Automation Axing IT Jobs Is Worrying Sign

Automation Axing IT Jobs Is Worrying Sign

The increasing adoption of automation among enterprises is posing a serious threat to the jobs. According to Nasscom, the IT industry is expected to recruit 20 percent less this year and his fall is primarily due to automation. Industry experts have voiced concerns over the probable job loss due to automated technologies demanding holistic approach in recruitment policies of enterprises.

TV Mohandas Pai, the former Infosys HR head, has predicted that automation will displace 10 percent of incremental jobs. “I think in the IT sector, may be 10 percent minimum of incremental jobs that are created will disappear. That means […]

Free trade, automation among challenges for manufacturers

Free trade, automation among challenges for manufacturers

Fox Weaver FILE photo David Oaks fabricates a yoke for a drive shaft for Proton Power Inc. in 2014. Company president Dr. Sam Weaver said Proton Power is adding both automation and employees. Every manufacturer has its own challenges, but there are some that many share.

Free trade, automation and cyber security are a few.

"In our case, I would say a potential looming issue is this debate over free trade," said Dr. Sam Weaver, president and co-founder of Proton Power Inc., a company in Lenoir City and Rockwood that uses biomass to make inexpensive hydrogen and converts it to energy […]

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Will Automation Take Our Jobs?

Last fall economist Carl Benedikt Frey and information engineer Michael A. Osborne, both at the University of Oxford, published a study estimating the probability that 702 occupations would soon be computerized out of existence. Their findings were startling. Advances in data mining, machine vision, artificial intelligence and other technologies could, they argued, put 47 percent of American jobs at high risk of being automated in the years ahead. Loan officers, tax preparers, cashiers, locomotive engineers, paralegals, roofers, taxi drivers and even animal breeders are all in danger of going the way of the switchboard operator.

Whether or not you buy […]

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

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Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology has already expanded from just being a ledger, keeping a record of all transactions happening over the network to a widely adopted technology across industries. Smart contracts based on blockchain technology can be used to automate various process across industries.

The major application of blockchain technology currently lies in the banking and financial sectors, involving a lot of time-consuming repetitive processes. By creating smart contracts that are programmed to automatically execute certain processes when the predetermined conditions are met, lot of resources in terms of time and manpower can be saved. Automation […]

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

Will Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Steal Jobs from People?

Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology has already expanded from just being a ledger, keeping a record of all transactions happening over the network to a widely adopted technology across industries. Smart contracts based on blockchain technology can be used to automate various process across industries.

The major application of blockchain technology currently lies in the banking and financial sectors, involving a lot of time-consuming repetitive processes. By creating smart contracts that are programmed to automatically execute certain processes when the predetermined conditions are met, lot of resources in terms of time and manpower can be saved. Automation can save these institutions […]

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both promising to bring good-paying jobs back to America, but analysts say neither of them has addressed one of the biggest challenges looming ahead: the impact of automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.

Some argue that the challenge will soon become impossible to ignore.

“Job losses due to automation and robotics are often overlooked in discussions about the unexpected rise of outside political candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders,” Moshe Vardi, an expert on artificial intelligence at Rice University, said before this month’s conventions .Vardi pointed out that manufacturing employment has […]

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to jobs: automation

Image by Danomyte, via Shutterstock Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both promising to bring good-paying jobs back to America, but analysts say neither of them has addressed one of the biggest challenges looming ahead: the impact of automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.

Some argue that the challenge will soon become impossible to ignore.

“Job losses due to automation and robotics are often overlooked in discussions about the unexpected rise of outside political candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders,” Moshe Vardi, an expert on artificial intelligence at Rice University, said before this month’s conventions .Vardi pointed out […]

Robots in the workplace? Yes, but not as we know them

Robots in the workplace? Yes, but not as we know them

Development will mean moving people on to more advanced jobs and developing skills

The old view of robot servants is being challenged by software-based processes which carry out boring and repetitive tasks within a company’s IT system. Photograph: Getty Images In a certain science fiction-influenced view of the future, robots will be our ever-willing servants, taking on the work that we no longer want to do, making our home and work lives easier. It seems like a long way off. But is it?

It all depends on your definition of robot. If you want an I, Robot -style companion […]

Jobs, Robots, and ‘Humans Need Not Apply’

Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Jerry Kaplan

Published in August of 2015.

What books are on your Robots bookshelf ?What have you been reading that has helped you make sense of whether automation will degrade or improve our future?How have you been trying to make sense of how higher education should adapt and change to stay relevant in an age of driverless cars, lawyer-less legal services, and professor-less teaching?If you are developing such a library (and I bet that you might be), then I would recommend adding Humans Need […]

A hire power

A hire power

JOSEPH SCHUMPETER gave the name “creative destruction” to the process by which new and innovative firms displace stodgy ones, thereby driving long-run economic growth. The Schumpeterian sort of economic reinvention is out of fashion at the moment. Unhappy workers are casting their lot with populist politicians, who are in turn looking to rein in the disruption caused by everyone from tech unicorns in Silicon Valley to sellers of cut-price steel in China. Economists understandably worry that this backlash will lead to sweeping new regulations, taxes and protections for firms and workers. But red tape and tax are not the […]