We must skill the UK’s next generation to shoulder the burdens of the 21st century #Edu4_0

We must skill the UK’s next generation to shoulder the burdens of the 21st century #Edu4_0

Mithun Kamath is Group CEO of Arc Skills A job market being transformed beyond recognition by the inexorable march of #AI and #Automation

With the UN marking World Youth Skills Day earlier this month on July 15, we are reminded of just how vital it is that young people are equipped to help build the sustainable, inclusive and stable societies we want them to inherit. Mechanisms needed to operationalise #LifelongLearning #WYSD2019 https://t.co/ao0wgGyhfy — FE News (@FENews) July 23, 2019 The 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24, who make up 16% of the global population, are the future […]

High school students shunning summer jobs

High school students shunning summer jobs

The summer job, long an entry-level rite of passage into the working world for teenagers, is becoming obsolete.

Under pressure to bolster their college applications, more students are shunning the character-building, low-paying first job for extracurricular activities and year-round academics.

Out are summers spent perched on a lifeguard chair slathered in zinc oxide, schlepping clubs on fairways or stacking boxes in a warehouse. In are science classes, tutoring sessions or other resume-worthy pursuits, all aimed at giving students a leg up on the competition.Emblematic of that trend is Magali Ortiz, 18, a recent graduate of Northside College Prep, who spent every […]

All School and No Work May Be the New Normal for Teens

The summer job, long an entry-level rite of passage into the working world for teenagers, is becoming obsolete.

Under pressure to bolster their college applications, more students are shunning the character-building, low-paying first job for extracurricular activities and year-round academics.

Out are summers spent perched on a lifeguard chair slathered in zinc oxide, schlepping clubs on fairways or stacking boxes in a warehouse. In are science classes, tutoring sessions, or other resume-worthy pursuits, all aimed at giving students a leg up on the competition.Emblematic of that trend is Magali Ortiz, 18, a recent graduate of Northside College Prep, who spent every […]

Automation Endangers Future Jobs Economy, While Low-Skilled Foreigners Flood Open Border

Automation Endangers Future Jobs Economy, While Low-Skilled Foreigners Flood Open Border

Forbes provides a review of expert opinions about how the new automation/AI is going to roll out regarding the jobs economy over the next years. It notes the dire early predictions of mass unemployment, but tries to provide a balance with more upbeat forecasts of new jobs being created in the tech economy.

Forbes also mentioned that the future tech jobs require new skills which entail appropriate training and won’t be available to low-skilled workers.

In fact, the many thousands of non-English-speaking unskilled Third-Worlders who have flooded across America’s open border won’t be employable in a few years when automation and […]

New York to study artificial intelligence and robots

New York to study artificial intelligence and robots

ALBANY — New York is taking steps to better harness artificial intelligence and robotics, and hopefully prevent an uprising by our machines.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation on Wednesday creating a commission tasked with delivering a report by the end of next year on how the state can utilize and regulate these evolving high-tech areas.

"Artificial intelligence and automation are already having a profound impact across many industries and their influence keeps growing, so it’s critical that we do everything in our power to understand their capabilities and potential pitfalls," Cuomo said in a statement. "This new commission will […]

Curriculum needs to change to help students navigate the rise of ‘smart’ technologies

Curriculum needs to change to help students navigate the rise of ‘smart’ technologies

UNSW Sydney academic calls for changes to the education system so future workforce can challenge artificial intelligence technology So-called ‘smart’ systems could cause great harm to individuals and the wider community if today’s students aren’t taught how to critically engage with them, a UNSW academic said.

Director of the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation and UNSW Faculty of Law Professor Lyria Bennett Moses has proposed updating the Australian curricula on statistics and modelling after being commissioned by the NSW Department of Education’s Education for a Changing World initiative to explore the implications of developments in AI and automation […]

The Next Wave of Innovation Will Come From America’s Forgotten Communities

The Next Wave of Innovation Will Come From America's Forgotten Communities

Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash In a New York Time’s article titled Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force in Two , written by Eduardo Porter in February of this year, it was argued that the technology sector is breaking our economy in ways that are destabilizing our society, at large. In his piece, Porter argued that while the technology sector has promised a future where we’ll be capable of doing meaningful work we care about while being paid livable wages, we’re really just getting lulled into a world where robots do all the work and a small […]

What Amazon’s decision to retrain a third of its employees means for the future of work

(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

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Scott F. Latham, University of Massachusetts Lowell(THE CONVERSATION) Amazon’s announcement that it will invest US$700 million to retrain 100,000 employees – a third of its U.S. workforce – in new technologies is the latest reminder that the much-heralded future of work is well underway.Policymakers, analysts and scholars trying to discern the retailer’s motives and objectives chalked it up to a public relations move or the natural result of a tight labor market. Others deemed it standard retraining and investment.Lost in the […]

The Educated Underclass: Students and Social Mobility

The Educated Underclass: Students and Social Mobility

Neither a policy paper nor a career guide, Gary Roth’s The Educated Underclass: Students and the Promise of Social Mobility ( Pluto Press ) is, in the author’s words, “an examination of that edge of reality where education and economy produce results just the opposite of what in theory it is claimed that they do.” Roth is a lecturer in sociology and anthropology, and former vice chancellor and dean, at Rutgers University at Newark.

I won’t revisit much of the ground covered in the interview with him that ran at Inside Higher Ed earlier this year. My intent, rather, is […]

Universities are key to 4IR employment

Universities are key to 4IR employment

(John McCann/M&G) Universities in Africa, as with their counterparts globally, are required to contribute to the advancement and development of their societies. This needs to be underpinned by teaching and learning strategies that create well educated, socially conscious citizens who are equipped with skills for their era, in this case the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).

The 4IR is creating overarching conditions that have important implications for our universities: what we teach, what we research and our contribution to the economy, employment and society. This requires a deliberate leveraging and repositioning of our universities to optimise our role in reconstructing South […]