Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

With land, machinery, chemicals and seeds becoming expensive and technology providing cost-effective labour solutions, the days of the individual farmers are numbered. Automation has everyone on the edge. According to a recent report by US-based research firm ‘HfS Research’, India’s IT services industry, which employs around 3.7 million people, will lose 6.4 lakh jobs to automation in the next five years.

The report further adds that the IT industry worldwide would see a net decrease of 9% in headcount, or about 1.4 million jobs, with countries such as the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States also taking hits […]

Infosys, TCS & Wipro see big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

Infosys, TCS & Wipro see big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

As the number of jobs in India’s $160-billion information technology industry starts shrinking with each passing year, engineering graduates across are scrambling for every vacancy in a sector that was once a big employment generator.

The percentage of fresh engineering graduates accepting campus offers from India’s largest software firms such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Wipro has jumped significantly in the past three-four years, according to company data and executives.

For instance, at Wipro, job acceptance rates have risen to 85% from 65% three years ago, said an executive who didn’t want to be named. Others said this mirrors the […]

Future proofing your job

Future proofing your job

On Monday night, ABC Four Corners ran a ripper report entitled “Future Proof” , which examines the future of work in Australia and whether we are preparing our children properly for the future.

The report features a bunch of experts and commentators, some of who believe that up to 40% of current jobs (5 million) could disappear within 15 years as technological change takes hold, although many of these will be replaced by new jobs in areas that we probably haven’t even thought of.

Below are some key extracts from the transcript , beginning with the pessimistic news: GEOFF THOMPSON: Today […]

Robots are responsible for low wages, Trump and the Brexit

Robots are responsible for low wages, Trump and the Brexit

For decades, economic textbooks have highlighted the golden relationship between productivity and wages. As workers are able to produce more, employees reap the gains in the form of higher wages.

But this is no longer the case. View gallery . Wages and productivity climbed in lockstep between 1950 and 1980. However, there is a striking divergence between the 1980s and today. Even with the unemployment rate near multi-decade lows, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen highlighted concerns about the lack of wage growth and underemployment during her speech at Harvard last month.

“We’re close to an unemployment rate that I think most […]

Infosys, TCS and Wipro see a big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

Infosys, TCS and Wipro see a big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

At Wipro, job acceptance rates have risen to 85% from 65% three years ago, said an executive. Others said this mirrors the industry average of 80-85% now against 65-70% in FY12. BENGALURU: As the number of jobs in India’s $160-billion information technology industry starts shrinking with each passing year, engineering graduates across are scrambling for every vacancy in a sector that was once a big employment generator.

The percentage of fresh engineering graduates accepting campus offers from India’s largest software firms such as Tata Consultancy Services BSE -0.49 % , Infosys BSE -0.74 % and Wipro BSE 0.37 % has […]

Book review: The Rise Of The Robots

Book review: The Rise Of The Robots

The Rise Of The Robots—Technology And The Threat Of Mass Unemployment: By Martin Ford, Oneworld Publications, 334 pages, Rs.599. If the Industrial Revolution introduced the assembly-line production concept in factories, the 1950s and 1960s saw companies like General Motors introduce robotics on shop floors. These developments, however, will pale in comparison to what is in store for the human workforce a few decades from now, given the acceleration in capabilities of software automation and artificial intelligence (AI) driven predictive algorithms.

The Rise Of The Robots—Technology And The Threat Of Mass Employment by Martin Ford is a well-researched attempt to […]

5 Important Skills You Require To Keep Your Job In The Next 10 Years

5 Important Skills You Require To Keep Your Job In The Next 10 Years

These are the five areas you need to develop to keep yourself employed in the next 10 years

We always read about what we should prepare or how we should brand ourselves at a job interview but we seldom speak about the skills that are required to keep ourselves employed over a period of time. The world is changing and it is changing fast. Old skills no longer matter, in fact, you will be stomped aside by the generational change leaving you know answers. Many believe that the future of work will transform in the next 10 years considering […]

Job gap widens between college, high school grads

Job gap widens between college, high school grads

A new graduate proudly displays his diploma, May 9, 2009. Buy Photo A structural shift in the job market following the most recent economic recession has radically changed the composition of the American workforce, with four-year college graduates for the first time constituting a larger share of the workforce than those who got a high school diploma but don’t have a college degree, according to a report released Thursday by the Georgetown University Center on Education.

Researchers at the center found that out of the 11.6 million jobs created in the post-recession economy, 11.5 million went to people with at […]

If Your Job Hasn’t Been Taken Over by Machines Yet, Just Wait

If Your Job Hasn't Been Taken Over by Machines Yet, Just Wait

Don’t pack up your cubicle quite yet. Though robots and automation are probably already transforming your day job, you have roughly a 60% chance of not losing your employment to a machine, according to a recent report from Forrester Research.

Automation and robotics can be seen in everything from manufacturing to logistics to food services and retail, but what are the jobs most likely to be taken over by machines? The proof may already be out there.

SMALL INVESTMENT, BIG POTENTIAL. TheStreet’s Stocks Under $10 has identified a handful of stocks with serious upside potential. See them FREE for 14-days. […]

Politicians have no idea about future jobs

Last night, ABC Lateline aired a ripper segment looking at the future of Australian employment and the track record of Australia’s politicians a decade ago.

There’s a lot of interesting extracts from the segment, including that a decade ago, Prime Minister thought the commodity boom would be permanent, unlike Kevin Rudd: KEVIN RUDD, THEN OPPOSITION LEADER (2007): New leadership is about building long-term economic prosperity for when once this mining boom is over. JOHN HOWARD, THEN PRIME MINISTER (2007): Why does Mr Rudd keep talking about the end of the mining boom? Whoops!

There’s also the claim by both parties that […]