Automation: As machines and systems do more and more of the work, how will we adapt to that reality?

Automation: As machines and systems do more and more of the work, how will we adapt to that reality?

On a global scale jobs are becoming increasingly outsourced to developing countries for their cheap labor, and while there is absolutely a conversation to be had on the humanitarian issue of exploitation, I’d like to focus on jobs themselves. More specifically, how technological leaps and automation have affected the job market, and what that means for the future of the world.

Globalization has definitely played a huge role in the restructuring of the world economy, but many of the industries that once dominated domestic employment are seemingly non-existent In the entities that currently exist in these industries, the type of […]

The “Fourth Bottom Line” – Human Capital Accountability


Companies use various measures of performance to attract investors and other stakeholders, not only their financial performance, but also their “bottom lines” in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental impact. Now, as the 21 st century workplace demands the development of 21 st century skills, companies need a fourth bottom line: their commitment to human capital development.

The objective would be for companies around the world to become more transparent and accountable for how they develop employees and enable them to gain the requisite knowledge, skills, and character for the technology-enhanced workplace of today — and tomorrow. This could be […]

Robots to the fore – Key insights for New Zealand Business into RPA in 2019

Robots to the fore – Key insights for New Zealand Business into RPA in 2019

50 million tonnes of e-waste: IT faces sustainability challenges Vocus & Vodafone unbundle NZ’s fibre network Article by Quanton founder & MD, Garry Green

Humans and robots will be forging stronger ties this year as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – a digital transformation technology which deploys software robots to perform repetitive mundane tasks, in effect creating a virtual workforce of software robots and freeing employees up to do more complex, value adding jobs – moves further into the Kiwi business landscape. Garry Green, Founder/MD for Quanton, offers 4 insights into the market.

AI meets RPA for intelligent automation – […]

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape

Industry 4.0 and the changing job landscape


A proactive approach to the changing business environment will benefit organisations and adapt to the change. Organisations in general, and HR departments in particular, will need to re-examine the way resources are deployed, and potentially invest in new skills for jobs that currently do not exist. Picture: Shutterstock The world as we know it is on the brink of a revolution, driven by emerging technologies that are set to fundamentally alter our lives in unprecedented and unanticipated ways. This shift to Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth Industrial Revolution, hinges off the increasing pervasiveness of digitisation.

As […]

Thinking outside the bot: Automation and the future of employment

Thinking outside the bot: Automation and the future of employment

It’s always intriguing to consider what we would tell our younger selves if we could travel back in time, and offer decades of experience and directional guidance that might change our trajectory in life. After providing some investment advice and a much-needed dating and personal grooming tip or two, I’d probably encourage my college-age self to pay a bit more attention to my studies outside technology and business.

As I look back over my career, beyond general concepts, I’ve used almost nothing from my dozens of programming and technical classes, yet I’m surprisingly confronting questions that draw on everything from […]

The Learning Landscape for 2019

The Learning Landscape for 2019

Here are some key trends that one can expect from the world of learning this year Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In recent years, innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and the Internet of Things have been major drivers in transforming businesses, the way we work and our everyday life. While these transformative technologies revolutionized the job market, the skillset demanded by employers has also experienced a major transformation. Organizations across industries are keen on hiring candidates who possess a varied skillset replete with the latest digital skills and an enthusiasm for continuously upskilling during the […]

Here is how AI will build more jobs than it will take away

Here is how AI will build more jobs than it will take away

Photo Credit: Pixabay There are many people worldwide that are actively frightened about the role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play in the future of their career path. While machine learning can be a powerful tool that is eliminating a number of simple tasks within the workplace, many people that feel threatened in their job may actually see signs of encouragement when it comes to the use of AI systems. In this article we will explore some of the top ways that AI can actually create millions of more jobs rather than destroying long-standing positions:

We have survived new […]

Robots might take over CEE jobs, but what does this mean for the future of employment?

Robots might take over CEE jobs, but what does this mean for the future of employment?

Workplace automation meets brain drain and ageing populations: In Eastern Europe, the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ will fundamentally transform job markets in the future – yet studies suggest that the effects may have surprisingly positive effects.

Brain Drain: It’s a term that has taken some momentum across a number of countries as officials consider how to retain young talent within their countries.

From fearing that Brexit might send talent running for the bright job markets and open borders of the European Union, to employers reportedly being forced to hike up wages in Eastern Europe as a last-ditch attempt to retain staff, it’s […]

The New Workforce: 3 Tactics to Secure your Digital Future

The New Workforce: 3 Tactics to Secure your Digital Future

Both individual employees and their employers need to take action to prepare for a future where people increasingly work alongside machines.

Automation and artificial intelligence technologies are posing a peculiar challenge to workforce management. On the one hand, they are taking over certain types of jobs, sparking unemployment worries among workers. On the other hand, they are creating new opportunities requiring workers with specialized skills that are, unfortunately, in short supply. In numbers this reads as 5.5% of the world’s job seekers remaining unemployed, even as tens of millions of positions remain unfilled. We are staring down the barrel of […]

Artificial intelligence: friend or foe to employees?

Artificial intelligence: friend or foe to employees?

Source: Depositphotos To some degree, humans are quite predictable.

When faced with a change, our amygdala, the region of our brain that triggers a fight or flight response, will predictably influence human behavior. For example, when your company announces a change like consolidation or layoffs, people will react with either resistance, enthusiasm or worse, ambivalence.

Over the course of American history, we have faced many changes that were initially feared. When Henry Ford released the Model T car, fears from the loss of employment in the horse and buggy “industry” were palpable. Over time, however, enthusiasm replaced fear. Ford had created […]