Economic Possibilities for Ourselves

Economic Possibilities for Ourselves

21 November 2019, Hamburg: A robot interacts with a woman at “Speed Dating with AI – Meet the Robots at AI Days” at the Hammerbrooklyn Digital Campus. On 22 and 23 November, a selection of highly developed robots from various fields will be shown, giving an insight into the current possibilities of artificial intelligence. Photo: Axel Heimken/dpa (Photo by Axel Heimken/picture alliance via Getty Images)

The most depressing feature of the current explosion in robot-apocalypse literature is that it rarely transcends the world of work. Almost every day, news articles appear detailing some new round of layoffs. In the […]

Minimum ‘human quotas‘ needed to protect jobs from robots

The rise of the robots may force ministers to introduce human worker quotas, leading legal experts warn

Greater protections are needed to stop robots stealing your job, according to a renowned organisation of international lawyers.

Legal experts are concerned that the pace of developments in artificial intelligence are outstripping the ability of global governments to make laws to deal with the consequences.And they are worried that this is leading to is gap between current legislation and new laws – including ‘human job quotas‘ – that they feel are necessary to protect people from being replaced by machines.Scroll down for videoThe International […]

Tech world debate on robots and jobs heats up

Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics are heightening concerns about automation replacing a growing number of occupations

Are robots coming for your job?

Although technology has long affected the labor force, recent advances in and robotics are heightening concerns about automation replacing a growing number of occupations, including highly skilled or “knowledge-based” .Just a few examples: self-driving technology may eliminate the need for taxi, Uber and truck drivers, algorithms are playing a growing role in journalism, robots are informing consumers as mall greeters, and medicine is adapting robotic surgery and artificial intelligence to detect cancer and heart conditions.Of 700 occupations in […]

Let’s make full use of tech advances

Let's make full use of tech advances

Pupils from SK Seri Terentang in Pahang with their invention at the Maker Robot Festival in Ulsan, South Korea, in October. It is vital to prepare the young for the era of robotics.NSTP/MOHD RAFI MAMAT THANKS to creative minds at work since the beginning of our species, Homo sapiens (‘wise man’), technology has continuously transformed societies.

Imagine the impact on lives when some early man or woman first shaped a rock or branch into a simple tool. Or saw a stone roll and recognised the idea and potential of the wheel. Or discovered how to control fire. Or first cultivated […]

The decimation of “pink-collar” office jobs

The decimation of

Office jobs for women are disappearing

CBSN Live Office jobs for women are disappearing

11h ago 01:32 buttons/button-playertray-rightbuttons/button-playertray-right Secretaries are projected to suffer the biggest job losses of any profession over the next decade. "Pink-collar" jobs, long a stepping stone into the middle class for many women, are increasingly being handled by technology. Globally, some 160 million women may need to find new occupations because of the impact of automation, McKinsey found.Changes in the nature of office work are hitting middle-class women, with about 500,000 office and administrative jobs in the U.S. expected to vanish by 2026. […]

Controlling the effects of AI on work and inequality

Controlling the effects of AI on work and inequality

Christian Kellermann and Mareike Winkler open a Social Europe series on artificial intelligence, arguing that regulation will be needed to ensure prosperity for all. Christian Kellermann What will be the effects of the digital transformation on jobs? Job creation outnumbering digital job destruction is part and parcel of standard artificial-intelligence (AI) prophecy. But the extent to which work tasks are upgraded—rather than downgraded or even replaced—is determined by at least two dimensions: the technical side and the work aspect.

Today, in the production and service sectors ‘digitalisation’ in most cases means the use of smartphones and tablets. These devices undoubtedly […]

What Do AI and Automation Changes Mean for Your Job?

What Do AI and Automation Changes Mean for Your Job?

MIT AI and the Work of the Future Congress AI and computer technology in general is certain to have a huge impact on the future of work, and rather than replacing jobs, technology is much more likely to change them. But the big concern is not the quantity of jobs, but rather the quality of the jobs in the future, particularly for less educated workers.

That was the big message from MIT’s AI and the Work of the Future Congress held a couple of weeks ago. Most participants seemed more upbeat about the possibilities than they were a few years […]

Work is a fundamental part of being human. Robots won’t stop us doing it

Work is a fundamental part of being human. Robots won’t stop us doing it

Hardly a week goes by without a report announcing the end of work as we know it.

In 2013, Oxford University academics Carl Frey and Michael Osborne were the first to capture this anxiety in a paper titled: “The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?” .

They concluded 47% of US jobs were threatened by automation. Since then, Frey has taken multiple opportunities to repeat his predictions of major labour market disruptions due to automation.In the face of threats to employment, some progressive thinkers advocate jettisoning our work ethic and building a world without work .If machines can […]

Column: It’s time to refocus students and workforce on technology

Column: It's time to refocus students and workforce on technology

Geoff Duncan Packages delivered by drones. Medical procedures performed by robots. Students taking online courses from teachers who are multiple time zones away. Self-driving trucks able to zip through traffic. Talking to Siri, Alexa and a host of other smart devices to provide intelligent information and guidance.

In today’s high-tech world, these ever-advancing conveniences of technology are becoming common-place in the everyday life of Georgians and across the globe.

But we could soon hit a wall very quickly in their development as job growth in the tech sector is so large that it is outpacing a supply of workers. Georgia is […]

We would rather lose our jobs to robots than humans, a study shows

We would rather lose our jobs to robots than humans, a study shows

Losing your job to a human stings more than getting replaced by a robot, research found. The question has a surprising psychological factor for workers now and in the future.

Losing a job can be stressful and demoralizing. Seeing your role replaced by automation is an additional stressor that more workers will have to contend with and worry about in the future.

Robots are already replacing people in some jobs. Apps take orders in chain restaurants, and some supermarkets use self-checkout machines to replace checkers. This is the new reality. The Brookings Institution predicts that 36 million Americans face a “high […]