‘Goa has the right culture to be known for IT’: Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India

‘Goa has the right culture to be known for IT’: Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India

Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India at Goa IT Day When Nivruti Rai landed in Goa the day before yesterday, she felt ‘free’. The Intel India country head absolutely loves Goa.

“I stepped into the airport, and I felt free and unburdened – the way I was born,” she told the audience at Goa IT Day, held in Panaji earlier today.

During her keynote address, Nivruti quoted veteran American management expert Peter Drucker: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” She believes that if you don’t have the right culture – of transparency, freedom of spirit, and collaboration – no matter how fantastic […]

What’s the tech industry’s responsibility in an era of robotics-driven unemployment?

What’s the tech industry’s responsibility in an era of robotics-driven unemployment?

The mainstream media has grown increasingly concerned about robotics and its potential impact on employment. As is often the case, there’s some hype at work: maybe a bit too much willingness to believe marketing materials, perhaps a bit of conflation with other technological advances. But the broader point is largely legitimate. In the coming years, at a pace that we can’t accurately predict, many millions of the remaining jobs that don’t require advanced education will disappear.

Already, factories run with far fewer people than they once did, and they are moving inexorably toward lights-out operation. Unexpected business pressures — spiking […]

“Realm of Robotics” and “Human Employment”

“Realm of Robotics” and “Human Employment”

As we all know “What is robotics?”, “How are robots useful in human life?”. Robotics is the combination of mechanical, electronics & computer science engineering. In the initial days for many people, the robot is a playing thing that useful for kids to play. After that people thought it is one machine which imitates human and useful for small tasks which human can do repeatedly. Nowadays, people believing robotics may decrease the jobs but, it is wrong. A robot is just a machine under the control of the human. The robots should satisfy the human needs. Without the human […]

Freed by Robots?

Freed by Robots?

The End of Work: Why Your Passion Can Become Your Job , by John Tamny (Gateway Editions, 256 pp., $28.99)

At just about any gathering today of workforce practitioners—people involved with job-training and placement projects in the public and private sectors—the future of work and the implications of automation will come up. Today’s discussion has taken on new urgency, though, with fears that the latest technology, propelled by artificial intelligence, will destroy more jobs than it creates.

John Tamny’s thoughtful new book, The End of Work , offers a different view. Tamny, director of the Center for Economic Freedom at Freedom […]

Employment and Social Developments in Europe: 2018 review confirms positive trends but highlights challenges, in particular linked to automation and digitalisation

Today, the Commission has published the 2018 edition of its yearly Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review.

This year’s edition confirms the ongoing positive labour market trends as well as an improving social situation. The numbers of people in employment reached new record levels. With almost 238 million people having a job, employment has never been higher in the EU. In 2017 over three and a half million more people were in employment, compared with 2016. However, while the number of hours worked per person employed has grown in recent years, they are still below the 2008 levels. […]

The Employment and Social Developments in Europe review 2018

The Employment and Social Developments in Europe review 2018

The European Commission has published its yearly Employment and Social Developments in Europe review, highlighting positive trends among the labour market and challenges in automation and digitalisation.

In this year’s edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe review (ESDE) it reveals ongoing positive labour market trends, as well as an improvement over the social element. How was the overall rate of employment in 2017?

As reported on the Commission’s website , in 2017 there were over three and a half million more people in employment compared with 2016. Alongside this, it was found in the report that […]

Fraunhofer at the International Manufacturing Technology Show IMTS 2018

Fraunhofer at the International Manufacturing Technology Show IMTS 2018

MUNICH, July 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The future and prosperity of entire countries depend on the production of goods, just as many jobs in the USA and worldwide. The future of digitalized manufacturing and Industrie 4.0 rests entirely upon the ability to pool expertise and resources. Fraunhofer’s interdisciplinary systems expertise sparks the new ideas that meet the challenges of a changing world and helps create customized solutions right along the value chain. Visitors to the joint Fraunhofer booth on this year’s International Manufacturing Technology Show IMTS in Chicago can experience how a vibrant mix of new technology in the […]

A Robot Could Steal Your Job One Day

A Robot Could Steal Your Job One Day

You probably feel secure in your job. But what if someone steals your position one day? And not just anyone, but a competitor you won’t ever be able to beat?
Could a robot take your job? Technology makes our lives easier — from personal assistant devices like Siri to ordering a car ride with the touch of a button, it’s invaluable. But that won’t matter much if you end up unemployed because of it.

According to research by Leisure Jobs, robots will eliminate 47 percent of the human workforce by 2035. Leisure’s searchable database of occupations provides a customized infographic […]

Contrary to popular wisdom, automation is not a job killer in U.S. manufacturing

Contrary to popular wisdom, automation is not a job killer in U.S. manufacturing

Most economists oppose President Trump’s trade policies. As I recently argued on this page , it’s not just that he won’t help those hurt by trade. Now, with his sweeping tariffs and escalating trade war, he’s going to hurt those helped by it.

But just because he’s got the solution wrong doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. Under the assumption that the political pendulum will eventually swing back and very different policymakers will be in charge, what is the policy set that would both tap the benefits of globalization and ameliorate its downside?

One key plank in that platform should be […]

Explained: How skilling can offset automation threat

Explained: How skilling can offset automation threat

To address labour market challenges, economists have mooted solutions such as skilling and training, taxation policies, social safety nets. Sitakanta Panda

AI, robotics and Big Data are the facets of the digital revolution in which automation is the central theme. There are many aspects to the phenomenon, which most people perceive as a problem. When seen as a problem, there are many aspects to it too. For instance, on social media platforms like Twitter, “bots” are used to inflate the numbers of followers of celebrities or politicians, and also for trolling. Automation and digital revolution has led to anxiety […]