Why the U.S. Fails at Worker Training

Why the U.S. Fails at Worker Training

Lilli CarreĢ When asked about Donald Trump’s June 2017 executive order calling for the expansion of apprenticeships, Anthony Carnevale says it’s just “good PR.”

Carnevale—the research professor and director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce —believes the high costs of apprenticeships and the U.S.’s dark past with job training will stymie the effort, which aims to help people find jobs in an economy that is rapidly changing primarily because of technological advances. According to Carnevale, apprenticeships—in which aspiring workers learn a trade from a skilled employer in exchange for low wages—can be extremely expensive. The high […]

Data skills could improve employment options as AI accelerates

Data skills could improve employment options as AI accelerates

Data sharing and data within digital literacy were among the subjects addressed by expert witnesses during the second House of Lords select committee hearing on artificial intelligence ( AI ). Watch out – artificial intelligence (AI) is going to steal your job!

Access the latest thinking in AI and machine learning, and look at how these technologies could help your IT department

By submitting your personal information, you agree that TechTarget and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers.You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and […]

Crises and Automation

(The Artificial Fabrication of Arbitrary Value, Price, and Wage Across Post-Industrial, Post-Modern Capitalism)

According to Friedrich Engels, Anti-Duhring , “the only value known in economics is the value of commodities”. 1 Commodities are products produced, not for individual consumption by their producers, but products produced for general public consumption. The value of a commodity, according to Engels, is determined via comparison with other commodities, namely, “they can be…said to be equal or unequal [with other commodities], according to the quantity of [general human] labor embodied in each”. 2

As a result, for Engels, “social conditions remaining the same, two equal […]

From Post-it Notes To Algorithms: How Automation Is Changing Legal Work

From Post-it Notes To Algorithms: How Automation Is Changing Legal Work

View Slideshow 1 of 2 Kellie Tiller was a contract attorney doing e-discovery after she graduated from the Massachusetts School of Law. Now she is a public defender.

This is part of an occasional series: Is My Job Safe? These stories look at jobs that might be at risk because of technology and automation.

Shannon Capone Kirk’s first job as a young lawyer in the late ’90s was "document review."It meant "spending weeks upon weeks in either a warehouse or a conference room flipping through bankers boxes and reading paper documents," says Kirk, who now runs the electronic […]

A not so brave new world

The industrialized world has dealt with automation and labor-saving devices for centuries. Industrialization itself is the product of early labor-saving devices — the steam engine and machine tools such as the milling machine. Machines have become more sophisticated since then, but automation has largely supplanted the crudest forms of labor — pure muscle — and posed a limited threat to “creative” workers or intellectuals. That is about to change.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been recognized as one of the most important developments of the postindustrial era, a source of extraordinary opportunities for business and individuals. In the most rhapsodic versions, […]

Brave new world

Brave new world

Jason Kaplan Cascades tissue factory, Scappoose

Manufacturers grapple with automation.

In an industrial park on the outskirts of Portland, a small team of engineers are putting the final touches on an elaborate machine they have just built. The machine makes liners for bicycle helmets that are designed to protect against brain injury.Michael Bottlang, director of the Legacy Biomechanics Laboratory in Portland, spent more than 10 years researching and developing the new product, known as WaveCel. He also helped design the new machine that will mass produce the liners. Michael Bottlang Bottlang’s team is still refining and optimizing the machine, […]

Workers Displaced by Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver

Workers Displaced by Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver

Getty Images Sooner or later, the US will face mounting job losses due to advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Automation has emerged as a bigger threat to American jobs than globalization or immigration combined. A 2015 report from Ball State University attributed 87 percent of recent manufacturing job losses to automation. Soon enough, the number of truck and taxi drivers, postal workers, and warehouse clerks will shrink. What will the 60 percent of the population that lacks a college degree do? How will this vulnerable part of the workforce find both an income and the sense of […]

How Automation in Africa Will Affect the Skills Needs of Employers

How Automation in Africa Will Affect the Skills Needs of Employers

By Naomi Simiyu and Audrey Cheng

Most children entering primary school right now will work in jobs that don’t exist today. According to the World Economic Forum this applies to 65% of all children entering primary school worldwide. The situation is even more dire in Africa where 80% of people between ages 20 and 30 will work in positions that do not exist today . African economies can adapt by focusing on lifelong learning in technical, cognitive and social/behavioural skills that youth need for a technologically advanced world—now and for the future.

An Increasingly Automated Africa It is estimated […]

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income – is Britain ready?

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income - is Britain ready?

The concept of universal basic income – an unconditional payment for all in a society – is one that goes back centuries, but what are the main arguments in its favour? 1. Automation

As more and more jobs become automated – that is they are done by machines rather than humans – the main benefiters will be those who own the machines while human workers will face mass unemployment. Why pay staff to serve tables in restaurants when it becomes cheap enough for robots to do the same job and not get tired? Why pay cab drivers when […]

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income – is Britain ready?

7 reasons in favour of universal basic income - is Britain ready?

The concept of universal basic income – an unconditional payment for all in a society – is one that goes back centuries, but what are the main arguments in its favour? 1. Automation

As more and more jobs become automated – that is they are done by machines rather than humans – the main benefiters will be those who own the machines while human workers will face mass unemployment. Why pay staff to serve tables in restaurants when it becomes cheap enough for robots to do the same job and not get tired? Why pay cab drivers when […]