What Jobs Will Today’s Young People Have in the Automated Future?

What Jobs Will Today’s Young People Have in the Automated Future?

It’s getting harder all the time to be a parent with all the negative influences in society and media today. But a new problem is how to provide guidance to a young person considering a career in a future that looks to have profoundly different work opportunities because of automation, advanced software and robots.

A few decades ago, a kid might follow his father into a decent paying manufacturing job in a Ford or Chevy plant, but then many factories were outsourced to cheap-labor Asian countries. Now some production is moving back to the US to save money on transportation […]

The robots are coming for your job — but that might turn to be out for the best

The robots are coming for your job — but that might turn to be out for the best

As Santa and his reindeer set off to deliver Christmas gifts tonight, one wonders if their jobs may be replaced by the march of technology. A McKinsey Global Institute study suggests they might. The report, Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation, suggests job losses will be greatest where tasks are predictable and physical — such as freight delivery — but claims there will be gains in other areas, for example, for professionals and managers. Routine jobs are more at risk of automation than non-routine ones.

This would represent little more than a continuation of what […]

Future of automation technology

com free digital version print version 8,00 € printed in Germany 16© iStockphoto. Automation And Progress in the 21st Century In 2012, the United States Congress enacted the Move Ahead for Progress in the 21st century A new McKinsey Global Institute report finds realizing automation’s full potential requires people and technology to Harnessing automation for a future that The maritime industry has perhaps been slower than most to embrace container terminal automation, however, confidence inautomation technology is now at its highest What is the scope of PLC and automation training as a future career? What is the best place […]

Racing the Machine

Racing the Machine

Economists have always believed that previous waves of job destruction led to an equilibrium between supply and demand in the labor market at a higher level of both employment and earnings. But if robots can actually replace, not just displace, humans, it is hard to see an equilibrium point until the human race itself becomes redundant.

LONDON – Dispelling anxiety about robots has become a major preoccupation of business apologetics. The commonsense – and far from foolish – view is that the more jobs are automated, the fewer there will be for humans to perform. The headline example is the […]

Reverence for Robots: Japanese Workers Treasure Automation

The machines do all the heavy lifting at this plant run by Asahi Breweries, Japan’s top brewer. The human job is to make sure the machines do the work right.

"Basically, nothing goes wrong. The lines are up and running 96 percent," said Shinichi Uno, a manager at the plant. "Although machines make things, human beings oversee the machines."

The debate over machines snatching jobs from people is muted in Japan, where birth rates have been sinking for decades, raising fears of a labor shortage. It would be hard to find a culture that celebrates robots more, evident in the popularity […]

How to tell whether machines can do your job

How to tell whether machines can do your job

There may be a way to predict which jobs are most vulnerable to being taken over by machines, says a new research paper.

Two researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Carnegie Mellon University say machine learning will not spell the "end of work" for humans, but will have considerable impacts on the economy and the way people work. They have created a set of 21 questions that evaluate how suitable a task might be for machine learning based on what they know about machine learning systems’ current and future capabilities.

They published their paper Thursday in the journal Science.Managers […]

Want to Beat the Robots? Interpersonal Skills Matter More Than Ever

Want to Beat the Robots? Interpersonal Skills Matter More Than Ever

David Blackwell/Flickr However, we have something the machines can’t replicate: We’re human. New technologies can cover a lot of ground in the workplace. This leaves us humans to wield the skills and talents that are naturally and uniquely ours.

That’s why, these days, interpersonal skills matter more than ever. And, there’s every reason to believe that will be even more true as time goes on. The Job Market Is Already Changing

Work that requires excellent “people skills” is on the rise. It’s hard to imagine that these kinds of jobs (think teacher, nurse, etc.) could ever be done by AI.“Professions […]

Automation and the American Worker: Cynthia Estlund asks, “What Should We Do After Work?”

Automation and the American Worker: Cynthia Estlund asks, “What Should We Do After Work?”

The gig economy gets considerable attention in the media, but there is another issue looming in the jobs sector that might soon supplant it: automation. Advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are set to reshape the labor market in ways for which we have yet to prepare. Soon robots will begin to outperform human workers in a number of jobs not previously considered “automatable,” including ones requiring nuanced creative and cognitive abilities. Previous waves of technological progress tended to expand employment opportunities and create new economies, but many experts today think this time could be different. A […]

The 5 most important tech job trends for 2018

The 5 most important tech job trends for 2018

The job market will continue to shift in 2018, as technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) impact many industries, and mobile changes the way people find and apply for jobs, according to a new report from job search site Glassdoor.

Despite two major hurricanes and political challenges, the US economy experienced a strong year, Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor’s chief economist, wrote in the report: 1.9 million new jobs were added in 11 months, and stock markets reached an all-time high. Additionally, the nation’s unemployment rate dropped to a 17-year low, fueling a talent war in tech, healthcare, e-commerce, and other professional […]

The future of jobs and automation: What I learned from my teenage son

The future of jobs and automation: What I learned from my teenage son

“If you don’t go to your room and study instead of playing video games and watching YouTube, you’ll end up flipping hamburgers at McDonalds for the rest of your life!”

How many times have mothers of teenage kids found themselves making such dire pronouncements as we straddle home after fighting traffic and a busy day at the office? I plead guilty. But the more we read and look around, the more we realize that our teenagers are actually more prepared for the future than we can even understand.

Here are the facts. First, by 2030 almost 10% of the US workforce […]