We Won’t Feel AI’s Full Impact on the Workplace for Years to Come

We Won't Feel AI's Full Impact on the Workplace for Years to Come

PHOTO: Franki Chamaki In 2015, 65 percent of Americans believed robots and computers would take over most of the work in the next 50 years. Only two years later, that number dropped to 13 percent. Americans are clearly becoming more comfortable with the idea of automation in the workplace, but new advances in artificial intelligence (AI) continue to raise questions about what impact it will have on future jobs. The AI Explosion

New application for artificial intelligence (AI) are popping up all over, and many of us don’t even realize they’re there. Technology, from email spam filters to digital […]

Who’s afraid of the big bad robot?

Who's afraid of the big bad robot?

Beware the Bogeybot. This nefarious (and cheap!) automaton comes for the jobs of all the naughty workers who never bothered to learn a new skill.

It’s also a complete fairy tale. For years, economic analysts and businesspeople have warned that workers just weren’t learning the skills necessary to keep up with automation. And the moment robots became cheap replacements, the unskilled would be out on the street. But now that the American economy has clawed its way back to some semblance of health, this story is being revealed as essentially fiction.

The Wall Street Journal has a new report about […]

What is Structural Unemployment?

What is Structural Unemployment?

As one of the major types of unemployment, structural unemployment can contribute to keeping the unemployment rate high. It mainly occurs due to the technological innovations, migration, competition and the government policies such as trade agreements. The structural employment may happen at any phase of the business cycle. For example, structural unemployment is prevalent even during the period of expansion or high economic growth. In other words, it usually happens when employees are unable to find any jobs. Many economists consider structural employment as the long-lasting situation as it makes workers difficult to learn new technologies or migrate to […]

Assessing the Future of Our Work

Assessing the Future of Our Work

Assessing the Future of Our Work (pdf) Throughout history, the rise of new technologies has drastically changed the nature of work — both as a cause of and a response to massive historical shifts. Cities feel these shifts most acutely, serving as the places where these rapid movements are found, focused, and filtered into broader society.

In our new report, Assessing the Future of Our Work: Automation and the Role of Cities , we examine growing American occupations and their susceptibility to automation — ranking them with low, medium, or high automatability.

Knowledge sharing and new ideas form within a conglomeration […]

Safety risks, safety gains from rise of technology

New workplace technologies and ways of working will bring safety risks, but might also bring safety improvements.

That is the view of WorkSafe Tasmania.

“Digital technologies, including automation and artificial intelligence, are becoming more common in the workplace,” WorkSafe said in its latest Workplace Issues magazine.“Employment patterns and structures are also shifting, with more and more freelance, task-based work.”It said the changes were happening in the context of an ageing workforce and higher levels of stress and chronic disease.“New technologies and ways of working introduce new risks and challenges for workplace health and safety and workers compensation, but they also have […]

Double Your Money with the Best Artificial Intelligence Stock to Buy

Double Your Money with the Best Artificial Intelligence Stock to Buy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change the way we do business, purchase products, and even get around. In fact, AI is already taking over from humans in industries from marketing to banking.

Just think about this. Self-parking cars were last year’s buzz, and now self- driving cars are already being tested. AI is not just for gamers anymore. But the concept is far from new.

ATMs, which allow us to bank remotely without any human intervention at all, now seem like ancient history.Robots already take our food orders at certain restaurants. This week, the first burger cooked and assembled by […]

Machine learning will redesign, not replace, work

Machine learning will redesign, not replace, work

New research shows that machine learning will likely replace tasks within jobs, not whole occupations. Credit: MIT Sloan School of Management The conversation around artificial intelligence and automation seems dominated by either doomsayers who fear robots will supplant all humans in the workforce, or optimists who think there’s nothing new under the sun. But MIT Sloan professor Erik Brynjolfsson and his colleagues say that debate needs to take a different tone.

New research finds that specific tasks within jobs , rather than entire occupations themselves, will be replaced by automation in the near future, with some jobs more heavily impacted […]

Robots? Training? Factories tackle the productivity puzzle

Robots? Training? Factories tackle the productivity puzzle

APT Manufacturing Solutions in Hicksville, Ohio, in May. APT has begun offering apprenticeships, covering the cost of college for its workers, and three years ago it started teaching manufacturing skills to high school students. HICKSVILLE, Ohio — For Anthony Nighswander, rock-bottom unemployment is both a headache and an opportunity. For businesses and workers, it could be the key to reversing one of the country’s most vexing economic problems: slow productivity growth.

Nighswander is president of APT Manufacturing Solutions, which builds and installs robotic equipment to help other manufacturers automate their assembly lines. Lately, business has been booming: With the unemployment […]

“Intelligent Apps Loaded With Digital Twin Will Drive People And Industry”-Dr. Jitendra K. Das

“Intelligent Apps Loaded With Digital Twin Will Drive People And Industry”-Dr. Jitendra K. Das

“Intelligent Apps will impact the lives and drive people at both personal and industrial level. These apps will no longer be the apps which we use today, but will be much more intelligent, advanced and loaded with AI and Digital Twin ”, said Dr. Jitendra K. Das , Director FORE School of Management, New Delhi.

Dr. Das was the Chairperson of the session themed – Role of Robotics, AI and Automation to Make In India at the recently held “8th Manufacturing Innovation Conclave” – Building manufacturing, Building India, organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) with co-panelists – Harish Mehra, […]

Why Has The Economic Productivity Not Picked Up Despite The Advancements In AI?

Why Has The Economic Productivity Not Picked Up Despite The Advancements In AI?

Large AI systems have become a part of our societies very quickly in the last decade. There is a widespread debate about how artificial intelligence is changing individuals and man’s interaction with his surroundings. This, of course, includes AI’s effect on the economy. This can be measured across sections of industries, societies and institutions. A recent study by Jason Furman and Robert Seamans from Harvard Kennedy School, Peterson Institute for International Economics and New York University talks about the same. The Rise And Rise Of AI Activities

The age of AI has started and has taken a form […]