42 percent of working Canadians at high risk of being replaced by automation, says study

42 percent of working Canadians at high risk of being replaced by automation, says study

If you are on the verge of graduating from high school and wrestling with what to do with the rest of your life, or re-training yourself for another job mid-career, a study by Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship located in Toronto, Canada and housed within Ryerson University may have an impact.

Their recent study , The Talented Mr. Robot: The impact of automation on Canada’s workforce says a staggering 42 percent of the Canadian workforce is at high risk of being affected by automation over the next 10 to 20 years, with over a 70 percent probability of this […]

How digital manufacturing will shift production from the factory to your kitchen table

How digital manufacturing will shift production from the factory to your kitchen table

With the rapid pace of technological innovation, the need for greater market responsiveness, and the rising cost of labor in nearly all economies, many companies are revisiting age-old manufacturing strategies. They recognize there is a growing need to introduce innovative products faster to meet customer demands while maintaining aggressive cost and quality objectives. Traditional manufacturing approaches can no longer keep pace with this dynamic new consumer-driven age. Meeting these demands will instead require a complete reinvention to how we approach manufacturing, and this reinvention will need to unfold on a scale that amounts to a new industrial revolution. Welcome […]

Deloitte: Robots to replace a quarter of business service workers by 2035

Deloitte: Robots to replace a quarter of business service workers by 2035

Deloitte has predicted that as much as a quarter of jobs in the business services sector may be replaced by robots within the next 20 years.

The accountancy firm believes that rising wages and falling technology costs leaves many jobs at "high risk" of being taken over by automation.

Simon Barnes, a partner at Deloitte, warned that there could be a "fundamental change" in how the workforce is distributed in the next 10 to 20 years. People are likely to be made redundant from "repetitive and highly-structured" roles.Mr Barnes said that Deloitte expects “the pace of automation to increase […]

Jobs for the robots: One in four human workers to be automated

Jobs for the robots: One in four human workers to be automated

Yeah, you can call it a collaborative robot for now, and work with it, but pretty soon it will put you out of your job

One quarter of business services jobs at risk of automation in the next twenty years, according to Deloitte business analysts

More than a quarter of jobs in the business services sector are at high risk of automation in the next 20 years, according to a report by Deloitte , the business advisory firm. This is largely a result of the falling cost of technology combined with the rising cost of labour.Of the 3,300,000 jobs […]

If automation is the future, what comes next?

If automation is the future, what comes next?

Tanner Mirrlees Instead of hiring workers, many companies are employing new technology. No job seems safe from automation.

The factories of the world are filled with gigantic robotic arms programmed to put together everything from BMV luxury automobiles to Apple iPhones. Assembly lines are working with fewer blue collars.

Distribution warehouses, like those run by Amazon.com, employ robotic dollies to fill and carry shelves of books and beauty accessories to the small human workforce that packs these goods into the boxes mailed to our doors.Customer service is being designed away by user-friendly interfaces that shift tasks once done by paid workers […]

Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

With land, machinery, chemicals and seeds becoming expensive and technology providing cost-effective labour solutions, the days of the individual farmers are numbered. Automation has everyone on the edge. According to a recent report by US-based research firm ‘HfS Research’, India’s IT services industry, which employs around 3.7 million people, will lose 6.4 lakh jobs to automation in the next five years.

The report further adds that the IT industry worldwide would see a net decrease of 9% in headcount, or about 1.4 million jobs, with countries such as the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States also taking hits […]

Infosys, TCS & Wipro see big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

Infosys, TCS & Wipro see big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

As the number of jobs in India’s $160-billion information technology industry starts shrinking with each passing year, engineering graduates across are scrambling for every vacancy in a sector that was once a big employment generator.

The percentage of fresh engineering graduates accepting campus offers from India’s largest software firms such as Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and Wipro has jumped significantly in the past three-four years, according to company data and executives.

For instance, at Wipro, job acceptance rates have risen to 85% from 65% three years ago, said an executive who didn’t want to be named. Others said this mirrors the […]

Future proofing your job

Future proofing your job

On Monday night, ABC Four Corners ran a ripper report entitled “Future Proof” , which examines the future of work in Australia and whether we are preparing our children properly for the future.

The report features a bunch of experts and commentators, some of who believe that up to 40% of current jobs (5 million) could disappear within 15 years as technological change takes hold, although many of these will be replaced by new jobs in areas that we probably haven’t even thought of.

Below are some key extracts from the transcript , beginning with the pessimistic news: GEOFF THOMPSON: Today […]

Robots are responsible for low wages, Trump and the Brexit

Robots are responsible for low wages, Trump and the Brexit

For decades, economic textbooks have highlighted the golden relationship between productivity and wages. As workers are able to produce more, employees reap the gains in the form of higher wages.

But this is no longer the case. View gallery . Wages and productivity climbed in lockstep between 1950 and 1980. However, there is a striking divergence between the 1980s and today. Even with the unemployment rate near multi-decade lows, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen highlighted concerns about the lack of wage growth and underemployment during her speech at Harvard last month.

“We’re close to an unemployment rate that I think most […]

Infosys, TCS and Wipro see a big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

Infosys, TCS and Wipro see a big jump in campus offers acceptance as jobs shrink with each passing year

At Wipro, job acceptance rates have risen to 85% from 65% three years ago, said an executive. Others said this mirrors the industry average of 80-85% now against 65-70% in FY12. BENGALURU: As the number of jobs in India’s $160-billion information technology industry starts shrinking with each passing year, engineering graduates across are scrambling for every vacancy in a sector that was once a big employment generator.

The percentage of fresh engineering graduates accepting campus offers from India’s largest software firms such as Tata Consultancy Services BSE -0.49 % , Infosys BSE -0.74 % and Wipro BSE 0.37 % has […]