Opinion: Workers will simply try to survive, rather than prosper, as tech takes over the economy

Opinion: Workers will simply try to survive, rather than prosper, as tech takes over the economy

For most people, a secure, well-paid job is the difference between a reasonable life and penury. Today, changes in the structure of the work force driven by globalization and technology make this objective increasingly elusive.

Technology has exacerbated declines in employment and incomes by eliminating tasks and “de-skilling” many jobs.

Robotics and complex computerized equipment has successfully replaced skilled labor. Computer software is now replacing journalists, synthesizing news items electronically by crawling the internet. Even traders in financial markets are being replaced by automated algorithms.In the late-20th century, global supply chains allowed lower-paid workers to displace expensive counterparts in more developed […]

IT sector’s transformation comes when India is struggling to create jobs: Is it in a downward spiral?

IT sector's transformation comes when India is struggling to create jobs: Is it in a downward spiral?

There has been some worrying news on the side of the economy which has remained confined to the business newspapers. It concerns India’s large information technology and software industry and companies like Infosys, TCS and Wipro. These firms, which were expanding quickly for the last two decades, have all slowed down.

They are now growing at single digits annually and even that is a struggle. This has caused speculation that the industry is in a death spiral in India. One reason for this slowing down is that automation is replacing human capital. This affects the services being offered by these […]

Automation to cause huge job loss in IT sector

There has been some worrying news on the side of the economy which has remained confined to the business newspapers. It concerns India’s large information technology and software industry and companies like Infosys, TCS and Wipro. These firms, which were expanding quickly for the last two decades, have all slowed down.

They are now growing at single digits annually and even that is a struggle. This has caused speculation that the industry is in a death spiral in India. One reason for this slowing down is that automation is replacing human capital. This affects the services being offered by these […]

Automation to cause huge job loss in IT sector

Automation to cause huge job loss in IT sector

There has been some worrying news on the side of the economy which has remained confined to the business newspapers. It concerns India’s large information technology and software industry and companies like Infosys, TCS and Wipro. These firms, which were expanding quickly for the last two decades, have all slowed down.

They are now growing at single digits annually and even that is a struggle. This has caused speculation that the industry is in a death spiral in India. One reason for this slowing down is that automation is replacing human capital. This affects the services being offered by these […]

India’s IT industry & automation angst

India’s IT industry & automation angst

Aakar Patel Automation is coming upon us more rapidly than most of us imagine… Even if India’s IT companies are able to retain their market share of software work, it is going to be automated, meaning requiring less employees. There has been some worrying news on the side of the economy which has remained confined to the business newspapers. It concerns India’s large information technology and software industry and companies like Infosys, TCS and Wipro. These firms, which were expanding quickly for the last two decades, have all slowed down.

They are now growing at single digits annually and even […]

Alarming speculations

Alarming speculations

The writer is the editor and translator of Why I write: Essays by Saadat Hasan Manto, published by Westland in 2014. His book, India, Low Trust Society, will be published by Random House. He is Executive Director of Amnesty International India. The views expressed here are his own. aakar.patel@tribune.com.pk There has been some worrying news on the side of the economy which has remained confined to the business newspapers. It concerns India’s large information technology and software industry and companies like Infosys, TCS and Wipro. These firms, which were expanding quickly for the last two decades, have all slowed […]

Should we really be concerned with automation overtaking human jobs?

Should we really be concerned with automation overtaking human jobs?

The Henn-na hotel opened its doors to the public last year, and is yet to pay its receptionist staff a single penny in salary. How have they gotten away with this? Well, as it turns out, velociraptors dressed in bow ties and bellhop hats will work for you for free. More accurately, though, it’s because 90 percent of the hotel staff are robots.

As automation technology continues to proliferate almost all areas of work, concerns have begun to surface over the security of human jobs. The Henn-na hotel is a prime example of this — rooms cost just £36 per […]

Threat Response Automation: The Next Frontier for Cybersecurity

Threat Response Automation: The Next Frontier for Cybersecurity



Reprints Comment Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Google+ Over the last couple of years, software and machines are taking up an increasingly large part of our lives. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), new applications previously considered as science fiction are now possible, such as computerized diagnosticians, automated lawyers and autonomous vehicles. The cybersecurity field is going through a similar transition.Roughly speaking, we could divide cybersecurity software evolution into two waves. The first wave was dominated by rule-based deterministic solutions. A classic example is the firewall. Firewalls […]

Rise of the automatons: Mary Lacity’s latest book tackles service automation in modern industries

Rise of the automatons: Mary Lacity’s latest book tackles service automation in modern industries

Mary Lacity, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at UMSL, researches how robots and humans intersect in the workforce. (Photo by August Jennewein) The exploration of how technology can spell promise or peril for mankind is a common trope in science fiction narratives such as “ Star Trek ,” “ Blade Runner ” and “ The Matrix .”

Each series presents far-fetched story lines where human beings battle against sentient artificial intelligence bent on usurping mankind’s place in the world. Co-authored with Leslie P. Willcocks, Mary Lacity’s latest book makes arguments for the efficacy of utilizing robots in industry and […]

The 3 Ways Work Can Be Automated

The 3 Ways Work Can Be Automated

We are at an interesting tipping point regarding how and where work gets done. As business leaders and managers, we have become increasingly capable of engaging a workforce that is some combination of virtual and on site, part time and full time, permanent and contingent. But just when we’ve sorted out preferred management routines, there is an entirely new landscape emerging with technology options central to the work and possibly your business model: work automation. How, when, and where should leaders be thinking about applying the various automation technologies to their businesses?

There are currently three technological enablers of work […]