How Job Automation Will Change Your Future

How Job Automation Will Change Your Future

How Job Automation Will Change Your Future – People Development Network How job automation will change your future

Awhile back I published an article here in People Development Magazine entitled “ 3 STEPS TO “DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION” PROOF YOUR CAREER “. The primary message is: you can and should monitor the career “landscape” in which you find yourself, both today and in the probable future. This is true for a number of reasons not the least of which is job automation.

While you may want to spend all your working years in one industry, if not one job, that industry, that […]

Job gap widens between college, high school grads

Job gap widens between college, high school grads

A new graduate proudly displays his diploma, May 9, 2009. Buy Photo A structural shift in the job market following the most recent economic recession has radically changed the composition of the American workforce, with four-year college graduates for the first time constituting a larger share of the workforce than those who got a high school diploma but don’t have a college degree, according to a report released Thursday by the Georgetown University Center on Education.

Researchers at the center found that out of the 11.6 million jobs created in the post-recession economy, 11.5 million went to people with at […]

Politicians have no idea about future jobs

Last night, ABC Lateline aired a ripper segment looking at the future of Australian employment and the track record of Australia’s politicians a decade ago.

There’s a lot of interesting extracts from the segment, including that a decade ago, Prime Minister thought the commodity boom would be permanent, unlike Kevin Rudd: KEVIN RUDD, THEN OPPOSITION LEADER (2007): New leadership is about building long-term economic prosperity for when once this mining boom is over. JOHN HOWARD, THEN PRIME MINISTER (2007): Why does Mr Rudd keep talking about the end of the mining boom? Whoops!

There’s also the claim by both parties that […]

Re-educating Rita

Re-educating Rita

IN JULY 2011 Sebastian Thrun, who among other things is a professor at Stanford, posted a short video on YouTube, announcing that he and a colleague, Peter Norvig, were making their “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course available free online. By the time the course began in October, 160,000 people in 190 countries had signed up for it. At the same time Andrew Ng, also a Stanford professor, made one of his courses, on machine learning, available free online, for which 100,000 people enrolled. Both courses ran for ten weeks. Mr Thrun’s was completed by 23,000 people; Mr Ng’s by […]

How About Some Real 21st Century Thinking?

How About Some Real 21st Century Thinking?

For several years now, I have thought it would benefit the nation to simplify our anti-poverty approach…even though there is currently a gradual reduction in the number of households living below the poverty line. I have thought it would be a more enlightened, practical, efficient and effective approach to guarantee everyone a certain minimum income.

Each legal adult resident might receive $20,000 per year and each minor $10,000. Or in many technical proposals of this nature, each would get a guaranteed after tax income of this nature if their own resources fell below a certain level. In my mind, the […]

Human Games: Can We Beat the Bots?

Human Games: Can We Beat the Bots?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are reshaping the workplace and the economy. Can humans successfully compete?

As the worldview envisioned by futurists and science fiction writers in the 1950’s and 60’s takes shape, a global economy still shaken by the Great Recession is riding the rails straight into what some call the “Second Machine Age” or “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Second, fourth, however you count it—the real question is whether meaningful human employment is poised to come in last. Earlier , we discussed news on the future of work presented at the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland in […]

Swiss Manufacturers Cut Jobs that Sector Warns Won’t Come Back

Swiss Manufacturers Cut Jobs that Sector Warns Won't Come Back

. Visitors say views through the glass floors in Schindler’s Auckland Sky Tower elevators offer one of the most exhilarating lift experiences in the world. Zurich

But for the Swiss workers who make the elevator parts, their uncertain future might feel as dizzying as the 220-meter drop underfoot as Swiss industry accelerates job cuts to mitigate the impact of the galloping franc.

Six decades after opening, Schindler’s hometown factory in Ebikon that decades ago employed hundreds will be scaled back to under 100 employees by the end of 2017.They will focus on special orders the company said would secure the […]

Who Needs Factories Anyway?

Who Needs Factories Anyway?

Listening to our political leaders, you’d think everyone on the planet works in a factory. Donald Trump wants to stop China and Mexico from “taking our jobs” by preventing factories from moving there — and he’s willing to launch a trade war to do so. Michael Short, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, recently claimed that a loss of 264,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama was “a stark reminder of the failure of his policies,” as if the nearly 10 million other jobs added on Obama’s watch didn’t matter.

This obsession with factories threatens to undermine sound economic policy. […]

How the rise of the robots will affect your job

How the rise of the robots will affect your job

MT at 50: We’re heading for the fourth industrial revolution where more and more jobs will be automated – from care assistants to check-in staff. So how can we manage the march of the machines?

The residents of the Colony Club, an assisted-living home near Fort Lauderdale in Florida, are fond of Zora, the little redhead who helps them with their daily exercises, tells them a story or two, takes them on a walk, reads them the weather forecast and will even dance them the Macarena if they ask.

And she works for virtually nothing, after an initial payment of […]

Swiss manufacturers cut jobs that sector warns won’t come back

Swiss manufacturers cut jobs that sector warns won't come back

By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi

ZURICH, June 7 (Reuters) – Visitors say views through the glass floors in Schindler’s Auckland Sky Tower elevators offer one of the most exhilarating lift experiences in the world.

But for the Swiss workers who make the elevator parts, their uncertain future might feel as dizzying as the 220-metre drop underfoot as Swiss industry accelerates job cuts to mitigate the impact of the galloping franc.Six decades after opening, Schindler’s hometown factory in Ebikon that decades ago employed hundreds will be scaled back to under 100 employees by the end of 2017.They will focus on special orders the […]