Automation and globalisation is leading to a shift in demand for skills

Automation and globalisation is leading to a shift in demand for skills

A new Deloitte Access Economics report, commissioned by Deakin University’s DeakinCo , has predicted automation, globalisation and demographic shifts would lead to soft skill-intensive occupations increasing at 2½ times the rate of other jobs, to account for 63 per cent of all jobs in 2030, up from half in 2000.

According to the Soft Skills for Business Success report, the skills most sought by employers were communication (cited in 71 per cent of job ads), digital skills (26 per cent), critical thinking (25 per cent), self-management (20 per cent) and problem-solving (19 per cent).

DeakinCo. chief executive Simon Hann said the […]

We need to track more than GDP to understand how automation is transforming work

We need to track more than GDP to understand how automation is transforming work

A new report by the US-based National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine suggests that not only has the automation of work barely begun but that the ways in which we measure the effects of technology on employment are inadequate to the task.

The authors argue that to understand how automation is transforming our workplaces, we need better ways of tracking technological change. Put simply, they are saying that if we are what we measure – that is, if policy is driven by the information we collect – then we are collecting the wrong information.

“Data on many of these trends […]

Technological unemployment

Technological unemployment

Globalization has often been accused of causing the rise in populism and people voting against the establishment or the elite. All over the world, there is a worrying trend towards popular sentiments for the strong-man leadership together with a decline in democracies. The decline in labor intensive businesses is now being felt especially in manufacturing and construction industries. This has led to a permanent class of unemployed and underemployed people even in developed economies. There is now a growing belief that the real cause for this phenomenon is technology and not globalization.

In a recent World Economic Forum ( WEF) […]

Will automation take away all our jobs?

Will automation take away all our jobs?

With all the doom and gloom messages about robots taking all our jobs in the future, this article by Economist, David Autor, is a good reality check on this perspective. The good news is, history suggests, we will find new and interesting things to do for work, we just can’t imagine them yet. For job seekers and students the message is clear, continue to build your skill sets and ensure you able to adapt to change, or you might be left behind.

Probably not. But if we want a future where more of those jobs are decent and well-paying, […]

We need a New Deal to address the economic risks of automation

We need a New Deal to address the economic risks of automation

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has a surprisingly naive take on the issue of AI and robots replacing human jobs.

Mnuchin, who said earlier, that human obsolescence is “not even on our radar screen…50–100 more years away” — and that he’s “not worried at all.” For those of us in the tech industry, it’s clear his timescale is inaccurate and that, if the government is complacent about AI, the country is setting itself up for an economic shock.

There’s been downward pressure on jobs since the Industrial Revolution due to leaps in productivity brought about by human ingenuity and lucky discoveries. This […]

Working in the future: how humans need to adapt

Working in the future: how humans need to adapt

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century, machines have been taking over from human workers.
They are cheaper to run and produce more, but will robots end up doing all our work in the future, and what will be our role be in society?
The shift to automation brought mass production and a rise in global demand, but also anxiety over job losses – and those fears still exist today.
Experts believe the latest cyber-physical systems and the “Internet of things” demonstrate how we are now in the fourth phase of the Industrial Revolution, […]

Robots and AI ‘pose risk to ten million UK jobs’

Robots and AI 'pose risk to ten million UK jobs'

A recent report from PwC says that – although the UK has fewer jobs at risk from increased automation over the next 15 years than the US, Germany and Japan – around ten million jobs will be affected. The UK has fewer jobs at risk from increased automation over the next 15 years than the likes of the US, Germany and Japan, according to an analysis from PwC.Even so, the report said that about ten million British workers risked seeing their jobs taken over by robots, while others will see the nature of their work change as AI technologies […]

“Utterly Shocking”: Silicon Valley Slams White House for Ignoring A.I. Threat

“Utterly Shocking”: Silicon Valley Slams White House for Ignoring A.I. Threat

By Ronald Wittek/Pool/Getty Images. If there’s one thing that labor economists and leaders in Silicon Valley generally seem to agree on, it’s that increasingly sophisticated technology is coming to replace American jobs. According to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, 38 percent of U.S. jobs are at high risk of being replaced by automation in the next 15 years, compared with 30 percent of jobs in the U.K. and 21 percent of in Japan. The United States, like the United Kingdom, is dominated by service jobs in sectors like manufacturing, transportation, finance, and food service, and U.S. jobs are particularly […]

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Economists and entrepreneurs say the advent of robots and automation will destroy more jobs than it will create—leading to a world where computers do most of the work and humans do… something else. Some critics say experts are exaggerating when they say the future will be jobless. Automation will replace some tasks, but it will also create new opportunities. The cost of goods will go down. People will still need to program the robots too. What do you think will happen? 🤖

Unlike technological revolutions in the past, automation threatens to replace humans entirely. Already, fast food chains are […]

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Will automation destroy more jobs than it creates?

Economists and entrepreneurs say the advent of robots and automation will destroy more jobs than it will create—leading to a world where computers do most of the work and humans do… something else. Some critics say experts are exaggerating when they say the future will be jobless. Automation will replace some tasks, but it will also create new opportunities. The cost of goods will go down. People will still need to program the robots too. What do you think will happen? 🤖

Unlike technological revolutions in the past, automation threatens to replace humans entirely. Already, fast food chains are […]