Robots that steal human jobs should pay taxes: Gates

Robots that steal human jobs should pay taxes: Gates

Washington, Feb 19 (PTI) Robots that steal human jobs should pay taxes, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates has said.

“Certainly there will be taxes that relate to automation.

Right now, the human worker who does, say, USD 50,000 worth of work in a factory, that income is taxed and you get income tax, social security tax, all those things,” Gates told Quartz website.“If a robot comes in to do the same thing, you’d think that we’d tax the robot at a similar level,” said Gates, one of the world’s richest men.Gates said he believes that governments should tax companies’ use […]

The Error In Bill Gates’ Latest Odd Idea – Let’s Tax The Robots Stealing Our Jobs

Bill Gates has put forward an odd idea, that we should tax the production of those robots as they all come to steal our jobs. This is a bad idea, an error, we should do absolutely no thing. The error stemming from a misunderstanding of the production of value and what happens to it when produced.

It’s entirely true that Bill Gates is very much brighter than I am. That he is one of the world’s richest people and I an economic scribbler is not because my intellect outshines his. However, it is still true that we all have our […]

In Andrews, hopes for more manufacturing jobs face an industry changed by technology

In Andrews, hopes for more manufacturing jobs face an industry changed by technology

By Wade Spees ANDREWS — The history of this town’s economy is enshrined in a fading mural, right off the main intersection downtown.

Workers push big bales of cotton and move long strands to be spun into yarn and knit into fabric. Seamstresses sit side-by-side at sewing machines, stitching together garments. In an artistic flourish, finished T-shirts float above, dyed blue, green and yellow.

But a glimpse of the town’s future whirs away a few miles down the highway. Inside the expanding SafeRack factory, workers set laser-cut pipes together, and a robotic arm follows behind, welding them together to make […]

Bringing America’s Jobs Back Means Making America’s Factories “Great Again”

Bringing America’s Jobs Back Means Making America’s Factories “Great Again”

Bringing America’s Jobs Back Means Making America’s Factories “Great Again”

$GM, $F, $FCAU

Over that past few year and most recently during the Presidential election campaigning and post-election the Key discussion is about bringing back manufacturing to the USThis was a Key focus of Donald Trump’s campaign for US President. Also, there is the same discussion in other advanced countries.Teresa May, Prime Minister of Great Britain, has called for an industrial strategy to restore the UK’s manufacturing prowess.In France, Marie le Pen’s platform includes a “Made in France” policy, which sounds similar to President Trump’s “America First” plan.It will be difficult […]

Elon Musk Says Artificial Intelligence Is Dangerous, Unemployment Will Deprive Workers

Elon Musk Says Artificial Intelligence Is Dangerous, Unemployment Will Deprive Workers

SpaceX founder Elon Musk believes that artificial intelligence could be catastrophic for humanity. (Photo : Mike Windle/Getty Images for Vanity Fair) Elon Musk believes that artificial intelligence will create a cyborg race. During the World Government Summit in Dubai, the SpaceX founder explains that deep artificial intelligence – the kind that is much smarter than the smartest man in the world – can be a dangerous thing.

During his talk, Elon Musk believes that robot automation and artificial intelligence will be taking over 15 percent of the global workforce. The SpaceX, Tesla and Hyperloop authority believes that humans are becoming […]

Bill Gates Says Robots Should Pay Taxes As US Risks Robot Automation Stealing Half Of American Jobs [VIDEO]

Bill Gates Says Robots Should Pay Taxes As US Risks Robot Automation Stealing Half Of American Jobs [VIDEO]

Automation is both an advantage and a disadvantage to the human work force. Almost 50 percent of American jobs are at risk. Bill Gates says robots should pay taxes. (Photo : Axel Schmidt – Pool/Getty Images) Bill Gates says that if robot automation will take over human jobs then they should pay taxes. The American business magnate and Microsoft veteran says that something should make up the difference. While there are advantages to robot automation when it comes to precision and efficiency, there is a risk involved when it comes to the manual labor work force. When more robots […]

We’ll try not to show that ad again

We'll try not to show that ad again

Universal basic income

There’s a new idea that might be the solution to runaway populism. Well, it’s not that new, really – it has been kicking around in left-wing circles for a least a quarter-century – but it has suddenly gone mainstream. It’s called Universal Basic Income (UBI), and pilot programs to see if it really works in practice are being launched this year in four different countries.

It’s populism that gave us Brexit in Britain and President Donald Trump in the United States. It could soon give us President Marine Le Pen in France. But the fundamental lie of […]

Bill Gates Has a Trumpian Plan to Make Job-Stealing Robots Pay

Bill Gates Has a Trumpian Plan to Make Job-Stealing Robots Pay

From Getty Images. It is fairly obvious, when looking at the economic data , that Donald Trump is largely missing the point when he blames China or Mexico for the decline of U.S. manufacturing jobs. “We want products made by our workers in our factories stamped with those four magnificent words—made in the U.S.A.,” the president declared during a photo op Friday at a Boeing plant in South Carolina. It was a solid applause line, even if Trump’s proposed solution—reforming the tax code to encourage more companies to build factories in the U.S.—ignores the fact that U.S. manufacturing output […]

Bill Gates Has a Trumpian Plan to Make Job-Stealing Robots Pay

Bill Gates Has a Trumpian Plan to Make Job-Stealing Robots Pay

From Getty Images. It is fairly obvious, when looking at the economic data , that Donald Trump is largely missing the point when he blames China or Mexico for the decline of U.S. manufacturing jobs. “We want products made by our workers in our factories stamped with those four magnificent words—made in the U.S.A.,” the president declared during a photo op Friday at a Boeing plant in South Carolina. It was a solid applause line, even if Trump’s proposed solution—reforming the tax code to encourage more companies to build factories in the U.S.—ignores the fact that U.S. manufacturing output […]

Robot efficiency makes case for workplace automation

Robot efficiency makes case for workplace automation

According to an Oxford University and the Oxford Martin School study, 47% of jobs in the US are ‘at risk’ of being automated in the next 20 years. A robot arm carries a glass part in the assembly line of a factory. Picture: AFP

It’s hard to argue against automation when statistics are clearly illustrating its potential. The latest evidence comes out of a Chinese factory in Dongguan City. The factory recently replaced 90% of its human workforce with machines, and it led to a staggering 250% increase in productivity and a significant 80% drop in defects.

THE […]