 2015.

What books are on your Robots bookshelf ?What have you been reading that has helped you make sense of whether automation will degrade or improve our future?How have you been trying to make sense of how higher education should adapt and change to stay relevant in an age of driverless cars, lawyer-less legal services, and professor-less teaching?If you are developing such a library (and I bet that you might be), then I would recommend adding Humans Need […]

A hire power

A hire power

JOSEPH SCHUMPETER gave the name “creative destruction” to the process by which new and innovative firms displace stodgy ones, thereby driving long-run economic growth. The Schumpeterian sort of economic reinvention is out of fashion at the moment. Unhappy workers are casting their lot with populist politicians, who are in turn looking to rein in the disruption caused by everyone from tech unicorns in Silicon Valley to sellers of cut-price steel in China. Economists understandably worry that this backlash will lead to sweeping new regulations, taxes and protections for firms and workers. But red tape and tax are not the […]

Anna Turley: In an Uber economy, an active state can ensure the rewards reach the many and not the few

Anna Turley: In an Uber economy, an active state can ensure the rewards reach the many and not the few

Technological change is already beginning to transform our world, changing the way we live and work. The challenge for progressives is to find ways of managing the disruption so that all parts of our society can benefit. As my colleague Tom Watson MP has argued, the question is how we make this transformative process our friend and not our foe.

The “job for life” is now rare, replaced with less secure work and more self-employment. The next generation of automation could soon see more jobs replaced by robots. For policymakers this means grasping for new means to manage the resulting […]