Amazon Accelerates Robotics Integration: Over 750,000 Bots Boost Supply Chain Efficiency

Amazon Accelerates Robotics Integration: Over 750,000 Bots Boost Supply Chain Efficiency Inc. is ramping up its utilization of robotics, with a staggering deployment of over 750,000 robots alongside its workforce. The tech giant, currently the world’s second-largest private employer with 1.5 million employees, has seen a decline in its workforce by over 100,000 since 2021 when it had 1.6 million workers. This significant increase in robots marks a notable shift, with 520,000 robots in 2022 and 200,000 in 2019. The new robots, such as Sequoia and Digit, are tailored to handle repetitive tasks, aiming to boost efficiency, safety, and delivery speed for Amazon’s clientele. Sequoia streamlines inventory management and […]

Navigating the AI Revolution: Tina Huang’s Insights on Job Displacement and Adaptation

Navigating the AI Revolution: Tina Huang’s Insights on Job Displacement and Adaptation

Written by Staff

In a frightening talk on the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for the workforce, Tina Huang, a Data Scientist and popular YouTuber, focused a recent video on the evolving relationship between automation and employment. Drawing from her extensive expertise in the field, Huang embarked on a comprehensive analysis, dissecting the nuances of AI-driven disruption and illuminating pathways for adaptation in an era of technological upheaval.

Addressing her audience captivated by the promise and peril of AI, Huang began by contextualizing the prevailing anxieties surrounding job displacement in the face of automation. “The specter of AI-induced job loss […]

Amazon Grows To Over 750,000 Robots As World’s Second-Largest Private Employer Replaces Over 100,000 Humans

Amazon Grows To Over 750,000 Robots As World's Second-Largest Private Employer Replaces Over 100,000 Humans Inc. is rapidly advancing its use of robotics, deploying over 750,000 robots to work alongside its employees.

The world’s second-largest private employer employs 1.5 million people. While that’s a lot, it’s a decrease of over 100,000 employees from the 1.6 million workers it had in 2021. Meanwhile, the company had 520,000 robots in 2022 and 200,000 robots in 2019. While Amazon is bringing on hundreds of thousands of robots per year, the company is slowly decreasing its employee numbers.

The robots, including new models like Sequoia and Digit, are designed to perform repetitive tasks, thereby improving efficiency, safety and delivery […]

The Future of Work in the Age of Automation

The Future of Work in the Age of Automation

The Future of Work in the Age of Automation


· Follow 5 min read·4 hours ago Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, automation is revolutionizing the way we work and interact with machines. From artificial intelligence to robotics, automation is reshaping industries, transforming job roles, and raising questions about the future of work. This article delves into the implications of automation on jobs and industries, explores the skills and roles needed for the future workforce, examines the ethical considerations surrounding automated work environments, and provides insights into reskilling and upskilling strategies […]

The Silent Shift: How AI Stealthily Reshapes Our Work And Future

The Silent Shift: How AI Stealthily Reshapes Our Work And Future

Robotic Automation Replacing Humans as tecchnology and Human Job Loss as employees being replaced by … [+] In the shadows of the digital age, a quiet revolution unfolds, reshaping the landscape of work with every passing moment. Artificial intelligence (AI), once the fodder of science fiction and speculative thought, now infiltrates every facet of our professional lives, often in ways so subtle that its impact goes unnoticed until it’s too late. This silent shift sees AI not just complementing human efforts but outright replacing them, leaving a trail of obsolescence in its wake. Thus, let’s delve into the stark […]

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Jobs 2024-2030?

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Jobs 2024-2030?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly impact jobs from 2024 to 2030. AI applications like automation and robots are reshaping workplaces, potentially leading to job displacement but also creating new roles that demand expertise in data analysis and machine learning . The evolving landscape may see routine tasks automated, necessitating a shift towards roles requiring technical, creative, and social skills . In the recruitment sector, AI is streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and altering HR functions, with a projected increase in AI adoption by businesses . Specifically in software engineering, AI is expected to automate many tasks, prompting the […]

Malaysia must study displacement impact of AI on workers

Malaysia must study displacement impact of AI on workers

WILLIAM Blake, in the poem “London”, lamented that in every face he met in the city he saw “weakness” and “marks of woe.” Blake penned these thoughts at a time England was beginning its transition to the industrial revolution. While the industrial revolution paved the way for modernisation which led to the country’s economic advances and lifted many out of poverty through the creation of new jobs, it simultaneously left many out of work. The mechanisation of labour and the rise of the machine would prove to be a challenging time for the country as it rendered many worker […]

Three Perspectives on the Future of AI

Three Perspectives on the Future of AI


March 29, 2024

Is AI the end of the world, a new beginning, or just another chapter in the history of humans and their machines? In a thought-provoking trialogue , three leading experts, Daron Acemoglu, Adam Thierer, and Erik Brynjolfsson weigh in on these questions, exploring the evolving landscape of work, technology, and economic prosperity in today’s economy.While it sounds like the setup for a joke, the papers could be summarized as “a pessimist, an optimist, and a realist walk into a bar to talk AI.” Acemoglu plays the role of the concerned pessimist. Consistent with this recent book, […]

Technology Is Taking Over The World

Technology Is Taking Over The World

Top highlight Technology Is Taking Over The World Photo by fabio on Unsplash In the 21st century, the pace of technological advancement has accelerated at an unprecedented rate, permeating every aspect of our lives. From the way we communicate and work to how we entertain ourselves and navigate the world, technology has become an omnipresent force shaping the fabric of society. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the multifaceted impact of technology on our world, examining its transformative effects on industries, economies, cultures, and the very nature of human existence.

At the heart of technology’s takeover is the […]

How automation affect employment in manufacturing?

How automation affect employment in manufacturing?

Automation technology in manufacturing has varied effects on employment. Several studies indicate that automation technology increases total employment and employment at all skill levels in manufacturing firms, suggesting that the productivity effect outweighs the displacement effect . Additionally, automation can lead to the skill upgrading of employment composition, with a higher proportion of high-skilled labor and a decrease in low-skilled labor . Furthermore, automation can have a positive impact on employment in the service sector, offsetting the reduction in manufacturing employment . Studies also show that automation in manufacturing leads to higher profits, lower consumer prices, and higher sales, […]