Will automation cause technological unemployment?

Will automation cause technological unemployment?

Technological unemployment occurs when the adoption of new technology causes job losses. Automation is a process of using robots, AI and machines to take the place of workers – not just in manufacturing, but increasingly new avenues – even in the service sector. The pace of automation is causing job disruption – with workers – especially in manufacturing losing jobs.

Any good economist will be well-acquainted with the Luddite Fallacy – the argument that new technology destroys jobs in the long-run is not true. Back in the nineteenth century, skilled artisans went around smashing spinning machines – machines which were […]

Automation is a job creator — check with Amazon.com

Automation is a job creator — check with Amazon.com

Workers prepare customer orders for dispatch inside an Amazon.co.uk fulfillment center in England. Rather than fear automation, State Sen. Steve Glazer says, Californians should embrace how technology will improve the workforce.

Amazon.com’s nationwide search for a second corporate headquarters site is getting a lot of attention. And with good reason: The company says the new headquarters will generate 50,000 high-paying jobs.

The initiative is only the latest move by Amazon to create tens of thousands of new jobs. The company has been one of the biggest job creators in California, and the nation, for many years.But here’s something else about Amazon: […]

From Manual Procedures to Machines — The Role of AI and Automation in Project Management

From Manual Procedures to Machines — The Role of AI and Automation in Project Management

Artificial intelligence, automation, industrial robotics and the similar emerging technologies are growing at an alarming speed, but there has been inconsiderable concentration to their effect on employment and other organizational practices. Despite the fact that these technologies can upgrade the speed, cost, and quality of the products and services, the fact is they may also expel a huge numbers of employees.

A recent user survey revealed that around 85% of respondents believe that AI and automation will transform their job in the coming three years. 83% of those inspected said they were excited, but 84% also stated feeling suspicious.

The purpose […]

How to charm the bots in charge of hiring for your dream job

How to charm the bots in charge of hiring for your dream job

As artificial intelligence technology rapidly evolves to transform industries like health care and virtually assist people’s lives, the hope is matched by concern about the displacement of human roles. At the same time, deployed AI platforms in today’s business world augment processes at a more rapid pace than they replace them. While we’ve yet to determine the exact impact of AI, a recent report from the World Economic Forum estimates automation will replace at least 5 million jobs by 2022. One thing is clear today: AI is driving fundamental changes in how people conduct their jobs and how companies […]

Automation and AI – What does the future of work look like?

Automation and AI – What does the future of work look like?

Our news and activity streams are buzzing with articles, blogs, analyst reports and social media hype around the topic of “AI”. It’s a fairly loosely defined topic that covers an enormous spectrum of disciplines, from big data and predictive analytics, to machine learning, natural language processing, automation and robotics. Depending on who you listen to, it’s either the most important technological breakthrough since the invention of electricity, or it heralds the end of civilisation as we know it! Extreme scenarios are most certainly fantasies and should be discounted. The most likely outcome is neither extremely negative nor extremely positive.

What […]

Automation not about losing jobs, corporates say

Automation not about losing jobs, corporates say

A humanoid robot works side by side with employees in the assembly line at a factory of Glory Ltd, a manufacturer of automatic change dispensers, in Kazo, north of Tokyo July 1, 2015. — Reuters pic KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 20 — The advent of “disruptive” technology, particularly the anticipated arrival of artificial intelligence and robotics, has sparked global fears of mass job losses and worsening income disparity.

But to optimistic industry and tech players, the fear may be exaggerated.

Panellists at a forum discussing the future of work here say automation may not necessarily be a zero-sum game.While traditional jobs — […]

Jobs of the future: Here is what your children will be doing in 2025

Jobs of the future: Here is what your children will be doing in 2025

With the world aggressively embracing newer forms of technology, many of the existing job profiles are at stake. People are a little unsettled over this fact and believe that, within the next decade, a lot of jobs will become obsolete. In reality, they’ll vanish to the tune of over 100 million by 2025, according to recent McKinsey reports. Isn’t that a very frightening figure? In light of information like that, I can’t help but wonder what will the jobs of the future be like? What will we be doing? What will our kids be doing? But then again, before […]

We Need to Retool Higher Ed to Defeat Robots

Thousands of years ago, the agricultural revolution led our foraging ancestors to take up the scythe and plough. Hundreds of years ago, the Industrial Revolution pushed farmers out of fields and into factories. Just tens of years ago, the technology revolution ushered many people off the shop floor and into the desk chair and office cube.

Today, we are living through yet another revolution in the way that human beings work for their livelihoods—and once again, this revolution is leaving old certainties scrapped and smoldering on the ash heap of history. Once again, it is being powered by new technologies. […]

America’s Digitalization Divide

America’s Digitalization Divide

We’ve long heard about America’s digital divide , but the nation is facing a parallel and deepening digitalization divide, too. According to a new Brookings Institution study , this digitalization divide is reflected in the increasingly uneven spread of high-paying digital jobs across the economy and workforce, by gender, race, and ethnicity, and across cities and metro areas.

Digitalization has transformed just about everything we do—from the way we work to our entertainment choices, and how we communicate with one another. It’s not just knowledge workers, smart phones, and laptops we’re talking about. Our cars, televisions, and appliances are loaded […]

AI and The Future of Work

AI and The Future of Work

Artificial Intelligence will have a profound effect on the way people work, and will almost certainly also impact the availability of jobs and distribution of income. But a number of leading technologists and economists speaking at a conference on AI and the Future of Work —presented by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and its Initiative on the Digital Economy—earlier this month suggested that the changes may not be as rapid or as unusual as is popularly suggested, which is very different from much of what I hear at typical technology conferences.

MIT President Rafael Reif, who opened […]