Amazon Buys Out Whole Foods Market

Amazon Buys Out Whole Foods Market

Reprinted with permission from Creators .

Excellent news, folks: A decade after Wall Street greed crashed our economy and crushed the working class, jobs are suddenly plentiful!

As an Associated Press article joyously put it, “The U.S. job market has settled into a sweet spot of steadily solid growth.” At long last, the American dream is back for working families, right? Well … in a word: No. Further down in the article, AP’s sweet news turns sour with this little admission: “About all that’s still missing [in the jobs market] is a broad acceleration in pay.”In other words, you can […]

America Can Bring Back Factories, But Few Jobs, Says McKinsey

America Can Bring Back Factories, But Few Jobs, Says McKinsey

Manufacturing could rebound without employing many people

Automation makes cheap labor less crucial to producers

President Donald Trump is pushing to revive American manufacturing and bring back U.S. factory jobs. He may be able to deliver on half of that goal.American manufacturing could be poised to rebound as technological disruption shakes up global production chains, but that will offer little relief to displaced factory workers, according to new research by the McKinsey Global Institute.For years, companies have searched for cheap labor, shipping production jobs out of advanced nations and toward their developing counterparts. Now, McKinsey sees conditions […]

5 Simple Tips To Help You Survive The 4th Industrial Revolution

5 Simple Tips To Help You Survive The 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4 th industrial revolution is here, and it is completely transforming the way we live and work. This new world is fuelled by data and internet connected devices that are capable of collecting and processing ever-growing amounts of information.

Smartphones, digital cameras, sensors and social media now create more information than ever before. In fact, over the past 18 months we have created more data than in all of prior human history combined. More hours of YouTube videos are now uploaded every three minutes than all Hollywood studios produce in a whole year. Shutterstock This explosion of data is […]

Automation Impacting Earnings Distribution

Automation Impacting Earnings Distribution

If your main worry over automation is losing your job, history suggests you’ll probably be just fine. After all, even a century of unprecedented technological advancement in transportation, production and communication hasn’t caused labor’s share of national income to significantly budge.

Economists David Autor and Anna Salomons reckon that’s because the primary driver of employment has actually been population growth, despite all the emphasis placed in academic circles on how machines augment human labor as well as why they will ultimately replace us anyway, Bloomberg reported.

The bigger concern, they say, is how technological advances will affect earnings distribution. Essentially, the […]

Factory workers need to worry about automation more than techies

Factory workers need to worry about automation more than techies

The trend of robots replacing workers is no more restricted to countries like Japan. It is accelerating across the globe in the field of manufacturing and production, taking away the livelihood of factory workers. NEW DELHI: Automation is emerging as a big threat to jobs. The information technology (IT) sector seems to be the worst-hit by automation. But a survey by TeamLease reveals automation is affecting the manufacturing and engineering sector the most.

Jobs in factories are the most vulnerable to automation than those in the IT companies because it’s easiest to automate manufacturing.

The trend of robots replacing workers is […]

Will AI and robots mean the end of jobs for humans?

Will AI and robots mean the end of jobs for humans?

By Steve Wells, Alexandra Whittington and Rohit Talwar of Fast Future

Whatever the country, whatever the economic context, the critical question is: what is the future of work in an era of exponential technology development?

Artificial intelligence is arguably the big game changer. We already see narrow AI in use in internet searches, customer targeting applications, and in predictive analytics. But AI has much greater capability that will merge into every aspect of our lives in the future.Devices will learn more about us and take on more of our tasks. We are automating activity in literally every sector and that […]

Buffett: ‘Economy Is Doing Well, but All Americans Aren’t Doing Well’

Buffett: 'Economy Is Doing Well, but All Americans Aren't Doing Well'

Investment guru Warren Buffett sees wealth inequality as the most serious problem in the country: "a prosperity that’s been disproportionately rewarding to the people on top,"

"The real problem, in my view, is — this has been — the prosperity has been unbelievable for the extremely rich people," Buffett said Monday during an interview with PBS NewsHour.

With a net worth of more than $75 billion, Buffett is currently the second richest man alive, according to Forbes. "If you go to 1982, when Forbes put on their first 400 list, those people had [a total of] $93 billion. They now […]

Nearly half of office workers believe automation will have a positive impact on their organisation

Nearly half of office workers believe automation will have a positive impact on their organisation

Research findings revealed today show that nearly half of UK office workers are optimistic about the impact automation technologies will have on the workplace of the future.

However, the cost of implementation and lack of infrastructure are big barriers to adoption for UK businesses.

A survey over 1,000 UK office workers was carried out to explore their attitudes and expectations of cutting-edge technologies including automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning. It found that 40 per cent of respondents believe machine learning will have a potentially positive impact in the workplace along with robotics. Only 10 per […]

Will jobs disappear as technology takes over our work?

Will jobs disappear as technology takes over our work?

Worldwide the critical question is becoming; what is the future of work in an era of exponential technology development?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the big game changer.

We already see narrow AI in use in internet searches, customer targeting applications, and in predictive analytics.But AI has much greater capability that will merge into every aspect of our lives in the future. Increasingly devices will learn more about us, provide an ever-increasing range of support and take on more of our tasks.We are automating a lot more activity in literally every sector and that is set to continue at an accelerating […]

Looking beyond 2020

Looking beyond 2020

Dr. Florangel Rosario Braid With rapid changes going on in almost every sector, most of us are overwhelmed and can hardly catch up, much less plan for what is yet to come. And with the country embroiled in war against drugs and poverty as well as ethnic and resources conflict, one way by which we can manage our anxieties and troubling thoughts is to imagine what is in store for us in the future. While a few decades ago, there was only Nostradamus and predictions from soothsayers, all one has to do is to Google and hooray! One can […]