More from Line 18

More from Line 18

Sky News has found that 30.9% of all jobs could eventually be affected by technology in some way Northamptonshire as a whole is the most vulnerable county in the UK. Of the 10 towns most at risk of losing jobs to robotics and software, three are in that county.

And the East Midlands more widely is at risk – seven of the ten towns most threatened are in the region.

Sky News worked with researchers from think tank Localis to map local authorities’ exposure to cliff-edge automation. Caroline Harris, a manager at John Lewis, says automation provides opportunities Technological change will […]

Edward Cone: Failing the future: It’s past time to get serious about robots

Edward Cone: Failing the future: It’s past time to get serious about robots

Ford cars are assembled in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil. W e live in an age of wonders, many of them painstakingly engineered to steal our jobs. Machines have always replaced human labor — that’s why we build them, and they deliver on their purpose efficiently, remorselessly and, in the long run, to the greater economic good of society. But this is about to happen in some unprecedented ways, and it’s going to leave a mark.

An emerging generation of computers that can learn, see and talk on the phone promises — or threatens — to automate tasks […]

Technology’s always been a job creator

Technology’s always been a job creator

Meeting ground Of natural and artificial intelligence AI is here to stay. Sure, some jobs will go, but others will be created. And human intervention will always be required

Recently, economist Paul Krugman warned that India could lose its dominating position in the global services trade space due to the threat of artificial intelligence. He feels this could result in massive unemployment.

Artificial intelligence or AI is the intelligence demonstrated by machines. Essentially, computers continuously ‘learn’, mimicking cognitive functions like humans. AI has already started impacting our lives. Voice-based search used in smartphones is an example of AI. Self-driven […]

Automation will augment jobs, but skills must change

Participants upbeat about reskilling and upskilling to tackle technology’s impact on employment, PwC survey shows

Dubai: Industry experts say there are wider opportunities amid risk, despite many people’s fear of automation stealing jobs.

“I think technology disruption has been killing jobs for hundreds of years and technology has been creating jobs and this is not something new. It has happened before,” David Suarez, people and organisation leader at PwC, said at the sixth edition of Step conference 2018, the largest experiential tech festival in the Middle East.The phase of adoption of technology is 20 times faster than 500 years ago, he […]

Why automation will not take away jobs

Why automation will not take away jobs

Image: Shutterstock Here’s an age-old paradox that comes up with every leap of technological advancement: Will automation take away jobs from people?

Let’s start with a question that is easier to answer, because it’s in retrospect. Has automation taken away jobs from people?

You would expect the answer to be a simple yes or no, based on data, but there’s the catch. It also depends on how we look at it.For centuries, many, probably most of the technological innovations have been created with an intention to replace human labor. Starting with the ancient farming equipment, right up to assembly lines, computing […]

Bain forecasts 10-15 year automation driven economic boom but many impacts from wages losses and job losses

Bain forecasts 10-15 year automation driven economic boom but many impacts from wages losses and job losses

Bain Consulting forecasts that the coming phase of automation could eventually eliminate up to 50% of all current jobs. The job activity analysis only suggests the potential of technology to replace humans with hardware and software. It does not take into account the actual market conditions that would lead businesses to automate all work that could be automated. To arrive at an estimate of the likely impact of automation, they looked at the market context within which it could happen, considering four major factors:
1. job scarcity;
2. the impact of automation on the overall cost of a product […]

Automation destroying jobs

Automation destroying jobs

5 million new jobs, 20 Aug 2017 Weak wage growth could already be a sign of automation creating an economy in which small number of very rich employ armies of poor. One researcher warns that if we don’t fix job displacement caused by technology we could face a global crisis. Many jobs are likely to disappear due to technology and automation, but many more are likely to be created. Automation, jobs, What people forget is that when there are innovations that destroy jobs—and, as I say, Can Trump stop the automation revolution and save US jobs? […]

Job Automation Should Be Celebrated, Not Feared

Job Automation Should Be Celebrated, Not Feared

Transitioning to a world in which different skills are valued might be difficult, but in the long run, everybody benefits.

Automation has become somewhat of a dirty word recently. Fear of mass unemployment and widening inequality has led to calls for greater regulations of technology companies, expanded programs of redistribution, and even a “ robot tax ” to discourage adoption of labor-saving technologies. These fears, however, focus too much on the short-term disruption that creative destruction brings, ignoring the long-term opportunities for human advancement that comes along with it.

Throughout history, technologies that automate labor have been crucial to emancipating people […]

How will automation affect jobs, skills, and wages?

How will automation affect jobs, skills, and wages?

As the nature of work changes with automation, millions of people may need to switch occupations and acquire new skills.

Automation will displace many jobs over the next ten to 15 years, but many others will be created and even more will change. Jobs of the future will use different skills and may have higher educational requirements. In this episode, we ask experts how we can retrain workers for the new world of work and what the shifts might mean for occupations and wages.

Peter Gumbel: Welcome to our latest podcast in the series on the new world of […]

Adopt or Die: AI Leaves Manufacturing No Choice

Adopt or Die: AI Leaves Manufacturing No Choice

Artificial Intelligence is positioning itself as the transformative technology of the century. The speed at which it is improving manufacturing operations leaves the industry with two options: embrace the machines or get left behind.

It’s difficult to identify exactly what Stephen Hawking will be most remembered for. Is it his contributions to cosmology and our understanding of space-time? Or maybe quantum mechanics and the very key to unlocking reality? Maybe it’s the fortitude of the human spirit and mind, which he proved can thrive even as the body atrophies.

Hawking had ALS for 55 of his 76 years, a disease which […]