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A hire power

A hire power

JOSEPH SCHUMPETER gave the name “creative destruction” to the process by which new and innovative firms displace stodgy ones, thereby driving long-run economic growth. The Schumpeterian sort of economic reinvention is out of fashion at the moment. Unhappy workers are casting their lot with populist politicians, who are in turn looking to rein in the disruption caused by everyone from tech unicorns in Silicon Valley to sellers of cut-price steel in China. Economists understandably worry that this backlash will lead to sweeping new regulations, taxes and protections for firms and workers. But red tape and tax are not the […]

Anna Turley: In an Uber economy, an active state can ensure the rewards reach the many and not the few

Anna Turley: In an Uber economy, an active state can ensure the rewards reach the many and not the few

Technological change is already beginning to transform our world, changing the way we live and work. The challenge for progressives is to find ways of managing the disruption so that all parts of our society can benefit. As my colleague Tom Watson MP has argued, the question is how we make this transformative process our friend and not our foe.

The “job for life” is now rare, replaced with less secure work and more self-employment. The next generation of automation could soon see more jobs replaced by robots. For policymakers this means grasping for new means to manage the resulting […]

Only Humans Need Apply: Job Prospects Following Advances in AI

This post was authored primarily by CDT Summer 2016 intern Elaine Chou . “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.” Last week, in response to a Request for Information from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, CDT submitted a report on “Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence” (“AI”). Our comments focused on how the government can reduce inequality in the workforce and promote societal progress as AI advances. CDT believes in the power of AI, and suggests policy improvements […]

Scoble: VR will create a ton of jobs, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride

Scoble: VR will create a ton of jobs, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride

Robert Scoble is no longer worried about job creation. And that’s good, right? I mean… one less thing.

‘Scobleizer,’ the Entrepreneur in Residence at Upload VR and noted futurist, took some today time to tell me all about it. Like it or not, automation is coming here

While most of us are already aware that automation is coming, I think those outside the tech community are blissfully unaware at how close they are to getting the axe in favor of cool, efficient steel — or binary code.According to Oxford researchers Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, 47 percent of […]

Universal basic income paid by a ‘robot tax’ is a bad idea

Universal basic income paid by a ‘robot tax’ is a bad idea

Thilo Brodtmann considers that the Parliament’s report on robots should have been a selection of "sensible suggestions" instead of a list of regulatory measures. Although the digitalisation of industry is a top priority among EU decision makers, Europe should not be concerned about job losses caused by growing automation. Instead, member states should teach the new generations the skills required for a digital future, believes the VDMA chief, Thilo Brodtman.

Thilo Brodtmann is the executive director of VDMA, the German mechanical engineering association representing more than 3,200 mainly small and medium -sized companies.

Brodtmann spoke to’s Jorge Valero […]

Will Automation Make Employees Obsolete?

The subject of automation and robotics tends to strike fear in the hearts of job seekers and professionals in many career disciplines. Since the beginning of the Industrial Age, businesses have been introducing faster, more efficient and cost-effective equipment into their daily business operations.

Today, even the auto industry is looking to design a remote controlled vehicle that operates without the need for a driver at a steering wheel. Drones, of course, are now one of the most popular methods of delivery for many businesses.

While much of this equipment may sound like space age concepts, they have the tendencies to […]

Stuart Hall, Tyzack works out the future.

Stuart Hall, Tyzack works out the future.

The pace of technological change, shifting demographic patterns and economic globalisation are radically re-shaping the future of employment globally. This is something we have been witnessing since 2000, with the acceleration of a technological revolution, a radical transformation more comprehensive and more encompassing than anything we have seen before.

We are already experiencing the impact in staff reductions as a result of technology such as supermarket self-checkouts, ATM machines and robotics in the manufacturing sector, and whilst few doubt that the changes we’re experiencing hold great promise, the patterns of employment, production and consumption resulting from them are certainly creating […]

More than half of IT employees in India believe Automation & AI will impact their career advancement

More than half of IT employees in India believe Automation & AI will impact their career advancement

Mumbai: IT and ITES Industry is the largest employer in the private in India. As per NASSCOM, total employment strength in IT and BPM industry is 3.7 million. The whole industry is on the cusp of transformation with advancement of technology such as Automation & Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) popularly known as fourth Industrial Revolution. In line with changes in the industry, professionals working in this industry will also face the music.

Shift in skills and re-skilling phenomenon is catching up and will shape career of IT workforce. More than half of […]

Income inequality affecting the masses, expected to continue

Income inequality affecting the masses, expected to continue

Income inequality continues to increase, hitting the young with low skills the hardest. In the UK, 60% of the population has seen a stagnation or decrease in their disposable income. In the US, those below 30 with low levels of education are 15% worse off in 2012 than in 2002. Continued low growth, as well as the possible acceleration of automation and digitalisation, is likely to exuberate the situation, with the income of up to 80% of the workforce stagnant or declining to 2025.

Income inequality has become an issue for a range of stakeholders, forming a political flashpoint, […]

Skilling in the age of robots

Skilling in the age of robots

Upward graph for robots But what about human jobs? ktsdesign/ As automation begins to drive more sectors, the ability to adapt to change will be a crucial job requirement

Some 11 million by 2036 in the UK alone; 5 million worldwide by 2020. These apocalypse-sounding figures are the estimated number of jobs that will be lost to automation in the very near future.

Automation lies at the forefront of the so-called ‘fourth industrial revolution’, a process whereby the interaction of cyber and physical systems will profoundly change established economic and social structures. And this will happen on a scale, size and […]