How AI and automation could impact supply chain roles

How AI and automation could impact supply chain roles

Innovations such as AI and automation have been tipped to kickstart the Fourth Revolution.

While the technology is being widely adopted, it is constantly evolving. Therefore, there is uncertainty surrounding its overall impact, particularly on professional roles within the supply chain.

Some fear that the technology will replace its human counterparts, while other experts suggest it will work in unison with humans, supporting them to focus on higher value opportunities. Amidst all of this uncertainty one thing is for certain: AI and automation will change how we operate. One side of the coin: a workforce replaced Recent advancements in AI […]

Employee surveillance has boomed amid coronavirus. After, it won’t go away

Employee surveillance has boomed amid coronavirus. After, it won’t go away

The coronavirus outbreak has had a profound effect on the U.S. economy, with the Economic Policy Institute estimating the unemployment rate may reach 16% by July as many businesses remain closed or shutter their doors for good. Corporations around the country are developing different strategies for confronting this unprecedented disruption of business, and many of the steps that are being taken threaten to increase corporate power at the cost of workers’ job stability and autonomy.

Amazon, for starters, has faced a major backlash from its workers due to what it claims are unsafe work conditions during this outbreak. It’s claimed […]

How to Effectively Embrace Automation?

How to Effectively Embrace Automation?

Artificial intelligence , when utilized in a knowledge worker environment to deliver intelligent automation, empowers organizations to automate a scope of workplace processes in a quick, powerful and secure way. Therefore, companies are reclassifying how work is resourced over their operations, in view of the relative strengths and capacities of human and digital work.

This hybrid human-AI workforce empowers organizations to be increasingly agile when reacting to disruption and evolving regulations, permitting them to seek after new open doors that would be unthinkable with a customary way to deal with resourcing.

There’s lots of discussion about what the future of work […]

Change is coming

Change is coming

Apr 12, 2020 at 12:02 AM

A silver lining to be found in this pandemic is that it has forced many issues and societal short-comings to the surface in such an abrupt manner that it has spared us our otherwise likely fate: the American worker being the proverbial frog in the pot as the water increasingly gets warmer and warmer. But now we’re faced with the question, “Is it better to be slowly brought to a boil or to be pulled out of the frying pan, only to be thrown into the fire?”

We were (are) going to have mass […]

Conflicting Views on Robotization in Hungary

Conflicting Views on Robotization in Hungary

According to an analysis by the Economic and Entrepreneurship Research Institute (GVI) of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a significant number of Hungarian employees – 730,000 – work in areas where many of the tasks could be performed by machines. It is estimated that the pace of automation expansion in Central and Eastern Europe will be above the European average in the near future, so labor market effects are sure to be felt in this region, according to the GVI research into the automation of occupations registered in Hungary.

Routine, easy-to-write, and consequently programmable tasks that could be […]

Future of work in a post-Covid world

Future of work in a post-Covid world

Apart from technologies like cloud, A.I., IoT, and Big Data, pandemic-attack driven compulsions will also influence the future of work.

Image: Pexels

History tells us that human beings have been around for 200,000 odd years. Of these, till about 12,000 years ago, they were hunter-gatherers. Then agriculture happened and they were relieved of bothering about the basic physiological needs of hunger and shelter. This was a watershed moment in the evolution of human history, with ‘cultivation and extraction’ becoming the key economic drivers. It is about 250 years ago that the industrial revolution happened and human output efficiency got […]

Three Ethical Considerations for Manufacturers Investing in Artificial Intelligence

Three Ethical Considerations for Manufacturers Investing in Artificial Intelligence

While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been prevalent in industries such as the financial sector, where algorithms and decision trees have long been used in approving or denying loan requests and insurance claims, the manufacturing industry is at the beginning of its AI journey. Manufacturers have started to recognize the benefits of embedding AI into business operations—marrying the latest techniques with existing, widely used automation systems to enhance productivity.

Antony Bourne, President, Industries, IFS , explains manufacturers must construct ethical systems as AI becomes pervasive in the industry. He outlines three major ethical problems facing the industry as manufacturers ramp up […]

State of Disruptive Technologies in Futuristic Market

State of Disruptive Technologies in Futuristic Market

The innovations brought in by industry 4.0 technologies, also termed disruptive technologies are at the core of various businesses, organizations, sectors, industries, countries, and human-tasks as well. New age disruption induced by such technologies sweeps away the systems or replaces consumer or market habits through a recognizably superior behavior. Cloud Consulting, Cyber Security, Business Intelligence and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual & Augmented Reality are among the top disruptive technologies leading way towards better business prospects.

Besides, McKinsey considers mobile internet, automation of knowledge work, the internet of things, cloud technology, Advanced robotics, Autonomous, and near-autonomous vehicles, next-generation genomics, […]

State of Disruptive Technologies in Contemporary Market

State of Disruptive Technologies in Contemporary Market

The innovations brought in by industry 4.0 technologies, also termed disruptive technologies are at the core of various businesses, organizations, sectors, industries, countries, and human-tasks as well. New age disruption induced by such technologies sweeps away the systems or replaces consumer of market habits through a recognizably superior behavior. Cloud Consulting, Cyber Security, Business Intelligence and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual & Augmented Reality are among the top disruptive technologies leading way towards better business prospects.

Besides, McKinsey considers mobile internet, automation of knowledge work, the internet of things, cloud technology, Advanced robotics, Autonomous, and near-autonomous vehicles, next-generation genomics, […]

And right now, EdTech could help to mitigate an economic disaster.

And right now, EdTech could help to mitigate an economic disaster.

Businesses and governments have locked down major parts of the economy. Social distancing has become essential to public health.

Some companies have been able to transition employees to remote work arrangements – others are still struggling and many have already folded.

Humanity has faced terrible plagues in the past, before the economy became largely digitized and globalized.Science was more limited in its understanding back then. Modern technology has contributed to the rapid spread of the virus and also to the rapid spread of misinformation.But technology has also put us in a position whereby we can rapidly educate, adapt, reevaluate, innovate, and […]