Automation future scope

Read our review and find the best home automation system for your needs and budget. Expanding the range and scope of RPA literacy is also commonly referred to as the democratization of RPA Nov 3, 2017The 11th annual SiriusDecisions Summit shared 7 predictions for the future of marketing automation. 2nd World Congress on Automation and robotics 2016 conference will be organized around the theme of Automation & Robotics for a Sustainable Future on June 13-15, 2016 at Philadelphia, USA. The effect of automation is often the focus of predictions about the future of jobs. A Pew Research Center survey […]

Racing the Machine

Racing the Machine

Economists have always believed that previous waves of job destruction led to an equilibrium between supply and demand in the labor market at a higher level of both employment and earnings. But if robots can actually replace, not just displace, humans, it is hard to see an equilibrium point until the human race itself becomes redundant.

LONDON – Dispelling anxiety about robots has become a major preoccupation of business apologetics. The commonsense – and far from foolish – view is that the more jobs are automated, the fewer there will be for humans to perform. The headline example is the […]

Congress should just tell the truth about the tax ‘scam’

Congress should just tell the truth about the tax ‘scam’

Beyond all of the needless cruelty done to children, seniors, veterans, teachers and heroes currently serving in our military, perhaps the worst thing about the reverse Robin Hood Republican Tax Scam is the “big lie” that is the foundational predicate of why such enormous tax cuts for the 1 percent are necessary right now: jobs and investment growth.

Economists identify a concept called “natural unemployment,” which means that a predictable percentage of the labor force will always be unemployed because they are in a state of employment transition. Recent graduates are counted in the labor force (as are recent retirees) […]

Don’t panic – AI will create more jobs than it eliminates: Gartner

Don’t panic – AI will create more jobs than it eliminates: Gartner

As we rush ever closer to 2020, analyst firm Gartner predicts that year will represent a major turning point in artificial intelligence (AI)-related employment dynamics.

While fields like manufacturing will be hit hard as AI technology replaces human labour through to 2019, from 2020 AI-related job creation will cross into positive territory, reaching two million net-new jobs in 2025, with healthcare, the public sector and education growing fastest.

“Many significant innovations in the past have been associated with a transition period of temporary job loss, followed by recovery, then business transformation and AI will likely follow this route,” said Svetlana Sicular, […]

How to tell whether machines can do your job

How to tell whether machines can do your job

There may be a way to predict which jobs are most vulnerable to being taken over by machines, says a new research paper.

Two researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Carnegie Mellon University say machine learning will not spell the "end of work" for humans, but will have considerable impacts on the economy and the way people work. They have created a set of 21 questions that evaluate how suitable a task might be for machine learning based on what they know about machine learning systems’ current and future capabilities.

They published their paper Thursday in the journal Science.Managers […]

Want to Beat the Robots? Interpersonal Skills Matter More Than Ever

Want to Beat the Robots? Interpersonal Skills Matter More Than Ever

David Blackwell/Flickr However, we have something the machines can’t replicate: We’re human. New technologies can cover a lot of ground in the workplace. This leaves us humans to wield the skills and talents that are naturally and uniquely ours.

That’s why, these days, interpersonal skills matter more than ever. And, there’s every reason to believe that will be even more true as time goes on. The Job Market Is Already Changing

Work that requires excellent “people skills” is on the rise. It’s hard to imagine that these kinds of jobs (think teacher, nurse, etc.) could ever be done by AI.“Professions […]

Sorry, Congress: The Tax Bill Won’t Create the Jobs of the Future

Sorry, Congress: The Tax Bill Won't Create the Jobs of the Future

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Republicans argue that the lower taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals promised in the tax bill currently before Congress will result in new investment in businesses and more jobs. But in the age of artificial intelligence and automation, trickle-down economics won’t create employment. What corporations and the US economy at large need most in this emerging era is not more free cash, but a new approach to machine-assisted human productivity and purpose.

Corporations don’t invest in human labor if the same investment in technology, particularly in software, will yield greater productivity. History shows that when given the […]

Japan Has Figured Out Factories

Japan Has Figured Out Factories

Reviving manufacturing has become a prime policy objective for national leaders from Washington to Beijing to New Delhi. We can debate whether chasing factories is worth the effort in the 21st century, but not the difficulty of building and maintaining a robust industrial sector in the face of relentless global competition and technological change.

At least one country seems to have figured out how to do just that, however, and a highly unexpected one: Japan.

Factories churning out cars, chips and Walkmans were the engines of Japan’s storied growth miracle back in the 1970s and 1980s. But like most other advanced […]

Watson’s words on future of work ring true – and why we need a “right to learn”

Watson’s words on future of work ring true – and why we need a “right to learn”

Last week, Tom Watson rightly challenged the idea of a dystopian future created by new technologies. Despite huge advances in what is possible with artificial intelligence and robotics, a workless age is an unlikely prospect.

It is true, some jobs will go. But, for most jobs, their tasks will simply change. There will be greater automation of repetitive and mundane aspects of work, with more emphasis on elements involving creativity and emotional intelligence.

New jobs will also be created. And they are likely to be skilled, enjoyable, and better-paid. In short, a future of better and more flourishing work could be […]

Automation and job loss statistics

Automation and job loss statistics

Mar 24, 2017 Up to around 30% of existing UK jobs are susceptible to automation from robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the early 2030s, but in many “The UK employment rate is at its highest level now since comparable records began in 1971, despite all the advances in digital and other labour-saving Dec 2, 2016 The US did indeed lose about 5. Are we facing a future of stagnant income and worsening inequality? Artificial intelligence could dramatically improve the economy and aspects of everyday life, but we need to invent ways to make sure everyone benefits. The topic […]