Workforce Gap Grows as Boomers Retire

Workforce Gap Grows as Boomers Retire

Manufacturers are having difficulty finding skilled workers. Many are trying creative approaches to close the gap.

The manufacturing industry is experiencing growing pressure as it becomes more difficult to find available talent to run operations. A perfect storm of issues has formed, making it increasingly difficult to find skilled labor. One of the biggest challenges is the retirement of the Baby Boom generation. Many of the industry’s highest skilled workers are now beginning to leave. The number of Boomers retiring will increase precipitously over the next five years. Building the right team of skilled workers is a puzzle that is […]

MEI: Signs of optimistic hiring outlook in 2018

MEI: Signs of optimistic hiring outlook in 2018

By SIOW NAN YEE / Graphic By TMR

ONLINE hiring activity in Malaysia showed a 2% yearon- year (YoY) growth, according to data collected from the Monster Employment Index (MEI) by in December 2017.

The global employment website said hiring activities in Malaysia grew during the second half of the year and this optimistic sentiment is expected to continue in 2018.The overall MEI Malaysia results showed that the information technology (IT), telecommunication and IT-related operations, and oil and gas (O&G) industry led the online recruitment activity among other sectors.Meanwhile, the retail sector and customer service roles had registered the […]

How to Make or Break Your Financial Goals

How to Make or Break Your Financial Goals

Opening my inbox yesterday, the headline that greeted me was:

‘Stocks sink to the worst monthly decline since 2016’

My thought bubble was one of feigned surprise… Shock horror…markets actually fall.I continued scrolling down and I came across an article from Geopolitical Futures titled ‘The Middle of an Era’.Given that my days are consumed with writing a book on impermanence and that nothing stays the same forever, the title drew me in. What era are we in the middle of, I thought?The article looked at the changing geopolitical landscape every two decades from 1900.Here’s an extract up to 1960: […]

As machines take over mundane tasks, what skills will be needed in the modern corporation?

As machines take over mundane tasks, what skills will be needed in the modern corporation?

A vast global revolution is changing every aspect of our modern existence and, unsurprisingly, there is much doom and gloom about its impact on our working lives. In a study of 46 countries, The McKinsey Global Institute predicted that around half of all jobs worldwide have the potential to be automated. Another 2017 study for the US National Bureau of Economic Research, found that robots were replacing around 400,000 manufacturing jobs a year.
Others are less apocalyptic. The OECD, for one, estimates that just nine per cent of jobs are high risk of being automated with another 25 […]

Universal Basic Income could ease the pain of being replaced by robots

Universal Basic Income could ease the pain of being replaced by robots

As automation becomes more prevalent, it’s time to seriously consider a Universal Basic Income. (Courtesy image) The future is upon us, and we are woefully unprepared. Earlier this week, my friend and colleague, Joe Fitz, wrote an article about driverless cars operating “without humans” in California . It talked about how, starting April 2, truly driverless cars can begin rolling down streets so the technology can be properly tested. Up until now, these vehicles have been cruising our roads with someone behind the wheel — to intervene, if necessary. This is a big step forward.

Once this technology becomes mainstream […]

Canadians need to ‘future-proof’ their careers as more jobs become automated: report

Canadians need to 'future-proof' their careers as more jobs become automated: report

A car on a production line in Germany. Many jobs are expected to be replaced by some form of automation in the next decade, from general labour to professional services. Finding the human element in any field is essential to future-proofing careers according to a new report by Deloitte. (Tobias Schwarz/Reuters) The affordability crisis in Vancouver is well documented, with the cost of living outstripping incomes, threatening quality of life for many.

And now there are warnings that people’s incomes may be under threat as the workforce becomes ever more automated.

As cars begin to drive themselves and machines become more […]

Automation and Wealth Inequality in the Next Few Decades

07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A perfect storm is brewing for global businesses: the combination of aging populations, the adoption of new automation technologies and rising inequality could collide to trigger a disruption far greater than the world has experienced over the past 60 May 1, 2016 work over the next decades. The gap between the rich and poor has grown over the last few decades, but it became increasingly pronounced after the 2008 financial crisis. While economists debate the extent to which technology plays a role in global inequality, most agree that tech Dec 6, 2016 Automation will, […]

AI Dominates PM Modi’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ Talk Show This Month

AI Dominates PM Modi’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ Talk Show This Month

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s monthly address ‘Mann Ki Baat’ on Sunday held a whole bunch of surprises for the new tech community, because the PM specifically spoke about the use of machines that Advertisement Opening his address by referring to noted Indian scientist and Nobel Prize winner Sir CV Raman, PM Modi reiterated his earlier remarks about science being “neutral” , that is possessing the power which humans chose to give it. He also added that the machines were getting smarter through self learning and urged researchers to make use of artificial intelligence to make the lives of the […]

The Future of Work

The Future of Work

With automation poised to put millions out of work, economists debate if growth can create enough new ones.

Since the 1970s, automation has eliminated the jobs of millions of bank tellers, retail cashiers, travel agents, airline front-desk workers and manufacturing employees. With the jobs of truck drivers, airline pilots and even medical doctors now at risk as well, it sometimes feels as if every human job except those of computer coders is destined to disappear. Compass examines the jobs at risk and the forces at work. Gantry cranes load containers onto automated guided vehicles (AGV) during the testing […]

‘Rise of the machines’ drives push for ‘universal basic income’

'Rise of the machines' drives push for 'universal basic income'

(Photo: Pixabay) A revolution is coming to America and the world, and it’s threatening workers’ livelihoods, warn big tech moguls and politicians.

It’s an automation apocalypse of sorts, some say, and the trend could plunge many of today’s workers into poverty and even homelessness in the near future.

Humans in a wide range of industries could be rendered useless or inadequate in their fields. Telemarketers, bookkeepers, receptionists, delivery workers, customer support specialists, retail salespeople, cashiers, tax preparers, sports referees, machine operators, truckers, taxi drivers, fast-food cooks and warehouse and factory workers are at exceptional risk of being replaced.Welcome to the Artificial […]