“Realm of Robotics” and “Human Employment”

“Realm of Robotics” and “Human Employment”

As we all know “What is robotics?”, “How are robots useful in human life?”. Robotics is the combination of mechanical, electronics & computer science engineering. In the initial days for many people, the robot is a playing thing that useful for kids to play. After that people thought it is one machine which imitates human and useful for small tasks which human can do repeatedly. Nowadays, people believing robotics may decrease the jobs but, it is wrong. A robot is just a machine under the control of the human. The robots should satisfy the human needs. Without the human […]

Freed by Robots?

Freed by Robots?

The End of Work: Why Your Passion Can Become Your Job , by John Tamny (Gateway Editions, 256 pp., $28.99)

At just about any gathering today of workforce practitioners—people involved with job-training and placement projects in the public and private sectors—the future of work and the implications of automation will come up. Today’s discussion has taken on new urgency, though, with fears that the latest technology, propelled by artificial intelligence, will destroy more jobs than it creates.

John Tamny’s thoughtful new book, The End of Work , offers a different view. Tamny, director of the Center for Economic Freedom at Freedom […]

A Robot Could Steal Your Job One Day

A Robot Could Steal Your Job One Day

You probably feel secure in your job. But what if someone steals your position one day? And not just anyone, but a competitor you won’t ever be able to beat?
Could a robot take your job? Technology makes our lives easier — from personal assistant devices like Siri to ordering a car ride with the touch of a button, it’s invaluable. But that won’t matter much if you end up unemployed because of it.

According to research by Leisure Jobs, robots will eliminate 47 percent of the human workforce by 2035. Leisure’s searchable database of occupations provides a customized infographic […]

Contrary to popular wisdom, automation is not a job killer in U.S. manufacturing

Contrary to popular wisdom, automation is not a job killer in U.S. manufacturing

Most economists oppose President Trump’s trade policies. As I recently argued on this page , it’s not just that he won’t help those hurt by trade. Now, with his sweeping tariffs and escalating trade war, he’s going to hurt those helped by it.

But just because he’s got the solution wrong doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. Under the assumption that the political pendulum will eventually swing back and very different policymakers will be in charge, what is the policy set that would both tap the benefits of globalization and ameliorate its downside?

One key plank in that platform should be […]

Explained: How skilling can offset automation threat

Explained: How skilling can offset automation threat

To address labour market challenges, economists have mooted solutions such as skilling and training, taxation policies, social safety nets. Sitakanta Panda

AI, robotics and Big Data are the facets of the digital revolution in which automation is the central theme. There are many aspects to the phenomenon, which most people perceive as a problem. When seen as a problem, there are many aspects to it too. For instance, on social media platforms like Twitter, “bots” are used to inflate the numbers of followers of celebrities or politicians, and also for trolling. Automation and digital revolution has led to anxiety […]

Machines might take jobs–they can also help train us for new ones

Machines might take jobs–they can also help train us for new ones

Nearly half of all jobs that exist today could become automated over the next several years. Even workers in roles that robots will not be able to master will likely see their jobs change as smart technology firmly integrates into the workplace. Nobody can predict exactly how intelligent machines will change the world of work for humans–or how people’s jobs will evolve based on the introduction of automated counterparts. Many questions remain, but one thing is clear: the future of work will be different–and workforces will need to learn different skills to embrace a shared future with technology.

Meanwhile, there’s […]

MOOCS – Bridging the Skills Gap Between Employers and Employees

MOOCS – Bridging the Skills Gap Between Employers and Employees

To cope with the current workforce needs and culture, employers are seeking employees who are skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Big Data. This is a skill set that most Indian colleges and universities do not include in their curriculum.

The World Economic Forum has already predicted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics will take away more than 5 million jobs by 2020. In addition to the rising threat of automation and machine learning, increasingly competitive job market is making the lives of employees no easier. The dynamics have changed considerably, and having a college degree no longer guarantees […]

The intelligent enterprise and the COO of the future

The intelligent enterprise and the COO of the future

By Mehmood Khan, Chief Operating Officer at SAP Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya – Recent advances in computational capabilities and the evolution of exponential technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT, big data and predictive analytics all built on powerful cloud platforms have heralded the rise of the Intelligent Enterprise.

This is creating exciting opportunities and new challenges for COOs, who are currently tasked with building the organisational infrastructure that will enable exponential organisational strategy.The rise of exponential technologies is pushing organisations into a self-running future where machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, IoT and robotic process automation increasingly substitute or augment human […]

India Must Re-Skill Workforce To Keep Up With AI, Says Kris Gopalakrishnan

India Must Re-Skill Workforce To Keep Up With AI, Says Kris Gopalakrishnan

Infosys co-founder Kris Gopalakrishnan this week reiterated what most tech giants have been saying all along — that artificial intelligence is not a direct threat to human jobs, but reskilling employees is crucial to advancement.

“India has a major challenge of transitioning its young workforce to the fourth industrial revolution called AI after the eras of agriculture, manufacturing and services… As the large workforce is engaged in diverse occupations such as agriculture, manufacturing and white-collar jobs in the services sector, it needs to be re-skilled to sustain the jobs, as AI will replace traditional jobs,” said Gopalakrishnan in an interview […]

Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to your Job?

Is Artificial Intelligence a threat to your Job?

New technologies bring innovations, in business, and change the course of the work being done. But does a technical revolution bring shift in employment patterns too?

The Industrial Revolution which began in the 18th century was a transition to new manufacturing processes characterised by new inventions. The industrial revolution effectively increased the output levels and also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. But the Industrial Revolution also took some key sacrifices, the change destroyed traditional jobs, but it also created new ones. The technology of the Industrial Revolution helped in discoveries of the modern industrial marvels and gave […]