Mckinsey robotics

The Impact of Robots on Productivity, Employment and Jobs_updated 2018 (206 KB ) Mar 10, 2018 · As Robots Threaten More Jobs, Human Skills Will Save Us. While many today remain focused on the implications of the digital revolution and its impact on customer expectations and behavior, new opportunities are also emerging. One such technological innovation – robotic process automation (RPA) or robotics – is changing the way that banks, insurers and capital markets firms execute basic processes. The McKinsey Global Institute analyzed the work activities of more than 800 occupations in the U. For example, 3- Exhibit 1. […]

Economic Possibilities for Ourselves

Economic Possibilities for Ourselves

21 November 2019, Hamburg: A robot interacts with a woman at “Speed Dating with AI – Meet the Robots at AI Days” at the Hammerbrooklyn Digital Campus. On 22 and 23 November, a selection of highly developed robots from various fields will be shown, giving an insight into the current possibilities of artificial intelligence. Photo: Axel Heimken/dpa (Photo by Axel Heimken/picture alliance via Getty Images)

The most depressing feature of the current explosion in robot-apocalypse literature is that it rarely transcends the world of work. Almost every day, news articles appear detailing some new round of layoffs. In the […]

Minimum ‘human quotas‘ needed to protect jobs from robots

The rise of the robots may force ministers to introduce human worker quotas, leading legal experts warn

Greater protections are needed to stop robots stealing your job, according to a renowned organisation of international lawyers.

Legal experts are concerned that the pace of developments in artificial intelligence are outstripping the ability of global governments to make laws to deal with the consequences.And they are worried that this is leading to is gap between current legislation and new laws – including ‘human job quotas‘ – that they feel are necessary to protect people from being replaced by machines.Scroll down for videoThe International […]

Industrial Automation Control Market Landscape Assessment By Sort, Opportunities And Better Growth Rate By 2027

Industrial Automation Control Market Landscape Assessment By Sort, Opportunities And Better Growth Rate By 2027

The global industrial automation control market accounted to US$ 158.5 Bn in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.0% during the forecast period 2019 – 2027, to account to US$ 324.6 Bn by 2027.

Europe is anticipated to be the highest revenue contributor in the industrial automation control market for the current year as well as throughout the forecast period. Developed markets including China, US and Japan has higher penetration however, there is still a lot of opportunity available for the industrial market to grow further even in the developed markets. The prospective for […]

Employment warning

Millions around the globe may have taken to the streets in recent years to protest against the impact of globalisation on their jobs and communities – but this backlash is only likely to grow as globalisation itself becomes more disruptive.

The stark warning comes from Richard Baldwin, president of the Centre for Economic Policy Research think-tank, who has been studying global trade for the past 30 years.

Technological advances could now mean white-collar, office-based workers and professionals are at risk of losing their jobs, Prof Baldwin argues.In the US, voter anger with globalisation may have led to Donald Trump‘s election victory, […]

Let’s make full use of tech advances

Let's make full use of tech advances

Pupils from SK Seri Terentang in Pahang with their invention at the Maker Robot Festival in Ulsan, South Korea, in October. It is vital to prepare the young for the era of robotics.NSTP/MOHD RAFI MAMAT THANKS to creative minds at work since the beginning of our species, Homo sapiens (‘wise man’), technology has continuously transformed societies.

Imagine the impact on lives when some early man or woman first shaped a rock or branch into a simple tool. Or saw a stone roll and recognised the idea and potential of the wheel. Or discovered how to control fire. Or first cultivated […]

4 Robotic Process Automation Trends for 2020

4 Robotic Process Automation Trends for 2020

As IT groups increase for a prosperous 2020, many are watchful for creative new applications that can enable them to calibrate their companies and improve business performance. Artificial intelligence is without a doubt on everybody’s radar, except all the more explicitly, robotic process automation ( RPA ), the subset of AI that empowers IT groups to configure software “robots” to capture data and perform routine tasks, is picking up traction as an alluring spot to start with outcomes centered AI implementation. RPA is getting one of the most exciting opportunities in the AI space and will keep on sparkling […]

England: Legal sector could shed tens of thousands of jobs with AI take-up

England: Legal sector could shed tens of thousands of jobs with AI take-up

Increased take-up of artificial intelligence technology in the legal sector could put tens of thousands of paralegals and other support staff out of a job, according to research published by the Law Society of England and Wales .

The legal regulator commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to analyse the size and shape of the legal sector workforce and model changes to the occupational structure in legal services due to increased demand and productivity.

The Law Society has estimated a four per cent decline in the number of people working in the legal profession by 2027, but the IES says […]

Chatbots spotlight machine learning’s trillion-dollar potential

Chatbots spotlight machine learning’s trillion-dollar potential

The global industry potential of artificial intelligence is well-documented, yet the vision of this AI future is uncertain.

AI and automation trends are generating significant debate among economists and governments, particularly around employment impact and uncertain social outcomes. The mainstream attention is warranted. According to PwC, AI “could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 2030 , more than the current output of China and India combined.”

AI is at a crossroads, and its long-term outlook is still hotly debated. Despite social media giants, automotive companies and numerous other industries investing hundreds of billions of dollars in AI, […]

Controlling the effects of AI on work and inequality

Controlling the effects of AI on work and inequality

Christian Kellermann and Mareike Winkler open a Social Europe series on artificial intelligence, arguing that regulation will be needed to ensure prosperity for all. Christian Kellermann What will be the effects of the digital transformation on jobs? Job creation outnumbering digital job destruction is part and parcel of standard artificial-intelligence (AI) prophecy. But the extent to which work tasks are upgraded—rather than downgraded or even replaced—is determined by at least two dimensions: the technical side and the work aspect.

Today, in the production and service sectors ‘digitalisation’ in most cases means the use of smartphones and tablets. These devices undoubtedly […]