Thank a robot [Letter to the editor]

Thank a robot [Letter to the editor]

Thank a robot today

Regarding “Tax code gives robots an advantage over people” (Texas Inc., Monday): Much has been recently written advocating the taxation of robots to offset job losses. Having worked in the field of industrial robotics my entire career, I feel obligated to argue on behalf of the machines and for all the people freed from the drudgery of manual labor.

Humans have a long history of fearing machines. In the 1700s, textile workers called Luddites destroyed weaving looms and sewing machines, fearing that their jobs would be eliminated. If the Luddites had succeeded in stopping progress, the […]

Govt’s TVET push to brace for IR4.0 — Joshua Liew

Govt’s TVET push to brace for IR4.0 — Joshua Liew

MAY 1 — I am gratified to learn that the government has woken up to the importance of technical and vocational education training (TVET) as Malaysia moves towards a knowledge-based economy. Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran hit the nail on the head when he said TVET education ought to be the preferred choice among students and parents.

His directive to technical and vocational institutes to conduct night classes is also laudable. This will allow more working adults to upskill, when previously they could not due to working commitments.

With the after-office hours classes, working adults will be able to not just […]

One in four Wisconsin jobs at high risk in a new age of robotic workers and hyper-automation

One in four Wisconsin jobs at high risk in a new age of robotic workers and hyper-automation

Nalby Varoqua (center), an engineer with Sharp Robotics Business Development, demonstrates a security robot. Sharp is a division of Foxconn Technology Group, one of Asia’s most aggressive adopters of robots and automation. The robot was demonstrated in July 2017 at the Waukesha County Technical College in Pewaukee. (Photo: Michael Sears, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) When it comes to replacing humans with robots, few companies are as enthusiastic as Foxconn Technology Group.

In its drive to manufacture iPhones, TVs and game consoles at the lowest cost, Foxconn systematically has replaced tens of thousands of inexpensive Chinese workers with even cheaper and more […]

Op-Ed: The future of work: opportunity or threat for Barbados?

Op-Ed: The future of work: opportunity or threat for Barbados?

Future of Work – IDB By Carmen Pages-Serra There is no longer any doubt that we are facing what some scholars have called the fourth industrial revolution , characterized by new technologies that are transforming the world of work. It is a full-fledged technological tsunami , due to technological advances that are rapidly penetrating society and expanding across the globe at an unprecedented rate in the history of humanity. The aging of the population has also accelerated, especially in the Caribbean and Latin America. As an example, witness this statistic: it took the United Kingdom 75 years to double […]

Mouser Electronics: Collaborative robots are transforming industry

Mouser Electronics: Collaborative robots are transforming industry

For several generations, industry has been well served by robots. Now, cobots are transforming industry. Mouser Electronics’ Paul Golata explains.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has arrived. Its future is profound. Billions of devices are being connected into the internet allowing for the capture, manipulation and processing signals across a host of sources. Computers connect common everyday objects and devices that employ sensors to capture information.

Collecting analogue information from the external world, this network works to code it into digital signals and transfers it across time and space by means of the internet. Device, edge and cloud domains function […]

Axios Future

Axios Future

Have your friends signed up ?

Situational awareness: Sears is suing Eddie Lampert, its former CEO, and his hedge fund for allegedly siphoning off its assets, reports WSJ . Last year, we reported on accusations that Lampert cannibalized Sears .

Any stories we should be chasing? Hit reply to this email or message me at . Kaveh Waddell is at and Erica Pandey at .Okay, let’s start with … 1 big thing: An AI frenzy Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios Amid a torrid geopolitical, commercial and scientific race around artificial intelligence, universities are adding professors, classes […]

Walmart Is Deploying Thousands Of Robots To Replace Human Workers — What This Means For Your Job

Walmart Is Deploying Thousands Of Robots To Replace Human Workers -- What This Means For Your Job

Walmart proudly announced a new addition to its stores: lots of robots. The robots will take the place of humans and engage in routine tasks, such as scanning shelf inventory and boxes as they arrive into the stores. Walmart contends that the influx of robots will reduce the number of workers engaged in "repeatable, predictable and manual" tasks.

At first blush, this seems relatively innocuous. However, when you consider the deeper and darker ramifications, things start to look frightening. There have been studies conducted heralding the introduction of robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies. The reports conclude that this […]

Women Will Face Disproportionately Negative Consequences from AI

Women Will Face Disproportionately Negative Consequences from AI

Prompts on how to use Amazon’s Alexa personal assistant are seen as a Roomba begins cleaning a room in an Amazon “experience center” in 2018. (Reuters / Elijah Nouvelage) Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Netflix’s prediction of your next favorite show—we’re already living with artificial intelligence, and its adoption by the business world will only increase in coming years. We’re already hearing about AI’s potentially disastrous impact on the labor market, but how will these technological tools, designed to augment or replace human cognition, affect women?

The first-ever study to map the labor consequences of AI for women, published by the […]

Spotlight: Time to prepare workers for future as fourth industrialization beckons

LONDON, April 11 (Xinhua) — Humans will be further liberated from strenuous and monotonous labor thanks to the development of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), big data and other technologies that lead to the fourth industrial revolution.

Industry and technology leaders have realized it is high time that businesses and universities prepare workers for the future in an innovative way.

FAREWELL TO STRENUOUS, REPETITIVE WORKThe Industry 4.0 Summit and Expo, the UK’s largest event for the fourth industrial revolution, running from Wednesday to Thursday in Manchester, attracted start-ups, manufacturing companies, universities and other institutions that are involved in development and application of […]

AI could disrupt workforce in every sector by 2030, Brookfield report finds

AI could disrupt workforce in every sector by 2030, Brookfield report finds

Within the next 10 to 15 years, the Canadian workforce could face complex forces ranging from automation to digitalization, as technology begins to progressively assimilate into daily life. As part of its Employment in 2030 project, a new report by the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship explored the various trends compelling these big changes in Canada’s workforce. “Imagining possible futures can allow us to anticipate and plan more effectively for what’s to come.” The Turn and Face the Strange report used strategic foresight research methods to answer the broader “what if” questions that surround the future of employment […]