Politicians have no idea about future jobs

Last night, ABC Lateline aired a ripper segment looking at the future of Australian employment and the track record of Australia’s politicians a decade ago.

There’s a lot of interesting extracts from the segment, including that a decade ago, Prime Minister thought the commodity boom would be permanent, unlike Kevin Rudd: KEVIN RUDD, THEN OPPOSITION LEADER (2007): New leadership is about building long-term economic prosperity for when once this mining boom is over. JOHN HOWARD, THEN PRIME MINISTER (2007): Why does Mr Rudd keep talking about the end of the mining boom? Whoops!

There’s also the claim by both parties that […]

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s vision improbably recalls past

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's vision improbably recalls past

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump laid out an economic future Tuesday that improbably resembles the past, declaring "it will be American steel" that once again builds gleaming skyscrapers and fortifies the bridges and American factories that broadly revive a manufacturing economy long gone.

In Trump’s nostalgia-tinted vision, the complex and diverse U.S. economy can be fixed by tariffs, factory jobs and forcing foreign partners back to the bargaining table.

But to achieve it, he would have to reverse not only globalization, but automation, a changing workforce and other seismic shifts of a U.S. economy that has become more dependent on educated […]

Five things we’re getting wrong about the future of work

HR needs to reframe its thinking on technology, millennials and data, experts tell the Future Works conference

HR has much to learn from the academics, policy experts and economists who gathered at last week’s Future Works conference, hosted by The Economist, where they collectively laid bare the host of challenges facing every leader – and employee – as the working world undergoes a transformation, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Here are five myths about the future of work that they collectively debunked during their discussions.

The relationship between tech and jobs is straightforward More automation means […]

Is the threat of job automation affecting your recruitment strategy

Is the threat of job automation affecting your recruitment strategy

Is the Threat of Job Automation Affecting Your Recruitment Strategy?

If the threat of job automation is impacting your organization’s ability to attract top talent, it’s likely time to revisit your recruitment strategy. Because technology has become a big part of how different industries perform tasks, it can cause a fear of job stability for many employees seeking new positions in these industries. Fear of being replaced by software or an algorithm can cause job seekers to consider switching industries or independently pursue training.

According to ADP’s study 43 percent of employees believe that “automation will replace employees for repetitive […]

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income by Independent Trader

It wasn’t long time ago when Swiss had a referendum about universal basic income (UBI). They rejected it. The initiators of the campaign for UBI wanted a minimum salary to be paid to everyone regardless of their age, occupation or level of income. The UBI was aimed to replace pensions and benefits thanks to which numbers of bureaucrats would decrease. One argument for such a change is advancing automation and the end goal is to disconnect salary from work.

The Swiss economy is one of the most efficient economies in the world. Robotised manufacturing […]

Interview: Top US Labor Official Talks Job Creation, TPP

Interview: Top US Labor Official Talks Job Creation, TPP

ObamaFILE – Deputy Labor Secretary Christopher P. Lu speaks at Bladensburg High School in Bladensburg, Md., April 7, 2014 In the midst of a presidential campaign season where sustained economic recovery, job creation and trade have returned to the fore, Deputy Secretary of Labor Christopher Lu talked with VOA’s Adrianna Zhang about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and outlook on job creation efforts. Lu said more needs to be done despite recent gains.

VOA : Job creation has been a central talking point throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Can you talk a bit about what your department has been doing to […]

Report: EU Floats Social Security Payments For ‘Electronic Persons’

Report: EU Floats Social Security Payments For 'Electronic Persons'

European authorities are reportedly questioning whether manufacturers should be on the hook for the impact of factory robots on human employees and social services.

Reuters reports that a draft European Parliament motion would urge reconsideration of a wide range of issues in the age of automation.

One provision would ask whether "the most sophisticated autonomous robots could be established as having the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations."Another floated the possibility of funds to cover the liability of individual smart robots, while another suggested that robot owners could pay social security in order to sustain those programs […]

The return of the machinery question

The return of the machinery question

THERE IS SOMETHING familiar about fears that new machines will take everyone’s jobs, benefiting only a select few and upending society. Such concerns sparked furious arguments two centuries ago as industrialisation took hold in Britain. People at the time did not talk of an “industrial revolution” but of the “machinery question”. First posed by the economist David Ricardo in 1821, it concerned the “influence of machinery on the interests of the different classes of society”, and in particular the “opinion entertained by the labouring class, that the employment of machinery is frequently detrimental to their interests”. Thomas Carlyle, writing […]

Automation and anxiety

Automation and anxiety

SITTING IN AN office in San Francisco, Igor Barani calls up some medical scans on his screen. He is the chief executive of Enlitic, one of a host of startups applying deep learning to medicine, starting with the analysis of images such as X-rays and CT scans. It is an obvious use of the technology. Deep learning is renowned for its superhuman prowess at certain forms of image recognition; there are large sets of labelled training data to crunch; and there is tremendous potential to make health care more accurate and efficient.

Dr Barani (who used to be an oncologist) […]

Re-educating Rita

Re-educating Rita

IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course available free online. By the time the course began in October, 160,000 people in 190 countries had signed up for it. At the same time Andrew Ng, also a Stanford professor, made one of his courses, on machine learning, available free online, for which 100,000 people enrolled. Both courses ran for ten weeks. Mr Thrun’s was completed by 23,000 people; Mr Ng’s by […]