Blockchain technology, robotics and automation transforming the manufacturing industry

Blockchain technology, robotics and automation transforming the manufacturing industry

Representative Image

Blockchain technology is a system of storing and transferring data in a decentralized, distributed and secure way using cryptography and consensus mechanisms. By applying blockchain technology to the manufacturing sector, it is possible to achieve operational excellence, product authenticity, consumer experience and quality of care. Blockchain technology can also help manufacturers to streamline operations, gain greater visibility into supply chains and track assets with unprecedented precision. Moreover, blockchain technology can enable collaboration and innovation among different stakeholders in the industry, by lowering barriers to entry and fostering trust.

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary innovation that can transform […]

Guest Opinion: Common fallacies impede sound policy

Guest Opinion: Common fallacies impede sound policy

John Hood By John Hood

RALEIGH — Those who advocate rational public policy, based on a thorough understanding of the principles of human action and the benefits of voluntary exchange, are bound to be disappointed much of the time.

That’s not an argument against fighting for freedom. But it is an argument for realism and for keeping expectations low — so you can be pleasantly surprised when policymakers resist political temptations and make good decisions, whether they be here in North Carolina or in Washington, D.C. (Just kidding about the latter possibility.)Why do policymakers so often get things wrong? Bryan […]

Most work is new work, long-term study of U.S. census data shows

Most work is new work, long-term study of U.S. census data shows

The majority of U.S. jobs are in occupations that have emerged since 1940, MIT research finds — telling us much about the ways jobs are created and lost.

Publication Date:

April 1, 2024 Press Inquiries Stylized collage shows a vintage photo of an airplane collaged with isometric illustrations of office and healthcare workers. Caption:Most U.S. workers are in occupations that have only emerged widely since 1940, according to a large-scale study of 80 years of U.S. census data, led by MIT economist David Autor.Credits:Image: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT; iStock This is part 1 of a two-part MIT News feature examining new […]

Tech advances to cause job displacements

Tech advances to cause job displacements

Tech advances to cause job displacements Technological advancements hold the promise of improving efficiency, increasing productivity, and enhancing our quality of life. However, alongside these benefits, there is growing concern about the displacement of jobs resulting from automation and digitization. Many traditional jobs will become obsolete, leaving millions of workers without employment opportunities.

The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning, has already begun to reshape industries and redefine the nature of work. Tasks and roles that were once performed by humans are now being automated, leading to fears of widespread job […]

10 Outdated Professions That Are Not Worth Pursuing Anymore (Dying Occupations)

10 Outdated Professions That Are Not Worth Pursuing Anymore (Dying Occupations)

10 Outdated Professions That Are Not Worth Pursuing Anymore (Dying Occupations) 2 To understand how professions become outdated and dying occupations, we must acknowledge the relentless pace of change in today’s technology and how it affects the job market. Technological advancements and shifting economic trends have dramatically reshaped the professional landscape, rendering specific careers less viable than they once were.

This article will explore ten jobs that have been particularly impacted, providing insights into why these professions are now considered obsolete and what emerging trends influenced these changes. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for anyone looking to make informed decisions […]

The impact of artificial intelligence on future-proof careers

The impact of artificial intelligence on future-proof careers

Photo credit: / – Yuri A In the rapidly evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the advent of artificial intelligence ( AI ) has sparked a global conversation about the future of employment and the nature of future-proof careers. This transformative technology, once the preserve of science fiction, is now a pivotal driver of change in virtually every sector of the economy, influencing how we work, the jobs we do, and the skills we need to succeed. As we stand on the brink of a new era, it’s essential to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on […]

Are We Entering the AI “Cognitive Revolution”?

Are We Entering the AI “Cognitive Revolution”?

Wall Street Journal writer Christopher Mims tried using AI to replace himself. He claims we are entering the “Cognitive Revolution” that will displace millions of workers. Christopher Mims says AI will automate tasks done by hundreds of millions of workers. Please consider his article I Tried Using AI to Replace Myself For the past two weeks, I’ve used cutting-edge artificial-intelligence tools in every aspect of my day-to-day existence, from my job to my personal life. Here’s my verdict: The last time I had an experience this eye-opening and transformative was after I bought my first smartphone. In experimenting with […]

How automation affect employment in manufacturing?

How automation affect employment in manufacturing?

Automation technology in manufacturing has varied effects on employment. Several studies indicate that automation technology increases total employment and employment at all skill levels in manufacturing firms, suggesting that the productivity effect outweighs the displacement effect . Additionally, automation can lead to the skill upgrading of employment composition, with a higher proportion of high-skilled labor and a decrease in low-skilled labor . Furthermore, automation can have a positive impact on employment in the service sector, offsetting the reduction in manufacturing employment . Studies also show that automation in manufacturing leads to higher profits, lower consumer prices, and higher sales, […]

Industrialisation is still vital to economic development but some countries are struggling to reap its benefits

Industrialisation is still vital to economic development but some countries are struggling to reap its benefits

Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the US, wrote a wealth of reports that served as building blocks for the country’s economic system. In 1791, during his time as secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton published one of his most important: the Report on the Subject of Manufactures .

It argued that the US needed to develop its manufacturing sector through the use of industrial and trade policy to grow its economy, bolster its military, increase its productivity, and catch up with the industrial and technological powerhouse of the time, Great Britain.

Hamilton died in 1804. But US policymakers, led […]

From Passport Processing To Registering To Vote, AI Could Take Over 84% Government Jobs, Says Study

From Passport Processing To Registering To Vote, AI Could Take Over 84% Government Jobs, Says Study

The study on AI was focussed on the UK government’s work. Artificial Intelligence (AI) could take over 84 per cent of repetitive government services, a new study has said. Researchers from The Alan Turing Institute focussed on 201 services in the UK that involve a decision and an exchange of information between government and a citizen and found that these can be automated to save time. Some examples are processing passports and registering to vote, which have the potential to be automated. Every minute AI helped cut per transaction would save hundreds of thousands of hours of manual work […]