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Automation will not kill but create more jobs; robots will generate new work for humans: Anant Gupta, HCL Tech CEO

Automation will not kill but create more jobs; robots will generate new work for humans: Anant Gupta, HCL Tech CEO

There is a way, says Gupta, "which is the pro-human way. We cannot jump in blindly. Automation is a pragmatic journey." NEW DELHI: Automation is the new watchword in the Indian IT sector and employees should start looking at it beyond the hype and apprehension, HCL Tech BSE 1.81 % CEO Anant Gupta wrote in his blog.

"Automation is no longer an option in the 21st century enterprise. Across industries, it is already driving efficiency, productivity, agility, adaptability and optimization… there is growing apprehension about automation devouring jobs. The Industrial Revolution too was met with technological unemployment as a temporary […]

“Silicon Collar” – a realistic view of automation eliminating jobs

“Silicon Collar” – a realistic view of automation eliminating jobs

Editor’s note: The buzz about robots and automation eliminating humans’ jobs is like a squeaking hinge, getting louder and causing more friction almost daily. Released this month, “Silicon Collar,” Vinnie Mirchandani’s fourth book about technology and innovation, is a must-read for employers making decisions about automation as well as for employees who fear their job will be eliminated by technology. Whatever your opinion is about technology and jobs, I believe reading this book will enhance or change your opinion.

I’ve read Vinnie’s three earlier books about technology and innovation, so I felt sure there would be important insights […]

Silicon Collar excerpt The Sum of All Fears

Silicon Collar excerpt The Sum of All Fears

My new book, Silicon Collar , which will be released in Kindle format on Friday, is on balance a positive book about the impact of automation on jobs, but as I write “While the practitioners I interviewed were positive about the new technologies and their impact on work, a number of academicians, analysts, and economists are worried sick about the new machine age and envision a jobless future. Their pessimism, amplified by politicians, is leading to widespread gloom on the street. Internationally, it is even leading to referenda about whether citizens should be guaranteed minimum incomes, irrespective of work […]

Robots and AI eating into job market for predictable and routine work

Robots and AI eating into job market for predictable and routine work

Robots and early AI are already proficient enough to displace vast tracts of predictable physical work and data process and collection tasks in the US. The effect of automation may see more and more tasks taken away from humans, across a wide range of professions, either creating more time for different tasks – or seeing a reduction in FTE. Management of people remains an area with a low automation potential – given current technologies.

Automation has the potential to free humanity from the fetters of repetitive, physically demanding and, often, unpleasant work. The loss of such work, particularly where […]

Automation predicted to cut workforce in half, but education could decide who stays

Automation predicted to cut workforce in half, but education could decide who stays

(1 of 2) Is automation your job friend or foe? (PIOTR DEBOWSKI / SHUTTERSTOCK) Do you see yourself partnering with robots to do your job? Many people already are finding that working with robots and other technologies has greatly improved their ability to do their jobs. For some, partnering with a robot partner has given them superpowers.

Take the case of a women with leukemia who wasn’t responding to treatment. To solve the mystery, doctors asked IBM’s Watson, a supercomputer loaded with artificial intelligence, to figure it out. In just 10 minutes, Watson diagnosed the right type of leukemia, which […]

Enemy is poor education, not mechanisation

Enemy is poor education, not mechanisation

THE replacement of people in the workplace by machines has been feared throughout history. During the Industrial Revolution, workers known as Luddites attacked and destroyed the machines that threatened their jobs.

Yet while mechanisation did bring great hardship to the cottage weavers and spinners, fears of widespread unemployment proved unfounded. Mechanisation brought about rising prosperity and demand for new products and services. Lower production costs meant lower prices, which generated greater demand for goods previously affordable only to the wealthy.

As a result, the new machines set the scene for massive increases in jobs, wages and prosperity unequalled in history.Today, the […]

Work Automation and What it Means for Employees

Work Automation and What it Means for Employees

The workplace today is not the same as it was 10, 20, or even 30 years ago. As we entered the 21st century, the world was a very different place. Technological advances have allowed us to use automation to do many of the jobs that once required a personal touch. Modern technology has already caused many jobs to be phased out. One cannot help but wonder if the job they are doing right now will still be around in the upcoming years.

Robots Are Replacing Humans World-Wide

In some areas of the world, companies are using robots to do […]

Global warming and robotics: the two biggest threats to the ‘Asian Century’

Global warming and robotics: the two biggest threats to the ‘Asian Century’

A beer assembly line inside a brewery in Shenyang, Liaoning province. Such automation could keep factory jobs and provide more high-end jobs. But as China moves up the value chain – and no longer has an endless supply of cheap labour – India and the ASEAN member countries are expected to fill its role. Photo: Reuters We are living in the “Asian Century”, so called because by 2050, the region is projected to be as wealthy as Europe on a per capita basis, and hold a dominant share of global economic output.

But what if it turns out to be […]

Cost-cutting measures: Startups using layoffs to tackle tightening fund flow

Cost-cutting measures: Startups using layoffs to tackle tightening fund flow

At a time when investors are gradually tightening their purse strings on venture capital-backed e-commerce firms and tech startups — from $2.91 billion in September quarter of 2015 to $1.52 billion in December quarter to $1.40 billion in March quarter of 2016 and to $583 million in June quarter of the ongoing year — the investee companies are having to take a hard look at their growth oriented businesses. And it is the employees who are having to bear the brunt.

Since August 2015, eight of the poster-boys of the country’s e-commerce and technology ventures have reportedly trimmed close to […]

The Automation Issue and the Presidential Race

While Donald Trump softens (or curdles, depending on the perspective) on immigration, while folks question whether Hillary Clinton is a particularly articulate zombie, automation looms like a tidal wave. Neither candidate has touched on the issue very much, which is a shame because it will likely begin striking during the next administration.

Automation is the process of making stuff happen without humans doing it. Self-driving cars (and trucks) will be one example of automation, but so will robotic cooks at fast food joints. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) were an early victory for the robots, way back in the 1960s. But […]