Despite fears, Mexico’s manufacturing boom is lifting U.S. workers

Despite fears, Mexico's manufacturing boom is lifting U.S. workers

Workers assemble the Forte sedan on the floor of a Kia plant in Nuevo Leon, Mexico, which began production in May. (Natalie Kitroeff / Los Angeles Times) Enrique Zarate, 19, had spent just a year in college when he landed an apprenticeship at a new BMW facility in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. If he performs well, in a year he’ll win a well-paid position, with benefits, working with robots at the company’s newest plant.

Within a decade or so, most of the BMW 3 series cars that Americans buy will probably come from Mexico, built by people like Zarate.

“When you […]

How trade impacts American jobs: Research roundup

How trade impacts American jobs: Research roundup

Container ship (Photo: Pixabay) Economic dogma asserts that free trade improves everyone’s wellbeing. For decades, both major American political parties have hailed free trade with other countries as critical to voters’ well being. But candidates in the 2016 presidential election have raised piercing questions about the benefits, with both major party nominees distancing themselves from the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pact with bilateral support that was seven-years-in-the-making. The Republican nominee is even proposing to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ), a signature policy of the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations.

Rapidly increasing […]

3 Ways Tech Is Empowering Freelancers

3 Ways Tech Is Empowering Freelancers

By now we’ve all heard of the term ‘shared economy’. Or at least the companies that spearheaded this movement, such as Uber , Airbnb , RelayRides or TaskRabbit .

After the 2008 financial crisis, we’ve seen a decline in quality corporate jobs. And thus people are supplementing their income with ‘side jobs’. But this so-called side hustle has become commonplace . According to Freelancers Union , 53 million people in the US are 1099 employees.

I recently connected with Will Lee, an Artificial Intelligence expert who studied at Stanford. He created his company, Verlocal , with the mission to teach and […]

Workers of the Future, Unite

Workers of the Future, Unite

A utomation will undoubtedly transform the workforce, the economy, and society as a whole. Robotics, sophisticated “AI” software, and other technologies will cause lasting and profound changes in the future. But that’s no reason to ignore the problems we’re facing right now.

In fact, the best way to ensure that we have a more equitable economy tomorrow is by fighting for one today. “Reality Check”

Two recent commentaries addressed the “robot question.” One, by Don Lee, ran in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “ Reality check: Manufacturers returning to U.S. may mean jobs for robots, not people […]

Workers of the Future, Unite

Workers of the Future, Unite

Issei Kato / Reuters Automation will undoubtedly transform the workforce, the economy, and society as a whole. Robotics, sophisticated “AI” software, and other technologies will cause lasting and profound changes in the future. But that’s no reason to ignore the problems we’re facing right now.

In fact, the best way to ensure that we have a more equitable economy tomorrow is by fighting for one today.

“Reality check” Two recent commentaries addressed the “robot question.” One, by Don Lee, ran in the Los Angeles Times under the headline “ Reality check: Manufacturers returning to US may mean jobs for robots, […]

Trump Supporters Are Not the Losers from Globalization

Trump Supporters Are Not the Losers from Globalization

A common narrative we hear from the news media this election cycle is that Donald Trump has become popular by tapping into anti-trade sentiment among blue collar workers “ on the losing side of trade globalization .” The basic premises of this narrative are that (1) trade has harmed a large segment of the U.S. population and (2) those people are voting for Trump. But neither one of those premises is true.

The narrative has been fueled by a paper released earlier this year by economist David Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon Hanson titled “The China Shock: Learning from Labor […]

The evolution of BPO industry

The evolution of BPO industry

Manila Bulletin Business reporter James Loyola, George Yang, and Dianne Gonzalez, A.I. Pros partner. About 20 to 22 million Filipinos depend in the call center and business process outsourcing (BPO) industries. This includes the 5:1 ratio, where one worker needs to support four to five other people in their lives. A total about 4.4 million Filipinos, in Philippines, are employed under the BPO sector, bringing in millions of US dollars into the country.

George Yang, founder and CEO of A.I. Pros, sees the Philippines’ growth is because of the BPO sector. “If you look at the growth of the Philippines […]

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Final fall economist Carl Benedikt Frey and knowledge engineer Michael A. Osborne, each on the College of Oxford, revealed a examine estimating the likelihood that 702 occupations would quickly be computerized out of existence. Their findings have been startling. Advances in knowledge mining, machine imaginative and prescient, synthetic intelligence and different applied sciences might, they argued, put forty seven p.c of American jobs at excessive danger of being automated within the years forward. Mortgage officers, tax preparers, cashiers, locomotive engineers, paralegals, roofers, taxi drivers and even animal breeders are all at risk of going the way in which of […]

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs: David Ignatius

The brave new world of robots and lost jobs: David Ignatius

David Ignatius By David Ignatius

WASHINGTON — Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses are ahead in America — driven not by foreign competition but by advancing technology.

A look at the numbers suggests that America is having the wrong debate this year. Economic security won’t come from renegotiating trade deals, as Donald Trump claimed in a speech in Detroit Monday, or rebuilding infrastructure, as Hillary Clinton argued in Warren, Michigan, on Thursday. These are palliatives.The deeper problem facing America is […]

‘Automation bomb’ coming for U.S.

WASHINGTON – Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses are ahead in America – driven not by foreign competition, but by advancing technology.

A look at the numbers suggests that America is having the wrong debate this year. Economic security won’t come from renegotiating trade deals, as Donald Trump claimed in a speech in Detroit Monday, or rebuilding infrastructure, as Hillary Clinton argued in Warren, Mich., on Thursday. These are palliatives.

The deeper problem facing America is how to provide meaningful work […]