New report says physical and ‘predictable’ jobs are at risk of automation; AI experts respond

New report says physical and 'predictable' jobs are at risk of automation; AI experts respond

Image: With robots helping in hospitals, schools, restaurants, and even on cruise ships, it seems that there are few industries that won’t feel the impact of automation. But whether human jobs will be replaced by machines is still a complex question, and it is still too early to know how human jobs will be impacted in the age of AI.

A new report released by McKinsey & Co. on Friday attempts to shed more light on the issue. The key takeaway? "Predictable" jobs are most at risk of becoming automated.

The report , which draws from data from the US […]

The Workplace of the Future

The Workplace of the Future

The Barbarian Group’s ‘Superdesk’ | Source: Courtesy There are few sectors of the economy that offer as wide and interesting a range of career opportunities as fashion. For more careers content or to browse current job opportunities in fashion, visit BoF Careers .

LONDON, United Kingdom — The way we work is changing. Many of us have experienced working in big offices, in cubicles, under fluorescent lighting and at the same desk and computer every day. However, several key trends are leading up to a shift in the way people communicate, collaborate and work.

Economic shifts are redistributing power, […]

Automation can create jobs if you are willing to learn

Automation can create jobs if you are willing to learn

Teachers will become bots, BPO workers will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence software, cars will be driverless. The recent reports of robots taking over jobs are alarming for many employees and job-seekers . What will happen to the teeming graduates coming out of our colleges? According to HfS Research, 640,000 IT workers in India engaged in low-level tasks won’t be replaced by machines.

But 10 categories of professionals including cashiers, drivers, factory workers and journalists will be wiped out. Teachers will become bots, BPO workers will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence software, cars will be driverless.

Would you need a human […]

Robots in the Workforce: Automation Is a New Era for Engineers

Robots in the Workforce: Automation Is a New Era for Engineers

Welcome, Future Engineer. Currently, creative engineers are forced to build geometry in CAD systems to assess the viability of design ideas. In the future, their time will be better spent analyzing and constructing the problem statement, so computers can generate new geometric options and help engineers iterate faster. As a result, the scope of problems will increase, creating new challenges and opportunities.

An example is SpaceX, which successfully landed two rockets on a boat this year (after five failed attempts). What if, at the beginning of the process, the engineers had fed project parameters into a generative-design tool ? And […]

How to automate work life in the virtual economy without compromising on quality

How to automate work life in the virtual economy without compromising on quality

iStockphoto Lately, new age virtually driven businesses have become all the rage. Everyone is talking about them.

But automation has nothing to do with being lazy, careless, or complacent. You can never fully automate everything, and even if you could — you should not. Nor does talk of a virtual economy immediately link to the cliche of a cheap, low-quality workforce in emerging economies desperate for dollars.

It’s unfortunate that some continue to focus on this narrative.Not long ago, people used to believe that to be successful, you had to have a swarm of employees and a swank brick-and-mortar office in […]

Automation and the Workforce [on hold]

Automation and the Workforce [on hold]

Throughout history, automation has had an enormous effect on the workforce, allowing fewer workers to do more, increasing efficiency. Robots were first used in the transportation equipment, chemical, and metal industries, leading to an increase in both total factory productivity and wages. The use of robots also increased labor productivity and value added from labor; in other words, each human worker was more productive and added more value to the economy than before the implementation of industrial robots. These gains in productivity and efficiency are huge economic drivers for automation. With basic automation of software development and testing coming […]

How digital manufacturing will shift production from the factory to your kitchen table

How digital manufacturing will shift production from the factory to your kitchen table

With the rapid pace of technological innovation, the need for greater market responsiveness, and the rising cost of labor in nearly all economies, many companies are revisiting age-old manufacturing strategies. They recognize there is a growing need to introduce innovative products faster to meet customer demands while maintaining aggressive cost and quality objectives. Traditional manufacturing approaches can no longer keep pace with this dynamic new consumer-driven age. Meeting these demands will instead require a complete reinvention to how we approach manufacturing, and this reinvention will need to unfold on a scale that amounts to a new industrial revolution. Welcome […]

Growth no longer means jobs: Inflexible labour laws, rapid technological change have caused employment generation to stall

Growth no longer means jobs: Inflexible labour laws, rapid technological change have caused employment generation to stall

Where are the jobs? This is the question Prime Minister Narendra Modi is repeatedly asked by his political opponents. One answer he has given recently in media interviews is that the jobs that are being created are invisible in the statistics: loans from the Mudra Bank are enabling self-employment, and as these micro businesses grow, they will add employees, one or two at a time. Hopefully, they will ultimately create millions of jobs in an economy that is releasing one million youth every month into the job market.

While creating a nation of micro-entrepreneurs is better than doing nothing, there […]

If automation is the future, what comes next?

If automation is the future, what comes next?

Tanner Mirrlees Instead of hiring workers, many companies are employing new technology. No job seems safe from automation.

The factories of the world are filled with gigantic robotic arms programmed to put together everything from BMV luxury automobiles to Apple iPhones. Assembly lines are working with fewer blue collars.

Distribution warehouses, like those run by, employ robotic dollies to fill and carry shelves of books and beauty accessories to the small human workforce that packs these goods into the boxes mailed to our doors.Customer service is being designed away by user-friendly interfaces that shift tasks once done by paid workers […]

Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

Automation will not just hit IT but these 10 jobs, too. Are you part of any?

With land, machinery, chemicals and seeds becoming expensive and technology providing cost-effective labour solutions, the days of the individual farmers are numbered. Automation has everyone on the edge. According to a recent report by US-based research firm ‘HfS Research’, India’s IT services industry, which employs around 3.7 million people, will lose 6.4 lakh jobs to automation in the next five years.

The report further adds that the IT industry worldwide would see a net decrease of 9% in headcount, or about 1.4 million jobs, with countries such as the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States also taking hits […]